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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Back to work and staying on with Gov't. Interesting. I assumed he would retire at the next election. I wonder if this means that Bowman will be running for the leadership of the Provincial PCs now?
  2. There was and is a whole lot of alt-right talking points being pushed. It's not hard to find.
  3. Is this report from four years ago?
  4. It's going to be a Lapo offense, so there's little risk. I think you need someone there to lead by example and, although I don't think Davis is a starter, I do agree that he's a good back-up. Can still start someone else and keep a development QB on the practice roster.
  5. Bone spurs are real. Where was his golf cart? Yes, I've seen another recent video. Yikes But, they're arresting, openly and publicly, those that were involved in the terrorist attack. I'm hopeful that this will dissuade other weekend warriors to stay home. Ultimately, they're dumb and lazy anyhow.
  6. As I reflect on the attempted coup the other day, I keep coming back to these thoughts... For a coup, that Trump told his followers was coming and invited them for ages, so few actually showed up. I mean, the Goldeyes get more people out for a weeknight game. How pathetic. For such a small group, how did they manage to "overwhelm" the police that we there? It's scary to think what might have happened if a larger group of MAGAts were actually there.
  7. It's a low risk signing because you know what you're getting. You can hope that someone else will beat him out in training camp. Lapo knows him, so that works in his favour. .... They will be trying to sell Grey Cup tickets this spring for the Hammer. Was going to go to Regina last year before something happened... can't remember what... but would you risk buying tickets not knowing if you'll have the vaccine?
  8. I'm saying that they don't discuss family business in public, capisce?
  9. They could impeach him today, if they chose to. Pelosi needs to stop clutching her pearls and do something. But, in typical Pelosi fashion, she'll wait until it's too late and then get something done. This whole scenario is pretty bad. No way that Pelosi should be allowed to discuss the situation and suggest limiting the President. There is a constitution and remedies to remove him from office. She can certainly ask the question but a actual discussion should never happen. What happens in two years if the GOP retakes the Senate and decides that Biden is too old and want the codes taken from him?
  10. Canadian Mafia. All of them are the reason.
  11. Yeah, it was just fresh in mind after reading Naylor's article. https://www.tsn.ca/dave-naylor-a-fix-for-the-cfl-s-free-agency-problem-1.1574382
  12. Another great signing! It's the Jeff-ends that will bring opposing QBs to tears! I hate these one year deals though.
  13. All the top CPC are clowns, including the MP from Oklahoma.
  14. Oh, no. He was such a character and successful manager. RIP, Tommy.
  15. Don't worry, she's a successful litigator and should be able to defend herself against this lawsuit. Haha, just kidding, they're all ****ed. If only he had read the briefings (or could understand those that were read to him), he might actually be useful to Putin. As is, he's only useful as a trophy.
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