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Everything posted by Wanna-B-Fanboy

  1. "A truffle hunter who lives alone in the Oregonian wilderness must return to his past in Portland in search of his beloved foraging pig after she is kidnapped." Please don't judge me for wanting to see this... lol
  2. Those were initial estimates... the ones I posted were more recent updates.
  3. I totally understand where you are coming from- I have a 9 and 7 year old. Last thing I heard was that 12 and under will be eligible for vaccination in mid winter.... They better not drop the mask mandate...
  4. We should rename it the Darwin Variant.
  5. Sooo... the peak of the pandemic is this fall? dafuq?
  6. Here is an excellent thread on why one should be very skeptical of the story Welcome aboard! Yeah, that is pretty much it. Why would they change anything if they are enriching themselves at any cost (not to them) with absolutely no consequences.
  7. Nice to see this happening. Canada should do the same.
  8. Just a quick reminder: SUPERSITES ARE TAKING WALK-INS If you are worried about having to stand in line... well, they have you covered with: So, if you want to get vaxxed sooner than your original date, about to make that second appointment or finally come to your senses and want to grab that first shot...
  9. I think something like this would work here- apparently there are people that need more incentive than... oh I don't know- DEATH? it's insane, but hey, if it helps us reach 80% fully vaxxed- I am good with it.
  10. Oof, there are absolutely NO laws against this- there is no way that the USA is going to survive itself.
  11. Wait... Whaaaaaaat? Whatintheactualfuck? GQP=Death Cult. You know- it's quite unreal when looked at in isolation... but once you put into the context of every other batshit crazy thing he GQP champions (Election Lies, Anti-science, destroying democracy and what ever the opposite of facts evidence are) you kind of shrug and say.. "yeah, that's on Brand". You look at all this and say "why?" - aim is Cultural Division for political gain. Divide and Conquer to win power. It's really that simple. No amount of death and destruction is too much for political control.
  12. Good point. The only thing I can come up with is that Children are less susceptible to Covid, but can still drive infections. The protocols in schools seem to mitigate infections (masks, ventilation and cohorts) but transmission happens when there is a break down in protocol.
  13. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell
  14. They shut down the schools as they were starting to ramp up.
  15. Sad thing is, the certain amount of gall and shamelessness to just straight out lie to your viewers... because that fuckwad is 100% doubly vaccinated.... I ******* hate these people.
  16. Wow... we have entered an alterative timeline... I love it!
  17. IDK about that... the riders seem to always find interesting ways of self sabotage- you're talking about a team that "too many men" a GC victory to the Als, has a crossbar show them a quick exit out cup contention, and managed to decimate their team with a single preseason workout... I dont know what to call what ever they have a, but man they got that market cornered.
  18. Looks like it was a pretty stupid drill: https://pifflespodcast.com/blog/how-4-riders-went-down-in-1-drill TL:DR for those not wanting to click:
  19. Every time I see riders with any reference to the 13th man... I am INSTANTLY transported back to this memory: And it warms my cold black heart.
  20. For the amount of **** that come out of riderfans... gopher holes ain't going to cut it.
  21. A person has, in one hand: a paper bag with something in it that doesn't smell, isn't damp nor is it squishy. In the other, a steaming pile of ****... "Yeah, let's go with the big pile o'****- at least I know what it is and what it is capable of." - said no one ever.
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