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Everything posted by Geebrr

  1. They are the only ones who do work in the community for sure.
  2. Maybe Brady will tell him that he would have given an interview to Bob Irving after he wins the Cup Sunday running all over the Als.
  3. George Reed is a legend no doubt. Associating a roughrider with anything outstanding is awkward. They are a miserable franchise that has sucked for basically their entire existence.
  4. MBT in 2022 - 67% completion 23 TDs 15 INT 4731 yards Kelly in 2023- 69% 23 TDs 12 INT 4123 yards MBT was getting called a bad QB
  5. @DTonOB notoriously disrespects the RB position.
  6. Should have been “do you know who my Uncle is?” Intolerable bullshit either way. He was never going to live in Regina. I actually want him to be a quality QB. This stuff is embarrassing though.
  7. Are they an 8 win in a row team? I don’t think so. I honestly don’t think it matters who we are playing Sunday. This team is not leaving without the Cup.
  8. Nothing to do with him playing to his stupid base. Our defence has been better in basically every possible way. Also coming off a 9 sack 2 interception game. So of course their defence will be more impactful because Chad Kelly made incomprehensibly terrible throws. Fajardo is an interception and or sack waiting to happen.
  9. If he was already going to another team Walters shouldn’t be anywhere near negotiations. Fortunately, that rumour never made sense and he will be back.
  10. That 1993 team would have beat the piss out of Edmonton if Dunigan was playing.
  11. It was a penalty but Adams sold it hard. He won’t do it again.
  12. I had the exact same thought the other day. Pierce was better than Fajardo- but other than that.
  13. I wouldn’t have wanted to be better. 14-4 and having to play meaningful football late into the season is perfect.
  14. If you were a Gapper fan you could watch them in half an afternoon. They are truly the worst franchise to ever exist
  15. CFL history. MOS is already a HOF coach He should get two CFLHOF head busts.
  16. MOS isn’t really an offer up information type of guy. For him to say anything at all is very telling.
  17. https://3downnation.com/2023/11/14/mike-oshea-expects-kyle-walters-to-return-as-winnipeg-blue-bombers-gm-in-2024/ Guess MOS hasn’t heard the rumours.
  18. You can definitely feel a pop in a calf strain.
  19. FYI - they edited the article now. Trust that it was originally wrong and they either saw this post - or were told on social media.
  20. https://3downnation.com/2023/11/13/fit-check-winnipeg-blue-bombers-montreal-alouettes-set-uniforms-for-110th-grey-cup/ “Coincidentally, Montreal wore their white away jerseys when they hosted the Blue Bombers during the regular season on Canada Day, losing by a score of 17-3.” ”Coincidentally” no they didn’t. If you’re going to post an article about it at least do any research, 3DN. 🙄
  21. He got beat to the sidelines and up the field by Tommy Stevens. He is slow as molasses
  22. We are just going to win. I don’t care about all the other bullshit that goes with it. At the end of the day we will be raising the Cup.
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