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Posts posted by FrostyWinnipeg


    Heard some pretty great news today! Check it out:


    (TSX:MBT) MTS, Manitoba’s leading full-service telecommunications provider, today announced that it will carry TSN’s expanded line-up of five national feeds:  TSN1, TSN2, TSN3, TSN4 and TSN5. With this expansion, Winnipeg Jets™ games will now appear on TSN3 and be included in MTS TV’s Basic Service channel group. 


    Simply put... no more subscribing for $10/month for TSN Jets as it is included in your basic service. This should come as good news to a lot of people I would think.


    Someone said MTS was gonna charge $12 for TSN Jets this season.


    But just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Mr. Shaw needs a new cottage in NW Ontario.


    Someone said on the Twitters that they were at the Bomber store yesterday and were told that the league and CFL decided everything. Just what I read...

    The "league and CFL" - that's the same thing. Maybe someone misspoke. I find it difficult to believe the teams didn't have input into their own jerseys.


     I'm sure B.C. said HOT DAMN! We like it as is.Don't change a thing.

  3. The only team drawing loyal interest right now is the expansion franchise.  They have 1 win and don't play very entertaining football.

    One win which is good enuf for 2nd place atm.


    Some people(ex. Bombers but not me) were happy that Bombers were back in the West. It's a better, stronger division and it would force them to become a better team. So why would that not apply to the teams in the East?



    Best mod I have seen so far. Hire this man:





    I saw that one on the feed too.  That's actually better then what I was thinking about.  And I like the gold trim around the W.



    Better than the current design (the "gold" comes off as green - intentional?) .. only thing I'd remove are the numbers from the front .. just too busy and out of place.


    Great job on the pic but while he was Photoshopping it couldn't he have made it Royal Blue? :D


    I will join the minority and say I like them. A unique jersey that will only be worn once a year. I will be driving through Winnipeg in a couple of weeks and will be picking up one and probably the matching hat.

    Wait a few months and get it for half price or less.


    Get it now for half price :P


    The blue helmets I can live with but no gold...at all? Fail.

  6. One of the issues is the lost opportunity.  If they'd designed a uni as nice as BC's, (Example from a non-designer:Royal Blue background, gold piped numbers, and a helmet with the Bomber brand on it), they'd sell thousands of the things.  The talk would be about using them as our standard unis instead of how ugly we're expecting them to be.


    Whats the Bomber brand? A letter W? The W is pretty weak. We might still get a new logo on the Signatures like B.C.

  7. You hate to see all those years of tradition of east vs. west thrown out. But you also hate to see a garbage team in the playoffs at the expense of a better team. Let's see how this season actually plays out before we make judgements on it. 


    True day. But at this point it looks like every team in the West will finish ahead of the 2nd place team in the East.

  8. According to the article on bluebombers.com

    The uniforms are scheduled to be worn once this year and once next year.

    If they are really bad. If they are really good like B.C.'s then more then once,


    Speaking of jerseys...I was listening to 1290 this morning and they were talking about colours. One fellow wrote to Reebok asking why the unis did not use the "royal blue" and their response was they don't make it anymore(proving my theory). The guy also asked the WBB CEO about this...and he got a no comment.


    I was shocked to hear both Troy and Edmonds did not realize that this was was a big issue, Troy might tweet a lot but he's not a member of this forum for sure after that comment.


    So now we know....the rest of the story.

  9. the story I heard was that Skalbania offered to sell Gretzy to Pocklington or Shenkarow, and the one who won the game of backgammon would get the right to buy the contract. Pocklington won the game, and so got Gretzky.

    Shenkarow said he was offered Gretzky but that the cost was too high as the team was in financial difficulties.


    Patrick Roy was drafted using a pick we sent to Montreal.


    Oh and numb-nuts Paddock traded Teemu. If we really want to get into us being the worst NHL franchise ever and I didnt even bring up the unis or record of consecutive losses.


    I think I would put Skalbania at the tops with the Gliebs in 2nd place. They should not have been allowed a 2nd chance.

  10. I'm a bit disheartened right now... It will become full fledged if we lose to Montreal.  

    We are way ahead of where I thought we'd be...  That means I've upped my expectations.

    Lots of big upgrades at QB, Receiver, DB and kicker... Lots of work to do on our O line, D line, Tackling, Running, Stopping the Run.

    I'm sold on Miller, Walters and the change of the whole management/Scouting structure and the number of coaches.  I'm neutral on O'Shea and still not sold on our OC or DC.

    Miller is meh to me. CEO is the money guy and outside of firing/hiring GM and/or coach, I don't see him doing much related to football ops. Peeps just want their CEO to make the stadium usable. Start by making that golf course to the north a giant parking lot. We still have a gang of 12 owning this team which I am not crazy about and I suppose the media leaker is still there. In fact I think he's the CEO :P


    The mirror has cracked and the smoke is dissipating but we should be good enuf for a crossover spot. The East is crap this year and we should not have left it especially with Ham without HB, Montreal without AC and Ottawa, well its an expansion team I'm surprised they got 1 win.


    And with 5 wins we ARE ahead of where I thought they would be so I'm happy.


    That was a nice speech by Joe Mack.

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