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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. Thanks for the update. I just wanted to add the breakdown:
  2. Two men in their 40's now dead... one with underlying conditions and one with out... it's funny how you get a lot more antsy when your demographic starts dying...
  3. Sen. Whitehouse is absolutely right in this. Unfortunately, the GOP has time and time again shown no remorse, honor, morals, nor sense of fairness. The GOP has routinely shown to embrace hypocrisy and dishonor in the pursuit of power.
  4. Initially I agreed with this assessment... But I think upon further review, Biden will tilt more left in a lot of his policies. I think the Biden campaign is not promoting a more progressive agenda before the election to tamp out any accusations of socialism and all that ****. Not Bernie Left, but more "right of Elizabeth Warren progressive". Regardless- it will be refreshing to get competent people in key positions again.... There is a lot to criticize on Obama. Ramping up the Drone Strike program. Handling of Flint water crisis. Mishandling of the ACA roll out SLow walking on Judicial nominees- then republicans took the senate and house and made it nearly impossible... Failure to crack down on Wall street. Don't get me wrong- he was probably the best POTUS of my life time, but still very imperfect.
  5. The belief that Russia is a hoax perpetrated by the democratic elite to sow discord and have a enemy to hate and draw from, or something like that. It's a common talking point and belief among... the left of the left... the anti-establishment progressives. Glenn Greenwald and his ilk... Kyle Kushnik and so forth...
  6. The USA doesn't need to go back "normal" - that's what spawned trump and his ilk- they need better.
  7. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-covid-pandemic-lockdown-1.5761244 I agree with this: But I also can see the point: It's a catch 22 and I would not want to be in the position of decision making for this. But, there is one silver lining here: It's really a mix-bag of nuts right now... sheesh.
  8. 95 cases in Winnipeg! Holy ****, looks like we are loosing a grip on the covid. We just had Thanksgiving, I am not looking forward to the spike in cases in ~10 days. Some more drastic measures need to be taken. I'm not advocating a lockdown, but ****- more has to be done.
  9. Anyone else find it a little premature to place someone on the SCOTUS, when they have been a judge for less than 3 years? Is this unusual? I guess it's like all of trump's appointees, cabinet, and administration- light on actual experience in the role they thrust into. I was curious to see if less than three years experience was an abnormality.
  10. I dont know if anyone is following the SCOTUS confirmation hearing, but man someone needs to ask Barrett about her comments about Garland's nomination.
  11. This a solid thread discussing how a party that caters to the elites can win elections with a widening equality gap. It also touches on where the general strategy of the GOP is taking them and the importance of narrow messaging. It's totally worth a read.
  12. It is unfortunate, but expected. If these trials didn't come up with any hiccups, I would be ver suspect in the safety of the vaccine- the large clinical trials are working as intended. A 1 in 2000 chance to develope a debilitating or fatal side effect would have devastating consequences of it slipped through the clinical trial process. Its a good thing that they are investigating these "mysterious illnesses".
  13. Oh yeah, that was a bone headed move- I remember when that was announced.... I was totally confused by the short-sightedness and stupidity of the move, then my confusion lifted when I remembered what administration we are dealing with here.
  14. I see your Cuomo and raise you a Desantis. One made a mistake at the beginning of the pandemic when little was known about the virus,; the other willfully disregards the science and endangers countless people by ignoring the pandemic and spits in the face of evidence based decision making. I know which of the two I would crown with the title of "biggest error in judgement on Covid response"
  15. I fail to see how the two are exclusive? The article is saying that herd immunity is immoral. You are saying the WHO says to stop lockdowns as primary virus control. The two statements are not mutually exclusive. You can have other systems and protocols in place and not have to chase Herd Immunity.
  16. Hey, let's follow the science.
  17. Bernie!!!! Bernie's messaging is so refined and really speaks to a lot of people- dude is amazing.
  18. So.. what category is the one that contains a spokesperson in the most powerful office in the free world that fails to condemn the "pure racists" and even equates them with antiracist protesters until the political fallout is untenable? Is that the same category that stokes racial tensions and lends legitimacy to these "pure racist"?
  19. I was referring to Charlottesville.
  20. Yeah, good point. I totally disagree with you, 100%- but I respect your opinion and I can see why you would support him if your main issue is war mongering. I am concerned with war mongering, but it is lower on my "issues list" and therefore not going to sway me from my anti-trump. I also firmly believe that if war mongering would benefit trump, he would be bombing the **** out of countries and getting the boys over there with boots on the ground, before you can say "very fine people on both sides".
  21. the fact he enables and excuses white supremacists and fosters hate for Black people is enough. Just because you haven't heard him personally denigrate and view people of Colour (many people are on record saying he slagged people of Colour) doesn't mean he is not a racist. His actions that enable and embolden hate crimes is enough to say he is a racist. He's done more for the Black community? Yeah, sure.
  22. Yeah, see that is a trick question- it's not just the policies he implemented, it's the policies he doesn't and basically the things he doesn't do. He got out of Syria, because he is owned by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. I get the fact that he is not a war monger and that is a good thing. But do you honestly think that he is anti-war? If a war would help him- he would start one with whoever, that would benefit him. If starting a war right now, would improve his chances at re-election, he would be mobilizing right now, **** congress and **** the senate and bomb the living **** out out of whatever country with "the most beautiful bombs you have ever seen". Rise of White Nationalism in North America- even in Canada! that is because of a lack of policies being implemented. Are The 'mericans better off now than 4 years ago? Massive **** up with the pandemic. The Tax breaks? the reverberations of those cuts are going to come for years- unfortunately, now that they passed those stimulus bills for trillions of dollars (overwhelmingly benefitting the wealthy) those tax cuts are just now going to be a drop in the bucket and we won't know exactly what those are going to do to maintaining their safety nets... Anyways- trump... not a fan. I will leave it at that before I get accused of having TDS.
  23. What did this peace deal do? Is it really ai deal for both parties? Who benefits from it most? It's a **** deal for the Palestinians. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/02/21/trumps-middle-east-peace-plan-whats-there-to-be-upset-about/ This a really good article of the peace deal and the ones that have come before. https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2020/the-failed-deals-of-the-century/index.html I mean seriously, Netanyahu is all for the deal and is very enthusiastic about the terms and everything.... Palestinians on the hand.... So yeah... I don't think it's going to lead to any stability in the region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I gave trump props for this- it was long over due and good on him for getting it done. What ever the motivation was or political favour gained through this or whatever- Getting the reform done was huge. No "buts", "if onlys" or anything from me- straight up "good for getting this done". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People can't control their hate for him because he is a truly awful person, super incompetent at being POTUS, runs the office like a side hustle, puts himself above EVERYTHING ELSE. He deals in divisiveness- that is what he concentrates on so yeah, people are going to be crazy with their hate for him, but like the flip side of this divisive tactic, you will get the ******* crazy MAGAs who will never criticize anything he does. A Nobel nomination is not that spectacular of an an achievement, especially for political stunts- Obama won one for literally doing nothing. so getting a nomination for a **** free pass for Israel is a ******* joke. Anyways- trump has done a few things that benefit people. If you were to compare his "good" accomplishments vs the deluge of shittiness , torrent of lies, steeped in unimaginable corruption.... there really is no "both siding" this.
  24. Agreed, I remember watching Tucker's take on this and was floored. It was a solid segment.
  25. Other than covering the fact he was patient Zero at the Barrett super spreader event and probably for the Gold Star Family event... I can totally see trump on testing, "NOt my favourite thing, this testing- I don't need to take the test if everyone around me is taking it. So I am not going to" So... the only time they are going to come out with when trump last tested, is the next time he tests negative... and in Dr. Sean Conley's famous dodge and obfuscation- ""I don't want to go backwards," and then just trumpet the potus' new negative test...
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