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Everything posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. I had the game on but kinda tuned in and out as it really had 0 interest for me, but good golly miss molly, was every play a penalty?? for those paying better attention, how much was was from the new rules? or was this just 2 teams in week one have some discipline issues as the seasons so fresh?
  2. cromptons gonna be dubbed grease lightning out there now that he shed 5lbs of hair
  3. JR was the enthusiastic (sometimes over the top) Bob Irving of WWF/E announcing, tho had his unique southern touch to with the bagod's and slobberknockers. Jerry Lawler was pretty enthusiastic as a colour commentator which played well with JR, but man after they started watering down the attitude era with more PG friendly stuff, imo Lawler got his balls cut off. I used to chuckle when he'd ape **** for Bra and Panty matches and of course "Puppies!". Cole isnt bad but he doesnt really stand out as someone you'll think back on once his careers over. I dunno if it was him or JR before JR went onto other duties that coined "Vintage ____(wrestlers name)___ " but i hate that. I think JBL and Booker T offer ok colour commentating or just different viewpoint contributions for the broadcast, but like cole, they arent really setting new standards or guys I think once they move on you'll look back and say, i miss listening to those guys, or it'll be tough to the replace them. Perhaps JR and Lawler cast too big of a shadow, that most would seem mediocre in comparsion despite not being all that bad in their own right
  4. omg that tusk movie is on one of the movie central channels, someone has to watch this and offer up their opinion lol
  5. I think for me Razor ramon was my fav heel simply because he was easy for me to hate, I think I ate a good several dozen razors edges onto the couch courtesy of Bigg Jay as a kid even tho "I wasn't playing" lol. then we got one of those giant trampolines when they first came out (we were only kids in our neighborhood with one) and yeah. In hind site removing the padding covering the springs was our interpretation of an exposed turnbuckle?
  6. like Taylor Lautner type flips or hey look at me im a cheerleader no hand cartwheel
  7. there's plenty of kevin smith written dialog in tusk... truth be told, inlight of this convo i rewatched Dogma 2 days ago for the first time in probably like 10 years at least, still a gooder
  8. I still have a hard time imagining how the NHL would/could compete for entertainment $ in Vegas. If it was the NFL, NBA or to lesser extent MLB i could see there being larger interest but the NHL in vegas? have they had any exhibition games there or anything to even gauge the market?
  9. that looks like an ugly baby dolph ziggler and lana would have in todays wwe
  10. I dont think i'll be a fan either. Unless they go Spider-Man 2099 styles (and similar to Batman Beyond) where its not so much the person, but the suit thats the source to the superhero like abilities. Other then a few alternates like Spider-Woman and Spider-Girl (daughter of peter and mary jane named May Parker after his aunt) they've been pretty non wavering that Peter's powers are extremely unique and not easily duplicated or attainable. Its not like its the Green lantern that can pass off the torch from one person to the next because it's the ring and the lantern that gift the chosen people their powers like Hal Jordan then John Stewart
  11. I remember the patriot getting over, i just didnt like the character, john cena in a mask reminds me of someone who belonged in this old classic as for dude love, i just didnt like the hippy-ness. Cactus Jack and Mankind were pretty good characters on their own, just too goofy imo vs
  12. it was a good thing they put the rock in nation of domination too, his character as Rocky Maivia was lame
  13. oh man worst gimmicks, the patriot duke the dumpster droese bastian booger Dude Love (sorry Foley) TugBoat
  14. lol wow that was a lot bigger then i thought itd be
  15. what was his finisher... the shocker?
  16. a character I didnt like, was doink the clown. But I think Dink gave him some legitimacy lol
  17. Id like to change my 2nd, i think the release of Kuale was bigger then signing Chung,
  18. in watching i starting thinking back to the WWF vs WCW days and one of my fav all time bits was; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ann0lZt_fHw "dont call me brother...brother"
  19. its like the illegitimate love child between destro and a storm trooper doing a dr claw impression
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVubN38Qqig i dont recall big show ever using this as a finisher, it's at about the 1:07 mark also, man would I have liked to be chyna in this vid lol
  21. you can do list any company thats your fav, im interested to see what peoples fav finishers and moments are and youtube them if im unfamiliar
  22. I just youtube watched that mankind/taker hell in a cell match a little while ago, that was definitely a top Holy S*** match, man can Mick Foley take punishment
  23. Since I enjoyed the old time wrestling talk figured it needed its own thread, was thinking of a top 10 kinda thing; 1. Fav Wrestler: 2. Fav. Character: 3. Fav. Face: 4. Fav. Heel: 5. Fav Finisher 6. Fav. Tag Team: 7. Fav Moment: 8. Fav guy on the stick: 9. Fav foreign object: 10: fav catch Phrase: For me Ive pretty much always been a WWF/WWE fan since the 80-90's so it'll probably be heavy with 90's WWE or attitude era, anyways; 1. wrestler: Bret Hart (strictly wrestling ability) 2. character: Papa Shango 3. Face: I dunno if you'd necessarily call him a "face" but Stone cold was always one you could cheer for 4. Heel: Razor Ramon god was he greasy lol that toothpick flick was the best slap in the face ever. I was one of those marks that cheered for the 1-2-3 kid when he beat him 5. Finisher: Ahmed Johnson's Pearl River Plunge (i thought it was called a tiger power bomb or something?) or Mr. Kenndy (now known as Mr. Anderson in TNA)'s top rope move that he put guy on his shoulders then flipped - he doesnt do it anymore tho cuz it really messed up his neck. 6. Tag Team: Legion of Doom as a kid, it was like demolition but cooler to me cuz they wore shoulder pads with BIG spikes, not S & M attire lol 7. Moment: I would have to say watching Shawn Michaels super kick Marty Jannetty thru the barb shop window was what turned me onto wrestling that was mind blowing at my age 8. Talker: tbh I think the rock has made me laugh more then anyone for as long as i can remember 9. Foreign Object: I miss the trash cans 10. Catch Phrase: when it first came out, again going with the rock, when he would interrupt with "it doesnt matter what you think" was like the verbal toothpick flick, or telling people to shut their mouth and know their role.
  24. i agree, i think same could be said for Ottawa (though i dont think they've done as well as Walters) but it takes a few years of piecing the right pieces or at least solid enough pieces that it wont fall apart upon first crack. much easier to build around a solid core then to create the core. I'd give the bombers and redblack both N/A's at this point, but a mid season report card could be a lot more accurate
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