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Everything posted by Stickem

  1. Opposition was also keying on Andrew because one of our best offensive weapons was on the shelf...namely Adams..
  2. Exactly....we don't have to make any roster moves till crunch time...We need to let everything play out until cut down day....Never get rid of assets that are not easily recoverable....First line of business
  3. Looks like negotiations are winding down...Are we in Henoc's plans???Something should break pretty soon one way or the other...I get the feeling we're going to see him in bluengold...Wouldn't be surprised to hear something today
  4. The question should be???when is a tour like a circus???.I guess when it comes to town...Has Henoc signed on anywhere yet????
  5. Excellent news....For all the time I've been down on Jets management, I'm going to give this one a big thumbs up...I didn't think Chevy would ever make a move like this BUT seeing as we're getting close to a bona-fide contender (like the Bombers) I would say that made the difference....Good work Chevy...Like the trade and man did we get better in a hurry...Lot's of smiles in the Jets office today...guaranteed
  6. Muamba...for all of his perceived short comings is still a pretty good canuck ball player...He would make our D an instant contender to win it all....IF we can get him on a 2 year deal, I think he's worth the effort...Should here something soon...one way or the other
  7. That would make the leo's pretty solid up the middle with Solo...Only fly in that is what if Bighill wants to come home....Guess we could offer the big guy a spot??
  8. Well I guess with these signings T.O. is out of the running for Henocs' services...That leaves that hotbed of C.F.L. centres Mont.....Muamba has been there and done that ...Could he have a return in mind???..Can Kavis convince him to play the middle for that dumpster fire???Seems every other club are set at MLB....Ottawa could be in the mix but I think we most likely are front and centre for his services????I wonder what Kyle has up his sleeve....maybe just his arm...We should hear something soon one way or the other, one would think
  9. That car door looks like someone has been stubbing out a few reefer's on it....what a great looking ride....lol
  10. Odd move for sure...something is in the wind....Walters is sharpening his pencil (I mean that in a good way) and is writing up the best contract off for Henoc that he can....When the dollars and the sms don't jibe...something is going to give...It might mean Wild has reached the end of the road here...Ogopogo...no way.
  11. Another destination for the 'tour man' would be T.O......BUT didn't Popp cut him when he was in Mont.....Can't see that as being a cozy arrangement...B.C. signed his brother BUT they have Solo who they just re-upped for a couple of years...can't see that one.....Redblacks....maybe....We would have to be a pretty good destination IF Muamba and his agent can get over what ever it is they didn't /don't like about us...Seems to me money is this guys motivator and the more the merrier for these two....I think they're on their way of wearing out their welcome anywhere in the CFL...if they haven't already....Walters says he'll still kick the tires but maybe Henoc and his agent have a fantasy figure in mind that nobody cares to entertain???
  12. Tuned in the rider board and what da ya know...according to them Henoc wasn't very good....was too expensive...had lost what he had......They forgot to add as the final insult to Muamba ....'Hurl is better and we'll be starting him in his spot.......LOL LOL
  13. I said in the past that Henoc and the Bombers have had their differences....He seemingly slighted us on his return from the NFL....Should we let bygones be bygones.................................I think we should be the bigger party and ........bite my tongue...ouch....get him on the phone and give it a shot....ouch
  14. I hope Sam finds a home....He is a special teamer that could catch on somewhere...He was not what we needed in the middle.....and that's being kind
  15. Had fallen off a bit but we'll get him back to form....He was considered a bright light in the leo's camp at one time....We'll have to re-light the light
  16. And I would add VERY to the description....on a 2 year deal as well
  17. I guess these guys know where the winner is...lol
  18. Fenner ....good signing....that came out of nowhere hmmmm
  19. Bring in the Bear Kyle....Very surprised that the argo's are bowing out as he was voted top D guy by their own players last year...Walter's should show the other interested parties where the Bear pooped in the Woods
  20. Harris was really pushing for Lafrance...Not surprised we brought him home...I would say Andrew has a few pointers he'll be sharing with Keenan...Like it
  21. A 160K figure was coming out of the Saskabush crying towel gang...You know how they are with numbers
  22. A flurry of action it ain't....must be some serious dealings going on between gms
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