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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Lol yeah theyvare not going to call that... haven't you been watching? No calls are going our way... it has to be egregious.
  2. Did we just get sacked by someone hiding behind the goal post? Ffs...
  3. You know... when the oline is essentially hanging off the defensive end... you are going to complete passes... they need to really call this ****.
  4. Kenny with the **** youbto the refs and CC.
  5. Command Center should really start buying the Bombers dinner and gifts, cuz the **** us enough.
  6. Holding on the missed fg... ****.. its one of these games....
  7. I thinknit was the 100% total buy-in to team and culture that pushed him over the edge.
  8. Wait- I thought you said it was nothing and just a vet day off?
  9. Yeah, I was thinking this as well- like he is conditioning his Dline or something.
  10. So... he pulled, what is known on the 100th Meridian, a "Reverse Jefferson"?
  11. "We have zero technology as a species to bring Psyche back to Earth. And if we did, it would likely be a catastrophic mistake," Elkins-Tanton said. "Let's say we were able to actually bring Psyche back. Then it would flood the metals market, and it would literally be worth nothing," she added. "So, calculating the value of it is a fun intellectual exercise with no truth to it. We are not going there to mine an asteroid." This is the issue here... instead of mining the asteroid or bringing a good chunk back to solve the scarcity issue with metals and make it affordable for everyone... lets not try because... money. I wish a Billionaire philanthropist would go mine that asteroid and break the mineral market.
  12. I disagree. Arblows have first locked up- we don't, we are still being chased by lions and at a distance by riders... we are going full tilt on this one for the win- the arblows are not going to go full out with the playbook and will probably rest one or two guys on the injury list. Also, I would expect a 100% effort on players and scheme if it were a home game- for the fans... but yeah, I would be less inclined if it was an away game. If the roles were switched, I would limit the playbook or just show random ****, so they would have to prepare for it.
  13. @bluto already got out in front of this one. He may be correct though- If first is locked up, why tip your hand? Why not give some much needed rest for some the guys?
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