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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. The CC better start buying the Bombers dinner, before they keep ******* them like this
  2. ah FFS- going to be a long night... calls seem to going one way...
  3. Damn... 150 year celebration and the stands looks like there is a fan for every year... I kind of feel sorry... Then I remember argos suck.
  4. That Argo 150 drone sign is as sparse as the Argos stands.
  5. Ford... nice. That was pretty awesome. Ford- so good.
  6. That was a horse collar? For Pete's sake... how can anyone hate on Ford. He's such a good kid.
  7. I was literally driving down the QEW this past May... a stink hit me and I was "Whoa, WTF is that"... and as I said that, the sign "Welcome to Hamilton" came into view.
  8. I have a feeling that someone is going to successfully pull off the Antwi onside punt on us this game or in the playoffs...
  9. So... Anyone else concerned that next week is a bye week? We haven't won a game before a bye week, this year.
  10. Calling someone out for childish behaviour- then berating said poster with childish slight.
  11. So they can lie like a sociopath? I kid I kid- it's true, It is important to get kids invested early on. I try to indoctrinate my kids most occasions I get.
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