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Everything posted by bustamente

  1. I would like to congratulate the Als for showing up to their butt kicking
  2. No doubt it burns him that he never won the big one
  3. Have I mentioned that I really like the away jersey's
  4. I may be wrong but Nielson is longer employed by TSN and is a hired pbp gun when they need him.
  5. Schoen will be out there with a walking boot on as a decoy and the Als will still cover him
  6. Life is good when you don't watch any of the pre game **** on tv, just tune into kick off watch the Bombers win get the trophy and call it a night.
  7. There work with Habitat for Humanity is legendary.
  8. Game will be won or lost in the trenches, if the Bombers O line handles the Als D line it's game over, Brady will run them over and ZC will pick them apart
  9. We will defer go against the wind and kick off, it's the Bomber way
  10. Looks like the weather will be not to bad for the middle of November in Southern Ontario.
  11. Nothing wrong with Brady having the dream of playing in the NFL but he also has to be truthful to himself and his chances of actually making onto a roster at 27 are slim to none.
  12. Brady is a great CFL RB, but in the NFL he is a dime a dozen, every team has a Brady on their practice roster.
  13. Dubois got injured last night and they are just waiting on results to see if he can play tomorrow night
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