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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    She doesn't own her back catalogue, though, correct?
  2. They not only want the choice for their own body, which they've ALWAYS had, but they also want to impose their choice on everyone else and put everyone else at risk. The worst people.
  3. That's hilarious. The whole convoy is just a hilarious self-own. They don't understand the basics of how our gov't functions. To say that they were just a bunch of ignorant racists probably does a disservice to the level of ineptitude of this klan.
  4. Dumb and dumber. Both would make HORRIFIC PMs.
  5. These are the same Nazi a**holes that went on another magical fascist ride a couple years ago. They didn't even change their flags.
  6. JCon


    Friend of family... Retired parents go to Mexico for winter. Didn't qualify for second dose before leaving (don't know why) but gets sick with an appendicitis, goes to hospital. They do a blood test and there are no Covid vaccine antibodies left. I'm not sure the timeline between their second dose and the test but that's a bit disturbing, no? No vaccine antibodies left and that would be around 6 months, longest, since the second dose.
  7. Ironic that we need vaccine mandates because we have so many selfish, self-centered, d-bags. If everyone acted responsibly and respectfully of others, "mandates" would disappear.
  8. JCon


    Cyborg enhancements? I wish! Give me the Gates-Soros-5G enhancements. And, unlike most Microsoft upgrades, this one is free!
  9. They got all upset about Papa Trudeau telling them what to do about oil, even though they benefitted from the billions the Feds have pumped into the oil sector. They don't want the Feds in their business. But, at the same time, they're upset with JT because he won't force other jurisdictions to build a pipeline. They somehow want the Feds to tell everyone else what to do. They talk out of both sides of their asses. They're arguments breakdown as soon as you examine them.
  10. I don't have a problem converting some of the City owned golf courses into greenspace/parks for everyone. I don't like the idea of turning them over to developers. But, Blumberg is not even in Winnipeg! It's probably time to turn that over. Totally bizarre that they did a RFP, got bids, picked one and now won't sell. They should sell it and use the proceeds to make some capital improvements to our parks. I can't believe that (or can I?) that the mayor could not fix our property department and repair the damage done by Katz during his tenure. Bowman's legacy is one of utter failure to accomplish anything.
  11. The "grain" company is just a real estate company now. Heather's dad did development in East St. Paul.
  12. He's just misunderstood. His teammates hate him, the casinos hate him and almost anyone who comes in contact with him hates him but he's misunderstood.
  13. I think it's defunct or has been bought out. That was a long-time family real estate business for the McDonald family.
  14. No way Saskatoon can support an NHL team. Not even close. QC might be able to. This team is moving to Houston. It's just a long slow process, like everything else in the NHL, to get them there. The NHL is so doomed.
  15. The Venn Diagram is just one big, overlapping circle.
  16. Lauther is not getting to FA, Don't be ridiculous. Only way he does is if the Riders think that they have better options and they don't.
  17. She's lived a pretty sheltered life. Both her and her husband are/were financial investment advisors, although Wellington West was fined for not supervising her dodgy trades. She can't even manage that!
  18. Link's not working for me, iHeart.
  19. Have you seen her place in Tuxedo? Whoa baby, she's not mixing with us plebs, that's for sure.
  20. Not even 1 in 10. There are less than 200 tractors involved. The biggest, whiniest, baby fascists are getting more attention than they deserve. But, look at the CPCs rushing to side with them? Never forget that when a Con comes knocking on your door, asking you to vote for them.
  21. JCon


    Let's stop pretending that the convoy has anything to do with Covid. These are white supremacists that are using very limited restrictions as a platform to spread hate and promote fascism. Truckers, on a regular basis, face farrrr more restrictions and incursions into their personal "freedoms" than a vaccine mandate.
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