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Everything posted by Shanks

  1. What do you think he should do? Lend us one of his quarterbacks? The guy has a team to build and is starting from pretty close to zero. You can't fault him for playing the game hard. Besides, if the Bombers panic and overpay for Glenn, that is not Desjardins' fault. Do think his Plan A was to go into the season with Kevin Glenn? Or maybe his real plan was to screw Glenn over by taking (and overpaying ) Burris and dumping Glenn. Letting a player go cuz he's not playing up to par is one thing but using him (like he did Glenn) is someone that I wouldn't want to do business with. No. He devalued Glenn like Kelly did and now he wants a first rounder? Sorry Mr Desjardins you have a 900k QB stable or you release one of them. Or we'll trade Goltz for Glenn.
  2. A couple weeks back Huff said players would get a fair contract if they played for the Stamps. They had to remember that they were playing for a 1st class organization.
  3. First sentence does not compute...Taman would have traded our first round pick for Randle. Uuuh well there was that. When you get on the plus side of 60 you rememmber only the good stuff Yeah.....I forgot about all the missing 1st rounders. I still hope Walters picks Desjardin's pockets.
  4. Just like when Taman was with BB. Keep going Kyle. Take Desjardins to the cleaners on FA day.
  5. Jovon Jhonson tweets he's movin' on per CJOB sports show @ 6:45pm. whoops. Sara O tweeted first and I can't find a delete button.
  6. I prefer to go with the aforementioned middle finger to Ottawa trying to extort something noteworthy for Glenn. Yeah. I think this Desjardins way of getting a starter or a high pick from us. I recall he said that an FA was the on;y player we had that he could find on our roster to pick. Hopedully hell will freeze over before he gets what he wants for Glenn from us.
  7. .Or maybe use Tort's line with one of the NY press. "go stand over there. I'm not talking to you anymore"/
  8. Yeah. That comment on the suit was completely uncalled for nor was "with his girlfriend in tow". Weicek is jerk #1 as a reporter. As for most of the other questions from the other so called reporters it sounded as if they were interviewing Mike Kelly. They wouldn't even talk to Joe Mack like they did as the ship was going down last year because THEY WERE SCARED OF HIM. Miller should give them some of their own crap back in their faces to see what it smells like. I would suggest that Miller treat them as they treated him and Walters. Walters has to deal with them but Miller can stay at arms length
  9. To add onto this now, Penton says we're not considering trading for Glenn. (though I am assuming that isn't a finite decision) Dumb ass Desjardins made his poo bed, now he can sleep and stink in it. I don't think Glenn will play backup to Burris for long. Esks and BC will pick him up if Walters doesn't have plans for him. Wally plays fast and loose on trades. Hervey????
  10. Walters did mention Brad Sinopoli who played most of last season for the Stamps but as the story goes when Walters mentioned his name Mack said "who is Brad Sinopoli"?
  11. Burris just finished a radio interview in Cgy. Not one word in 20 minutes about Kevin Glenn. The radio goofs after the interview figure Glenn goes to Wpg for a first or second round pick. Exactly why in 50 years Cgy sportscasters have always made me ill. I'd like to see ottawa the 3-15 team in the east this year.
  12. Did Ottawa pay Burris 465k/yr for 3 years. If so that is what I would call mortgaging the future....financially. QBs have notorious egos so paying this old guy 1;3M is madness. You can win a GC with a less than average QB (Sean Salisbury) if you have great D and a decent offense...
  13. And who do I see sitting in he reeds out on the left coast? Why it's Wally ready to snap up Kevin Glenn for ohh.... pick anyone he feels he's getting ready to release.
  14. Sounds good to me but not to a lot of others. Others: We didn't sign Burris. We should have offered 500k. Oh right...and we need a new O-line. Oh and we need a lot of NIs. And we need to sign some receivers. Ours can't catch. And why have we got so many players going to FA. We should have signed them. MILLER AND WALTERS ARE FAILURES. Some Others: Sign Burris at the low end of what QBs make. Spend the money elsewhere. Sign Drew Willy. BUT DON'T OVER SPEND. But we need a new O-line, new receivers and all those FAs need to be re-signed. BUT DON'T OVERSPEND. So what is it boys. Do we empty the bank or do we cheap out. And how in hell do Miller and Walters satisfy you all. Collaros obviously wanted to be with Austin. Not Walters fault unless you wanted to pay him 450k. Ottawa throws money at Burris that Walters can't match because he knows the rest of the team needs to be upgraded. Again not Walters fault. Don't be surprised if Taman signs Willy or trades him to BC just to get back at Wpg with the way he was dumped.
  15. Good luck to Ottawa. And if I were Glenn I'd want a little revenge for being used like an old *****. If Ottawa can pay all 3 QBs I'll eat my ball cap. I hope Kohlert meant what he said about going to FA and re-signing with Wpg. 400K. If this is true all the people slamming Walters and Miller owe them a huge apology. 400K is BS.
  16. I guess if a bucket of money couldn't get him to Wpg then there is only one reason why he wouldn't come. He couldn't stand the pressure cooker to have to help put a winner on the field and he himself doesn't have the faith in his own abilities. If it's off to Ottawa then good bye and we'll do it without his help. Period.
  17. So, you're saying you're not into hank as much as hank is in you…shanks. That's a lie. hank has never been in me.......that I can remember.
  18. They have an OC and a QB coach in place... plus Travis Moore is Rec coach - Burris played with him. Crandell is their QB coach, same age as Burris - probably know each other... RedBlacks will get a lot of attention - clean slate, will go down in history as their first starter, etc... - lots of media attention. Winnipeg has run QBs out of town every season for five years now. Would you rather take snaps from Marwan Hage - a guy you've worked with for two years - or Justin Sorenson - a guy who shouldn't be in the league? Would you rather be protected by Deane and Eppele or Greaves and Morely... Man, this is getting depressing. A touch on the Harsh side.
  19. Yup. Now I'm completely confused and at this very moment I don't give a good gosh Dam. Give me a call hank when you decide.
  20. At some point, Walters has to get the job done. We gave Mack two years of blaming Kelly... look where that got us. Overpaying a 39 year old QB is not getting the job done either. Except we didn't sign Collaros and said we were targeting Burris... he hasn't signed Muamba... lost Kohlert... hasn't announced coaching complete coaching staff... you could say he has overpaid in trades... at the very least, our trades have been non-impact - unless Neufeld comes though... I'm still on his side, but things are starting to pile up. Free agency should give us a pretty good idea whether Walters is in over his head... Well first we never really seriously went hard after Collaros - There's a reason for that. The team doesn't think as high of him as others do, as evidenced by their offer. He's also a boat load of money to Henoc as Lawless (despite what anyone thinks of him) has pointed out time and again but if he wants to try the NFL or see what what value is on the open market, you can't fault him for that and hold a gun to Henoc's head and make him sign. Overpaying in trades...I'm assuming you're referring to the Hall/Neufeld deal because all the other ones have either been good, or too early to tell if it's a bad trade or not - and really you can make that argument that it's to early to tell there given Neufeld hasn't even suited up for a game with us. Walters replaced Hall with Vega, and frankly just about any time you ship off an import for a starting non import, chances are you've made off alright. Kohlert was left unprotected because he was a pending free agent. His chances are every bit as good as playing here as it is Ottawa or anywhere else, so to say we've lost him at this point is very premature. As for the coaching staff, that's O'Shea's job, not Walters. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* SHANKS (WTF. Can't figure out why I can't separate the comments) Anyway: Kohlert made it fairly clear he waasn't going to sign before Feb 15 because his fiance lives in Wpg unless that's changed. I'm thinking that he'll be back in B&G this year. As for Burris...I'm sick and tired of the games. Play for us and play hard and I don't care who you are or what stats you've put up. If Glenn does come back to Wpg he's got more class than I ever have him credit for. If Burris is indeed going to the Redblacks, oh well. Bye Frank
  21. Yeah. We wouldn't want to overshadow the "Superbowel Extravaganza" Sunday with the Burris signing.
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