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Everything posted by iHeart

  1. even if we don't get Matthews, I hope we get Tkachuk (because we lost out on Domi)
  2. I haven't posted here in awhile, did something change on the home page?
  3. what a boring trade deadline, all that has happened so far is that a penguin is going to the yotes, and Pardy is now an Oiler
  4. so if the BH's win the cup we get Ladd back? or is it the other way around with the Conn Smythe?
  5. it's supposed to be a rental deal, which means there is a very faint possibility that we could get ladd back. (he's in Chicago til the playoffs are over) still I don't see that working out really
  6. so we're basically going to be captain-less?
  7. well since Wheeler wore the A he'll probably be wearing the C
  8. I'm confused which ones are the good ole jets and which ones are the bad ole jets? #Ehlers!
  9. geez it Frosty, I know the jets have had a bad last few games but our jets aren't bad
  10. God I can't wait til next season, when Lemieux will be playing for us, Pav will be better, Clitsome either playing for us or traded at this rate (Ugh why did Stempniak have to go?)
  11. Hutch is starting today? how did I miss that? EDIT: It's Hellebuyck starting
  12. okay you don't expect him to be a superstar overnight like Crosby. He's still in his first year here, he can't score every game.
  13. oh and a little off topic here Rich, are you aware that the chat is broken?
  14. yeah well as soon as Pav is better, Connor will be back on the moose, even with Helle's streak, it sometimes feels like his talents are wasted in the AHL. But I'm not willing to part with Hutch, not unless a plan is to send him back to the moose, but both Helle and Hutch deserve better
  15. they wouldn't give up any of their guys even if we threw in Wheeler
  16. and that's bull, considering the chat is normally quiet during Jets season
  17. You know considering that both players can still score well, are they sure they want to consider trading?
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