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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. She's not wrong about drone murders- she's pretty spot on with that one. She is technically correct about the "caging of children" but it's misplaced. The difference being the issue of child separation. In Obama's case the children came to the border unaccompanied in huge numbers thus running out of room to shelter them and that sheltering is required by law: "In 2014, we saw an enormous spike compared to what usually happens every year, in the number of kids crossing alone into the United States," she said. "And we didn't have enough shelter facilities, because we had a huge increase, so kids ended up piling up in Border Patrol lock-ups, which are no places for children." What the Obama administration did, which is what the law requires, is to find shelter facilities for those kids, which were put together by the Department of Health and Human Services. So the goal was to get kids out of the Border Patrol, into proper care by HHS, and then HHS is supposed to release them to the least restrictive setting, and in more than 80% of the cases, that was their parents who were already in the United States." So the take away that both POTUS' caged kids is technically correct, so the issue that should be addressed is Family Separation as a cruel deterrent, "Though the photos are nearly identical to those from 2014, there is one key difference between them: the 2014 photos showed only children who arrived at the border unaccompanied. The 2018 photos also show families that have been separated from one another."
  2. That mayor was crazy crooked. Also- did you find out the answer to you question about the caged children under Obama? It was in the article you linked.
  3. Did you read the link you posted? The answer to your question is there.
  4. Pfft- pure anecdotal hearsay- bunk science!
  5. What? Yeah, you should provide some proof of that- cuz I would love to be able smear Obama with some evidence.
  6. They have direct evidence of obstruction. 10 counts of it I believe.
  7. Don't get worked up- it's the Barr summary in full effect.
  8. Did you read the report? Even just the summary portions of the Mueller report? Not the barr 4 page spin job.... the report. WHy just the two choices? It was in the Mueller report (the 10 points of evidence of obstruction) and no- he did not agree with Barr- at all. he even wrote a letter to barr saying as much. here it is: and you can get a canadian view on it too: https://globalnews.ca/news/5226039/full-text-of-mueller-letter-to-barr-report-summaries/ Even Barr didn't know if Mueller agreed with him, he even says it in yesterday's hearing: "I don't know whether Bob Mueller supported my conclusion," Barr replied.
  9. Rubbish? You need to check the facts. Here is an article that does a quick outline of how it holds up: https://www.lawfareblog.com/steele-dossier-retrospective
  10. Here is an article that talks about the closed door caucus meeting that leads up to that moment: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/05/02/nancy-pelosi-william-barr-lied-to-congress-1298314 of note: which is kind of worrisome.
  11. and don't forget the tiki torches.
  12. What? you can't compare the state of the USA and Canada... It almost seems you are trying very hard to tie and equate JT with trump... that would be a very failed comparison.
  13. The report showed 10 instances of obstruction. that is more than enough to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that obstruction did occur and criminal charges would normally apply and would most certainly have a guilty verdict.
  14. You should read the report, it is quite different than what the 4 page Barr summary depicts it as.
  15. About time. It's been an emergency for many decades.... finally some governments are recognizing it.
  16. Wow... on fox it's like a different universe. I'm not shocked to my core, because that's what fox does... it's just the level of dishonesty in regards to fox framing the narrative here is pretty insane- even by fox-level standards.
  17. It doesn't matter if they aren't republican senators. Wish those ******* guys would grow a spine or at least put country before party.
  18. Dude is a worse trump hack then I had originally thought... and trust me- I set that bar pretty ******* low.... and I am even surprised.
  19. WHat about the right-wing conservative media? they were just as complicit... are "Near limitless , no questions asked abortion has replaced legal but rare as a new sacred cow" for the conservatives now?
  20. That is very interesting- could you elaborate a little more please, I know very little about the suppression tactic used here. what I find fascinating in the MSM cover up claim, is that no one on the conservative-rightwing media picked it up... if both sides fail to pick up a VERY ideologically charged trail case.... that shows lack of interest and not cover up. I seriously think that the fact cameras were banned in court played a much larger role than a "leftist cover-up".
  21. But he was found guilty for murder and imprisoned. How did the media hide from that? it was covered pretty well in print. There was no tv cameras allowed in the philly courts. The media didn't cover it up- you don't think the conservative radio scene and pundits tried really hard to push the anti-abortion narrative on this one? it didn't gain much traction because there was no tv coverage. it's pretty much that simple. in the end though... Gosnell was tried, found guilty and sentenced. for murder- thank goodness. How this ends up being like what trump made abortions out to be... no clue- that dude is pure cuckoo-bananas.
  22. Cool article from Benjamin Wittes and his take on the Mueller report: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/04/ben-wittes-five-conclusions-mueller-report/588259/ it's a good deep dive into the Mueller report.
  23. I don't know if your American acquaintance is going to get the opportunity to vote for trump in 2020.
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