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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. Every time Mulcair speaks he just sounds so forced, contrived almost like even he doesn't believe what he's saying. Goodbye to him and good riddance to the Manitoba NDP's.
  2. He goes around targeting players and that makes him dangerous on the ice, no respect for other players.
  3. Hawerchuk can here as a 18 year old and put this franchise on his back. Us old timers memory may be fading but there's no comparison between the two as far a being a Jet is concerned. For me Temmu had a great rookie season that took the city over, but Selanne will always be know as a Anaheim Duck.
  4. True North will never issue #10 just a courtesy to the best NHL jet. As for Hull simply put No Bobby Hull no WHA, no WHA no Jets 1.0 in the NHL. As for Hull his reputation is spotty at best, not the nicest person in the world but time has mellowed him. I wonder if his ex wife still has shards of glass in her @#$
  5. Just another bad management move on a player they knew brought nothing to the table.
  6. Payroll is lower this season than the two before, right at MLB average. Nice of MLB to schedule the Jays ALDS home games during weekday afternoons so nobody can watch. Nobody cares about the Blue Jays in the States, ratings in Canada mean nothing to american broadcasters
  7. So they were screwing around the whole year, is that what they call being a bad football team in bomberland
  8. TSN's target audience is Southern Ontario rest of Canada need not apply
  9. Yep 6 mil a year sounds about right
  10. Nobody will sign Buff for 8 years and i don't see the Jets offering that either
  11. In the end it's all about managing your roster, who you can send down, who you can waive and lose, who you can trade. Lipon will get his chance this year but he is the odd man out. Things can change though until the rosters are set we won't know for sure.
  12. If he is we have more than enough to replace him, but think we should still wait and see what he does in the first half of the season
  13. I'm going a disagree a little here, i thought in the last 2 games he showed glimpses of what he's going to be as a player. Good skater, goes into the corners and solid defensively. He still holds on to the puck way to much and will never be a top flight scorer in the NHL but on this team he will play on the third line and penalty kill.
  14. The reason we lost was their kicker came in cold and hit a 53 yard field goal, everything before that doesn't matter
  15. To be clear this guy was hell bent on killing people and all his guns were legally obtained, just another ticking time bomb.The U.S. will never change their gun laws way to many people against it and will continue to have there episodes, there are people down there that think they still live in the wild west. American leaders are also the first to condemn killings around the world yet i don't think they realize how many people are killed by guns everyday in the U.S,
  16. Just when your ready to anoint Calgary world beaters they throw this one at you.
  17. Senators called True North looking for help, police escort is provided to get buses threw rush hour traffic, Senators will be billed, why is this a story. I tell you why because we have a bunch of fools running this city, these morons couldn't run a water stand in the desert. Hey Eadie it's called a professional courtesy stick to snow clearing and garbage pick up.
  18. I bet Raffl didn't know who Bollig was and maybe that's a good thing, fighting is the only that keeps guys like him, Peluso, Gazdic,and Scott in the league, but Goalie is right that designated fighters are coming to an end sooner than latter.
  19. I hope the move to BMO field is a shot in the arm that argos need to get people to come to their games. Always a party in Toronto for Grey Cup.
  20. I also think an announcement for a new contract for Ladd has to happen before the season starts. No new contract no negotiating during the season too much of a sideshow which means trade at deadline no mater if the Jets are in a playoff position.
  21. if his contract is next year plus option he'll be 28 nobody in the NFL is looking for a 28 year old special teams player and that's all he is
  22. Yeah, at the moment he's still in NJ's camp. For that matter, so is Tlusty. The one thing that bothers me is that everyone says Peluso is the 13th man for those nights we need him. Remember when that was Thorburn's job? Pretty sure that Wheeler fought more then Thorbs last year. This could be the year that we don't need a dedicated enforcer, there is a lot a team toughness with many guys that can drop the gloves if need be. Plus when was the last time Detroit or Chicago had a dedicated enforcer sure hasn't stopped Chicago from winning Stanley Cups.
  23. Rather have Stempniak on a one way, but really if we are going to keep Petan and Ehlers which i think we should, than there is no need for him on a 1 way contract.
  24. one of the players of the month and a badass to boot. Congrats Jamaal a true bright spot in a overall bleak year
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