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Posts posted by Stickem

  1. Regarding Harris and his reasons for leaving the Peg. He was in with a rough crowd. His Dad lives in B.C. and that made it a little easier for him to leave. His reasons for coming back to the Peg. I believe his girlfriend and daughter live here, (apparently she doesn't want to live on the coast) and so that would be a very important family tie in Winnipeg and reason for coming back. In any event I'm sure Andrew has had playing for the Bombers on his mind at one time or another ( he said as much at the last Cup game we played the leos) Whether that ever happens is up to him. He's built a nice life for himself on Van. Island and Van...has a lot of friends there so I would say he's a very torn person. I would luv. to see him in bluengold but like I said before...that's up to him.

  2. But all the financial problems Alberta faces are the fault of the people who live there...according to Mr. Prentiss. It is only coincidence that Alaska has 106 billion dollars in their heritage fund and Norway 450 billion. Not the fault of the party which has been governing Alberta for some 70 years.



    All Albertans have to do is ' look in the mirror' and voila..there's the problem according to Jim. Don't mention the fact that the conservative government there has been running the finances forever.  Quite a laugher.

  3. What an embarrassment. I hope they sue this builders ass off and can get this straightened out once and for all. How many other problems and unpleasant surprises exist. They better go over everything with a fine tooth comb. I'm glad that this appears NOT to be a structural problem as that would have been the icing on the cake of incompetence. I don't know how this builder will ever get another construction contact, after the due diligence they didn't pay. I wouldn't hire this outfit to build an outhouse.

  4. Speaking of comments from Kane..says he's glad to get out of the 'fishbowl' in the Peg. Sure Evander...it's always great to go from a team with excellent playoff potential, to an also ran loser. Give me a break. Good move to have Hutch in goal against the leafs. I'm getting a little antcy about Pavs. performance lately. Go Jets.

  5. So Kevin has completed the circuit...ending most likely where he started. I hope he doesn't go out like Joseph. That was not a happy ending for KJ ...KG deserves a better fate. He may have to take over for Durant depending on how DD's arm has rehabilitated. This should be an interesting watch.

    He hasn't played for Montreal yet.

    True....slight over sight ...BUT there's always next year to find a way on to Popps roster...especially if he does a Joseph in riderville. Let's hope.

  6. So Kevin has completed the circuit...ending most likely where he started. I hope he doesn't go out like Joseph. That was not a happy ending for KJ ...KG deserves a better fate. He may have to take over for Durant depending on how DD's arm has rehabilitated. This should be an interesting watch.

  7. What *if* Willy continues his trend downwards from last year?   What do we do then?

    The only downward trend for Willy, was the downward direction he took after being sacked because of a poor o line. I think we have started correcting that in a big way. See our moves in fa and other O Line acquisitions.(wink)

  8. I'm really excited to see what our new O Line can accomplish, once they get the wrinkles ironed out. They have big time potential working as a unit, and they have the right guy at the controls in Wiley. IF they jell quickly they'll present a formidable opponent for any team in this league. With the talent we possess now, I don't see why we wouldn't be rated in the top 3 O lines going forward. I know Willy won't be running for his life and giving him more time will result in a offence with more confidence and really will allow Willy to perform at his best, something we didn't see for a lot of the time last year. Bomber fans are going to see a much rejuvenated team and if we make the right pics in the draft, the future is looking very bright in Bomberland. Keep er going Walters.

  9. Popp trying to find a quick fix with Skelton.  Could be a good signing.


    You will never see Montreal sign a young QB like a Mitchell  in Calgary with the intention of grooming him into a starter over the course of 3 or more years.  That market will not allow it.  Older QBs (Smith, Ham, Crompton) and Qbs developed by other teams (Calvillo, Skelton) is the Montreal way for now and forever.

    I thought we had groomed Brink. Guess that didn't work out too well for Popp. I think Buono is the qb. guru in this league, and Popp, since Calvillo, not so much. Skelton could turn out to be as big a bust for them as Ted White. Skelton hmmmmm wonder if he's any relation to Red.

  10. I have always thought that Kane never really wanted to be here and holding on to him as long as we have, has hurt the team. Trade him and his fat contract. He has underperformed for that kind of dough and a trade would be better for everyone. Having said that, it's not easy to make trades at the best of times. You usually get burnt when other teams know you have a malcontent on the club AND the Jets faithful will definitely want something in return. The other option is to let him languish in the doghouse and be paying a player for no production. Can't see that happening for very much longer. I hope Chevy can find a new home for him. As far as this fan is concerned, see ya Kane.

  11. Heenan off the table????? Did we miss something cuz last I looked, with 10 days to go, he's still an fa. 'All practical intents' mean nothing unless you have a players signature on a contract. Holmes yes, but with regard to Heenan so far, that hasn't happened. The statement from O'Day that Heenan will go till Feb. 10th., doesn't sound like a sure thing he'll be in Regina. We shall soon find out.

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