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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. These are better play calls on this drive. Now run it.
  2. Seems like some thing is hurting him.
  3. Stanback is also a much better blocker. I'd take a true rookie over croptop. I wouldn't waste any time on a big back who will not run tough and puts no effort into blocking.
  4. Wilder is the least reliable back in the league and the biggest head case. This year standback is the best and in 19 he was just behind Harris.
  5. I like a guy who let's his wrs make plays. But vaj looks like he's max effort in his delivery when he shouldn't be.
  6. Stanbeck is the anti wilder. I like that Calgary is just rolling with this kid they believe in. Even with out bench seasoning. It's gonna be interesting to watch him progress. It's been a hot button thing in football for a few years as to if it's wasted time or not.
  7. Live by the tip you die by the tip. He's tough though. And got some arm talent.
  8. Winky is gonna be a very sought-after guy in the off season. Probably down south too. Real good toss under pressure
  9. So far these als do not look elite
  10. I watch a handful of games in the NFL. Mainly to see some teams counter strategy and tactics. Mostly rpo zone blocking etc. I used to watch a lot and watching less is definitely a good call. I watch more college stuff again. Not nearly what I used to and more fringe bowl teams. And pay through the nose no less. He ran about 200 yards for 50 on that one wow They should get alford in on the offense more that guy can scoot
  11. I watched about 10 minutes of streveler this pre season and I just can't do it. Nfl preseason is the worst football on the planet.
  12. You put it real well with Nichols. The st coach was being a royal turd on the side line. I've seen college and lower guys act like that back in the day. Doesn't fly any more especially in the pros. Even more so with fellow coaches. His teams were the worst in the league too. One time after going at another coach I saw elizondo grab him and read him the riot act last night.
  13. Maybe an error was made with demski and woli
  14. I want us to shut down wilder soo hard when we play. 63 235 and runs with zero power. Couldn't push a pile to save his life.
  15. They sure didn't call holding like this on to last week
  16. The Lions secondary is full of Dave Donaldsons.
  17. That db not letting lucky go back to the ball with all that help is poor discipline
  18. Wow walker doesn't drop many How do you not flag that shot
  19. Cfl site has an article on why scoring is down. Yardage averages and percents are all on pace. They say offenses just need to gel. But the refs are putting up 200 yards a game right now. And thats huge.
  20. True. Gotta wait for the dinosaurs to age out for any hope at substantial change. I wanna see some Tony Romo xs and os in the booth. The booth Is sub John madden quality level.
  21. It's like they forgot how to protect. Or you know it's like bc has a lousy ol. Right. Those box mid game interviews are awful.
  22. I fault plop. He could've been the no2 here too. The under use and poor use of great talent pisses me off. Is the cfl gonna step in about the crop top by the time we play the elk or what. Soo bush that he is getting a with it for a 3rd week. I think hladik will be a player. Most of the rest is up jumped tcf
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