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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. Even with Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina Trumpcan'tcount doesn't have enough to win 264, Biden needs to hold on to Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, that gives him 270 and the win, of course Trump has already claimed victory so lawyers are rubbing their hands in sheer delight
  2. I would like to see if Biden can come back in Pennsylvania with all those mail in votes yet to be counted, the more Electoral Votes that Biden can get the better.
  3. Trump tweeting that he is up big and the Democrats are trying to steal the election, wait till they count the mail in ballots later this morning and tomorrow his depends are going to explode
  4. You would think that 65% plus would be votes for Biden yes/no
  5. Over on MSNBC some guy just said that there are over 2m mail in ballots that still need to be counted in Pennsylvania
  6. Arizona is a big pick up for Biden, he might even win Idaho, makes his path a little easier but he needs Wisconsin and Michigan
  7. This election wont be decided tonight, Democrats are not going to win this overwhelmingly if they win this at all, questions will be a plenty on how they could lose to a person like Donald Trump again.
  8. Blanche and his fainting couch wins
  9. Hickenlooper takes Gardner's Senate seat, that's plus 1 for the Dems
  10. Biden doing well in Ohio and North Carolina, again Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are the key to winning everything else is gravy
  11. Trump will win Florida, but Biden very competitive in Texas
  12. In all probability Trump will lose Pennsylvania so lets see if Cohen is right
  13. So who will take the bullet for this, Dejoy will probably be looking for a new place to call home after tonight
  14. There have been some really good ones this election but this one is the best imo
  15. We need to get the hospitalizations down and get all those in icu to recover, a glimmer of hope for the cases but the deaths keep happening and people are still being admitted into the hospitals
  16. NEW Last updated: November 3, 2020 Public health officials advise five additional deaths due to COVID-19 have been reported today, including: a female in her 60s from the Winnipeg health region; female in her 80s from the Winnipeg health region; a male in his 80s from the Winnipeg health region, related to an outbreak at Maples personal care home. a male in his 80s from the Winnipeg health region; and a male in his 90s from the Winnipeg health region. The current five-day COVID-19 test positivity rate is 8.6 per cent and 103 new cases of the virus have been identified as of 9:30 a.m. However, a case was removed as it was from out of province. This brings the total net new cases today to 102 and number of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba to 6,377. The test positivity rate in Winnipeg is 9.3 per cent. Officials advise this number does not reflect the situation in other parts of the province, as cases continue to be identified outside Winnipeg. Today’s data shows: 13 cases in the Interlake-Eastern health region; 12 cases in the Northern health region; two cases in the Prairie Mountain Health region; 15 cases in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region; and 61cases in the Winnipeg health region. The data also shows: 3,495 active cases and 2,797 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19; there are 130 people in hospital and 20 people in intensive care; and the number of deaths due to COVID-19 is 85. Laboratory testing numbers show 2,410 tests were completed yesterday, bringing the total number of lab tests completed since early February to 265,264. Case investigations continue and if a public health risk is identified, the public will be notified.
  17. If Biden wins Florida which we should know the results pretty quickly and North Carolina and Georgia fall in line then I see a huge blue wave that will devastate the GOP
  18. Trump sounds defeated this morning lashing out at Fox news, and sounding like he didn't take his morning meds, maybe he is making oversea travel plans
  19. The only thing I'm sure of it that Biden is going to win the popular vote big, double maybe more than what Clinton did, does he win Florida or Texas either means he is President, Winning Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania also does the trick. Many are saying that Biden will win Georgia, that would be something,
  20. Going to be an interesting day
  21. What country allows certain States to allow people to go around with guns in hand during an election, I'm sorry but I can't get my head around the fact that wannabe Navy Seals are going to be at election locations gunned up looking like they need to take a dump, so easy so one of they to get a little trigger happy and then we get to hear the thought and prayers shtick.
  22. Pete has a hell of future in politics, he has had a great week on social media
  23. Yup unfortunate but this is going to be what we get for the next few weeks in terms of cases and then hopefully they start to go down, but that's not a given because of how entrenched the virus became in our care homes and hospitals
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