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Posts posted by KptKrunch

  1. And btw - did I not call it ISO - See ya Hall. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. ISO - remember, we didn't with Hall so if Willy goes down I'd much rather lose with MARVE as our QB who has a 'future' then Hall as our QB who never had a future. My Joe Freaking Mack Demons are finally gone. What a joke that was - Elliott/Brink cut for two guys WORSE than them. And people wonder why we were an epic failure last year. 


    I think it's a fool's errand to declare the off season a success or failure without having played a single meaningful game...


    I'm not saying success or failure as a whole. I'm just saying as far as the class of rookie imports goes, it's pretty underwhelming.



    One thing I will say, this is the CFL - a lot of you tend to forget that. Sorry guys, I love the sport, and I love our game, and I love our league. But for the upteenth time, we are not a MAJOR league. We are not viewed that way. I won't call us a 'bush' league, not by a long shot, but we are not the answer to anyones prayers. My point? Mike, the best imports aren't here yet my friend. They're with Henoc, chasing their 'dreams' in the NFL. I think our import talent was fine. I also think come late August/September when the NFL cuts start you'll find more players coming that we can 'upgrade' with. That's just a CFL fact, not bias, not an 'opinion', but  fact. 




    Well I for one am ecstatic. FIrst, I gotta talk about last year and the buffoons running this outfit. Our first pre-season game at home, our starters against Toronto's 3rd stringers and rubes (cuts) and we lose - 24 to 3. 


    But.... just to set the 'tone' for the season, our esteemed Head Coach takes our 3rd stringers and rubes to Hamilton (Guelph techincally) and before the game predicts we'll be blown out. Final score 58 to 0. Yep, great tone setter to start the season off on a good note. 


    This year, total opposite. Yes, we 'lost' both games on the score board (who cares) but we competed. We played hard and we did a lot of good things. The 'tone' has been set. No, we won't be a playoff team, but we won't be the 3 - 15 patsies we were last year either. Any team taking us lightly will get a wake up call. That being said, my take on the two games I've seen so far:


    Offense - QBing is already better just with WIlly and Marve. Looks to me that we finally, in the early going anyway, not only have a bonafide starter in Willy, but a (slightly) younger guy we can groom that's actually worth it. Brohm/Hall - replaceable. Receivers will be better I think than last year, especially if we can get a healthy Cory Watson, but I'm not holding out too much hope. Oline looks much better. Opened up some big holes for the running game and I didn't notice any pressure really unless the opposition was blitzing - cept for when Pencer was on the field but we solved that one in a hurry. Runningbacks - Paris Cotton - for those offering TC reports, you were right. He could be another blink Roberts. I'm hoping Ford isn't ready for the first game of year I'd like to see Cotton play a full game against a #1 defense


    Defense - hmmmmm jury is out on this. When playing against the #1 (or #2 in Argo's case) units they didn't do well, especially against the run. Our dline isn't getting much pressure, the LB's are for the most part absent, and our secondary (excluding Randle) seem as lost as ever. Now, this changes when the 3rd stringers come in for the opposition but that won't mean much. Luckily, we got two full weeks to 'work' on it

    Special teams - Coverage teams are weak so far (which is surprising given who our HC is) but the kickers are a HUGE upgrade from last year. Pulling for the international here - Maher from the University of Nebraska. I think he's worth one of the 'designated' spots 

    What makes you think Marve will be the backup? Based on 1 series Week 1 with less than 5 minutes remaining? He didn't shine yesterday when he was in again with under 5 mins to go. How can you annoint someone so quickly with such little body of work? If Hall & Brohm are replaceable then I'd say Marve will be lucky to stick with the team. He hasn't moved up the depth chart & after yesterday I don't think he will this week either. Obviously, the coaches see something in Brohm they like. Not so much in Marve. Prediction: Marve will NOT be our backup qb. 




    hmmmm iso, you're not reading again. Please re-read what I bolded....  see it above? Does it say, anywhere, #2? Does it say 'backup'? No, its says 'groom". As in practice roster, or 3rd string even. The backup job will be fought out by Hall/Brohm. As it stands (and as I said in another post) I doubt any QB will get cut ...... yet. And since you like reading things that aren't there, I shall expand a bit on that for you. Groom, as in Troy Kopp, TJ Rubley, Justin Goltz, Tee Martin, etc. etc. etc. - Marve is the FIRST one I've seen in a long time that is what I feel is worth the effort to groom. 

    Are we good now? 


    Sure, but you're describing Marve as some kind of rising star for some reason based on what he did on ONE series. You do realize that he may not even make the team, right?  



    No iso i'm basing it on the way he impressed at the free agent camp in Florida and from members here who have been going to tc everyday and extolling his virtues. Then I saw a guy come into the game in the last two minutes and look like he's been there before. So I'll throw back at you what you did to me - why do you hate Marve?


    Well I for one am ecstatic. FIrst, I gotta talk about last year and the buffoons running this outfit. Our first pre-season game at home, our starters against Toronto's 3rd stringers and rubes (cuts) and we lose - 24 to 3. 


    But.... just to set the 'tone' for the season, our esteemed Head Coach takes our 3rd stringers and rubes to Hamilton (Guelph techincally) and before the game predicts we'll be blown out. Final score 58 to 0. Yep, great tone setter to start the season off on a good note. 


    This year, total opposite. Yes, we 'lost' both games on the score board (who cares) but we competed. We played hard and we did a lot of good things. The 'tone' has been set. No, we won't be a playoff team, but we won't be the 3 - 15 patsies we were last year either. Any team taking us lightly will get a wake up call. That being said, my take on the two games I've seen so far:


    Offense - QBing is already better just with WIlly and Marve. Looks to me that we finally, in the early going anyway, not only have a bonafide starter in Willy, but a (slightly) younger guy we can groom that's actually worth it. Brohm/Hall - replaceable. Receivers will be better I think than last year, especially if we can get a healthy Cory Watson, but I'm not holding out too much hope. Oline looks much better. Opened up some big holes for the running game and I didn't notice any pressure really unless the opposition was blitzing - cept for when Pencer was on the field but we solved that one in a hurry. Runningbacks - Paris Cotton - for those offering TC reports, you were right. He could be another blink Roberts. I'm hoping Ford isn't ready for the first game of year I'd like to see Cotton play a full game against a #1 defense


    Defense - hmmmmm jury is out on this. When playing against the #1 (or #2 in Argo's case) units they didn't do well, especially against the run. Our dline isn't getting much pressure, the LB's are for the most part absent, and our secondary (excluding Randle) seem as lost as ever. Now, this changes when the 3rd stringers come in for the opposition but that won't mean much. Luckily, we got two full weeks to 'work' on it

    Special teams - Coverage teams are weak so far (which is surprising given who our HC is) but the kickers are a HUGE upgrade from last year. Pulling for the international here - Maher from the University of Nebraska. I think he's worth one of the 'designated' spots 

    What makes you think Marve will be the backup? Based on 1 series Week 1 with less than 5 minutes remaining? He didn't shine yesterday when he was in again with under 5 mins to go. How can you annoint someone so quickly with such little body of work? If Hall & Brohm are replaceable then I'd say Marve will be lucky to stick with the team. He hasn't moved up the depth chart & after yesterday I don't think he will this week either. Obviously, the coaches see something in Brohm they like. Not so much in Marve. Prediction: Marve will NOT be our backup qb. 




    hmmmm iso, you're not reading again. Please re-read what I bolded....  see it above? Does it say, anywhere, #2? Does it say 'backup'? No, its says 'groom". As in practice roster, or 3rd string even. The backup job will be fought out by Hall/Brohm. As it stands (and as I said in another post) I doubt any QB will get cut ...... yet. And since you like reading things that aren't there, I shall expand a bit on that for you. Groom, as in Troy Kopp, TJ Rubley, Justin Goltz, Tee Martin, etc. etc. etc. - Marve is the FIRST one I've seen in a long time that is what I feel is worth the effort to groom. 

    Are we good now? 


    Im kinda confused as to why walters or mcmanus would feel the need to lie to us about that.. To keep willy happy? Doubtful.. To keep us happy? Also doubtful... So really, when they say it was drew willy as #1 then why presume it's a lie?

    When they signed Willy, what were they supposed to say, "Hey, we got out THIRD choice... High five!" Willy's their man because they signed their man. Who cares about Collaros & Burris  anyway? 



    Yep - exactly! And I for one am happy they got him. I really like Willy. Sometimes the best choice is the one made for you. 

  6. I firmly believe Willy was the Bombers number one target based on comments made by Walters and McManus a couple months before free agency began. I also believe the Bombers wanted to pair Willy with either Collaros or Burris.


    hmmm, really, cause I seem to remember that they were saying they wanted Collaros. Maybe I mistook something for what fans were saying, and what media was saying in the papers and on TV. Granted they don't have all the 'facts' but it was pretty obvious to me Zack was the guy being targeted. Willy was being talked  as well but not as serious. And do you honestly think that if Burris took the offer (that is a fact, not a made up thing by media members) the bombers made him as soon as he was released, that the bombers would have traded for Willy, another pending free agent, and offered him 'starters' money or close to it so he'd sign here to hang with Burris? I guess that last part is possible but I don't think they would have 'traded' for him and Willy would have entertained other offers for sure (most likely Montreal or Ottawa). That though is now purely speculation on my part. I never saw the Collaros thing coming. 





    If Hall is smart he should start learning about offensive systems and being a QB coach. Sorta doing a Dinwiddie. He doesn't have the talent, arm or overall talent to be an effective starter. But I like his spirit and personality. 


    Ummm he was. Don't you recall how we got him? He retired from football and was coaching, wanted an OC job in some lower level college in California, didn't get it, and the immortal Joe Mack figured this bum would be the guy to 'save the bombers' since Buchko's mandate was for Mack to get a QB. I wanted Mack fired last March when all this went down (cutting two guys with experience, signing two bums to replace them, and keeping Buck even though he was two years past his best before date)


    I'd like to have seen more of Marve, but I understand that the Bombers needed to see the most reps out of our starter and the backups.  Brohm out played Hall this week.  Hall outplayed  Brohm last week.  I'll bet both are kept on the roster and Marve will be offered PR or 2 man reserve.


    Agree, and I think that was the plan all along. Though Hall is on shaky ground. I think what will happen, as what always does, is as QB's are either released from the their CFL camps or from their NFL Camps, the bombers will airlift a few in, and when one impresses, they'll have to make room for him, exit stage left for Mr. Hall. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


    Considering Hall has been a class act the entire time he has been with the Shrine Circus.... errr... the Winnipeg Blue Bombers as well as doing everything asked of him, I don't understand your hate for the guy. Did he do a Diva routine at any time like Justin Goltz? Has he ever mouthed off to the media about Drew Willy being given the starting spot? No, the guy has been a professional the entire time he has been here. And just what we ******* well need, a revolving door at the ******* qb position. Again???? Every ******* year it's the same godamn thing. 



    Iso - you like 'losers'? What's Hall's record. I have nothing against him personally, but then again I don't really invite him or other bombers over to my house. Willy should have been here LAST year. We needed a QB and who we got was Max Hall. I'm just stating facts sir, that's all. And getting rid of Hall is not exactly a 'revolving door' when he's third string so I fail to understand your point here?



    I don't understand your point, what has Max Hall done to piss you off? Look at the talent around him. How can you make chicken salad out of chicken feathers? The guy virtually has no OL blocking in front of him, receivers that drop the ball & a questionable run game. You actually think bringing in new qbs during the season is going to make us better? Having no veteran backup to Willy except some yokel from Nowhere State University in Arkansas is not going to win us games or make us competitive if Willy goes down & Hall's not here. I'm not saying Hall is the answer but he's a helluva lot better option than some young qb who never heard of the Canada, the CFL, our rules or Winnipeg a month earlier.



    I have no animosity towards Hall. He's a player, that's it. I have no animosity towards Justin Goltz either. I do, however have a bone to pick with management, who, when given a mandate to get a legit #1 QB goes and does what he does and puts us at 1 - 15 - 2 (two being two montreal losses vs us beating them) last year and making our team the laughing stock of the CFL. Granted you are correct in the fact that Hall wasn't exactly surrounded by other high end talent either, and the Oline was well, offensive. But Hall hasn't done anything this pre-season to want me having him here I'm afraid. My opinion. And I already called it btw - we'll be in a dead heat with Ottawa and Montreal for the worst team in the league with Willy at QB (because I think we still have a lot of growing to do) but unlike last year's fiasco I really do think we'll be going in the right direction. I don't see Hall having any future here. None at all. So yes, I'd much rather lose with a young guy who couldn't find Wpg on the map if you stuck a pin in his finger then stuck it to the map, but who has a chance to develop and grow, then a once retired 'veteran' who won't be here very long anyway (as a player) and who's best days are long behind him. But .... maybe that's just me :)



    If Hall is smart he should start learning about offensive systems and being a QB coach. Sorta doing a Dinwiddie. He doesn't have the talent, arm or overall talent to be an effective starter. But I like his spirit and personality. 


    Ummm he was. Don't you recall how we got him? He retired from football and was coaching, wanted an OC job in some lower level college in California, didn't get it, and the immortal Joe Mack figured this bum would be the guy to 'save the bombers' since Buchko's mandate was for Mack to get a QB. I wanted Mack fired last March when all this went down (cutting two guys with experience, signing two bums to replace them, and keeping Buck even though he was two years past his best before date)


    I'd like to have seen more of Marve, but I understand that the Bombers needed to see the most reps out of our starter and the backups.  Brohm out played Hall this week.  Hall outplayed  Brohm last week.  I'll bet both are kept on the roster and Marve will be offered PR or 2 man reserve.


    Agree, and I think that was the plan all along. Though Hall is on shaky ground. I think what will happen, as what always does, is as QB's are either released from the their CFL camps or from their NFL Camps, the bombers will airlift a few in, and when one impresses, they'll have to make room for him, exit stage left for Mr. Hall. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


    Considering Hall has been a class act the entire time he has been with the Shrine Circus.... errr... the Winnipeg Blue Bombers as well as doing everything asked of him, I don't understand your hate for the guy. Did he do a Diva routine at any time like Justin Goltz? Has he ever mouthed off to the media about Drew Willy being given the starting spot? No, the guy has been a professional the entire time he has been here. And just what we ******* well need, a revolving door at the ******* qb position. Again???? Every ******* year it's the same godamn thing. 



    Iso - you like 'losers'? What's Hall's record. I have nothing against him personally, but then again I don't really invite him or other bombers over to my house. Willy should have been here LAST year. We needed a QB and who we got was Max Hall. I'm just stating facts sir, that's all. And getting rid of Hall is not exactly a 'revolving door' when he's third string so I fail to understand your point here?

  9. Well I for one am ecstatic. FIrst, I gotta talk about last year and the buffoons running this outfit. Our first pre-season game at home, our starters against Toronto's 3rd stringers and rubes (cuts) and we lose - 24 to 3. 


    But.... just to set the 'tone' for the season, our esteemed Head Coach takes our 3rd stringers and rubes to Hamilton (Guelph techincally) and before the game predicts we'll be blown out. Final score 58 to 0. Yep, great tone setter to start the season off on a good note. 


    This year, total opposite. Yes, we 'lost' both games on the score board (who cares) but we competed. We played hard and we did a lot of good things. The 'tone' has been set. No, we won't be a playoff team, but we won't be the 3 - 15 patsies we were last year either. Any team taking us lightly will get a wake up call. That being said, my take on the two games I've seen so far:


    Offense - QBing is already better just with WIlly and Marve. Looks to me that we finally, in the early going anyway, not only have a bonafide starter in Willy, but a (slightly) younger guy we can groom that's actually worth it. Brohm/Hall - replaceable. Receivers will be better I think than last year, especially if we can get a healthy Cory Watson, but I'm not holding out too much hope. Oline looks much better. Opened up some big holes for the running game and I didn't notice any pressure really unless the opposition was blitzing - cept for when Pencer was on the field but we solved that one in a hurry. Runningbacks - Paris Cotton - for those offering TC reports, you were right. He could be another blink Roberts. I'm hoping Ford isn't ready for the first game of year I'd like to see Cotton play a full game against a #1 defense


    Defense - hmmmmm jury is out on this. When playing against the #1 (or #2 in Argo's case) units they didn't do well, especially against the run. Our dline isn't getting much pressure, the LB's are for the most part absent, and our secondary (excluding Randle) seem as lost as ever. Now, this changes when the 3rd stringers come in for the opposition but that won't mean much. Luckily, we got two full weeks to 'work' on it

    Special teams - Coverage teams are weak so far (which is surprising given who our HC is) but the kickers are a HUGE upgrade from last year. Pulling for the international here - Maher from the University of Nebraska. I think he's worth one of the 'designated' spots 

  10. I was very disappointed when we lost out on Collaros and Burris. But the more I see of Willy, the more I'm happy he's the QB we got.


    Though I don't blame them, I'm sick and tired of listening to the CFL commentators talking about how we "got our man" in Willy. It's the worst kept secret in the world that Collaros is who we were targeting right from day 1. When the QB was released and signed by Hamilton, then the subsequent release of Burris, we made a HUUUUUGEEEE offer for Burris  (only thing bigger than that would have been the mistake if he had taken it - thankfully he went to Ottawa). Willy was the bombers third choice and if the dumb dumb talking heads would just state the obvoius and then....... see above. I agree that so far I like how Willy is moving the team and taking command of the huddle. Though it's only pre-season and he hasn't faced any adversity yet, he is at least showing something we haven't seen in here in a very very long time. 

  11. Jacory Harris was on the Edmonton roster last year wasn't he? Interesting that they would cut him in favor of Pat White.


    Yes he was. My guess is he wasn't working on what the Esks wanted him to work on in the off season. Also, don't forget , the released McHenry before TC even started. No loss there either. Too bad on Harris though I though he had potential - but why keep Pat White? I think I'd call Joey Elliot and see if he wanted to come up lol

  12. If Hall is smart he should start learning about offensive systems and being a QB coach. Sorta doing a Dinwiddie. He doesn't have the talent, arm or overall talent to be an effective starter. But I like his spirit and personality. 


    Ummm he was. Don't you recall how we got him? He retired from football and was coaching, wanted an OC job in some lower level college in California, didn't get it, and the immortal Joe Mack figured this bum would be the guy to 'save the bombers' since Buchko's mandate was for Mack to get a QB. I wanted Mack fired last March when all this went down (cutting two guys with experience, signing two bums to replace them, and keeping Buck even though he was two years past his best before date)


    I'd like to have seen more of Marve, but I understand that the Bombers needed to see the most reps out of our starter and the backups.  Brohm out played Hall this week.  Hall outplayed  Brohm last week.  I'll bet both are kept on the roster and Marve will be offered PR or 2 man reserve.


    Agree, and I think that was the plan all along. Though Hall is on shaky ground. I think what will happen, as what always does, is as QB's are either released from the their CFL camps or from their NFL Camps, the bombers will airlift a few in, and when one impresses, they'll have to make room for him, exit stage left for Mr. Hall. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  13. Amazing how Brink has stuck around this league...


    I'm glad he's getting a chance at least. Still mighty pissed at what the bombers did last year. Bringing a guy who was retired (Hall) and a guy who was playing beer league football because all legit options had long been passed (Clement) and outright releasing Brink and Elliot. But I guess in hindsight, they had no choice, as probably after the first day everyone would know Clement was no where near as good as Brink / Elliot and Hall was no better than them, and since Joe was trying to save his job, well, I guess they had to do what they did. Ok ok, sorry, I'll stop I know enough already. I don't expect Brink to stick around (you never know) but at least he goes out on his terms if he doesn't.

  14. So here's the thing...we get a bonus game in AB this year so we rejoice. Then we find out our friend is getting married today up east of Red Deer near the SK border. Sigh. So 17to85 and I are going to attempt to watch it on my phone during the reception, if I can get some damn WiFi in the hall. Of course, after amore than a decade of futility at McMahon, this means we'll probably win because we aren't there...


    PVR it - that's what I do. And remember, it doesn't count so who cares if they win. I just want them to compete like they did against Toronto. Last year in pre season we didn't compete, not even close. It was embarrassing. Even the Glieberman's were able to put together a better team. That's saying something. I'm all in this year after just one game! 

  15. Well Crompton wasn't any good either. For the Eskimo Qb's I'd rank them

    1. Reilly (man I wish Joe Dufus had gone after him)

    2. Nichols (yeah BBlink - I hear ya. he's a good kid and competes very hard just had some bad luck he's a #1 in this league if he could stay healthy, more talented than ole Buck)

    3. Harris (did you guys miss that pass he threw for about 60 yards with a flick of his wrist  -not his fault there was a penalty on this play, he's still green but he has all the tools)

    4. White (barely ahead of)

    5. Crompton -very disappointed in his showing. Looks like he regressed but he'll get one more kick at it - White will be released for sure. 


    As for B.C.


    1. Kevin (Dangerfield) Glenn

    2. Partridge

    3. Beck (he'll be on the same flight as Pat White back to the good ole US of A 

  16. Hall was better than I thought - last year. Was not at all impressed with him this year. I tend to agree there - Willy will get the first half as well as most of the Wpg starting offense - mainly so Willy and the rest can get used to each other and because we got what, 2 and half weeks before our next game. I also think Brohm/Hall will play the majority, if not all the second half between them. I would not at all be surprised if Marve is sitting out and given the #3 job, with the loser of the Hall/Brohm half getting released and placed on the practice roster. I think it will be Hall only because of his experience with MB from last year. I was really disappointed in Brohm's performance but you never know what can transpire. 

  17. It's interesting when you look back at the last three regimes.  Taman valued draft pics like tooth pics.  Then Kelly comes in and says that the team needs to start retaining their pics to rebuild their NI talent.  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  Then Mack arrives and says essentially the same thing but misuses his high picks by taking flyers on players.     


    I think if we looked at our NI talent during the Taman years.  We'd all agree it was stronger than what we have today.   Taman strengthened our NI depth thru FA and trades.  Mack's philosophy was to not overpay for FA's and I'm not sure he could spell trade. 


    Rebuilding our NI talent is going to take another 2 - 3 years if it's done properly.  Sure Walters could mortgage the future today and probably pick up a couple of NI starters.  But I see Walters as more of a long term vs short term strategist.  


    But in the end I believe we've wasted our opportunity to build our NI talent over the last few years of drafting.     


    Actually, Taman did what I believe in. Draft picks by and large in the CFL are semi-useless. They're like poker chips at a poker table. They eventually make their way around the table no matter who has them to start. Taman's philosophy was to wait and let the players get cut after a few 'disappointing' years with the team that drafted them and then sign them. We have no 'developmental' system here so that's how it goes. I will admit that, especially over the last few drafts and now with Ottawa here and another team (?) coming sometime and the league not adjusting the ratio the draft will become more important.

  18. But Mack's gone... why keep complaining and bitching about it though?  


    I agree - I used up all my anti-Mack rants at OB - but admittedly I was doing it when he was still in office and he had a lot of supporters here..umm there (OB) I mean. He's gone now and maybe the odd time I might mention him, but frankly I'm just happy we got some people now that have some football sense running the club now in Miller and Walters. Like what I see in O'Shea too. The fact they are willing to cut bait with a useless tub o lard like Pencer is (from what I'm reading here anyway) is good. Why keep him around taking valuable reps away from players like Goosen. Pencer, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Maybe go ride shotgun for Braidwood.

  19. Korey Banks - I agree he won't be cut. Bookmark this though because he should be and I guarantee you guys that there'll be at least one thread, if not more, of "CUT KOREY BANKS RIGHT NOW" or "HOW DID HE EVEN MAKE THE TEAM". Guys, he's a just a bigger Jovon Johnson. He's 35 and well, and I mean WELL, past his prime. Now, granted, this is pre-season and vets rarely 'bring it' during pre-season. I'm not basing this on what he did last night, rather last year. As mentioned - we got him for Poblah. Wally would have released him for sure if he didn't trade him, just like we released Jovon. You watch, mark my words, he won't be cut (he should be) and we'll all be screaming by August (and he'll be gone before his contract is guaranteed thru the end of the season - Labour Day, or the week before?)

  20. wow - great game. We lost but HUGE improvement from that dud we played last year against them. Marve was the best player I thought, though he came in when we were pushing he came in cold and looked like he had been playing the whole game. Willy impressed too. Hall..... you all know how I felt about that bum from last year at the other place, though he surprised me (last year). Brohm - I wouldn't write him off just yet. I think Marve,unless he lays a big egg, should be #2. 


    Defense - didn't look great but had a couple of big takeaways. 


    Special teams - one break down but otherwise I thought were solid.


    Overall - a very solid effort. I think I'll be enjoying football again this summer.

  21. this is how i spell it until the team gets it that nobody will use capital letters. bad enough i hate the name but to insist on capitals when spelling it? screw them.


    Iso, why do you care? I don't - in fact I think, like our game, it's 'unique'. Nothing wrong with being different.

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