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Posts posted by BigBlue

  1. Westerman never actually said he wouldn't sign... he just wanted to sign later or after this season, trying to up his value.  Buono didn't like it and now its a stand off.

    Buono puts a lot of pressure on his free agent up-comers to sign an extension ... if they won't he threatens to bench them .. used this kind of pressure on Harris last year

  2. If Popp had the answers (and his hands aren't tied) her would be using them ... who would you trade for in terms of a promising #2 QB ... he would give up a highly rated 1st rounder draft pick for a differejce maker QB and throw in other stuff ... Owner W has always had $$$$ for recruiting Yanks ... this is about disharmony and crisisisisisisis of confidence .... we all have them once in a while but they are scary

  3. a rumour on the other forum says the bombers are planning on brining in a qb high on their neg list. A guy that could have some NFL experience, not sure i believe it, not sure who it could be but... apparently that's what one of the guys on there has said. Maybe not NFL experience exactly but a guy currently in an NFL camp... 


    And why bring in all these quarterbacks? because it's the most important position on the field by far and probably the toughest position to learn for a guy coming from either the NFL or NCAA.

    " And why bring in all these quarterbacks? because..." is this the real reason for the QB parade?



    I do not take any delight in this. Makes the league as a whole look bad. They need to get into Tim Hortons Field as soon as they possibly can.

    I don't take delight either but fans in other cities were sure laughing at us. Like Hamilton. Then the comments that their stadium is nicer than ours?? As it turned out, we didn't have a tenth of the issues Hamilton has had getting the thing built. We just had to wait another year & played at our old barn. While disappointing, it was a good fall back plan. Too bad Garth Buchko had us play the first 4 games of the year on the road & just didn't move everything back into Canad Inns from the start of the season. Going 0-4 on the road killed our season. I think Buchko was the only person who couldn't tell the stadium was a year behind schedule & would never be ready that season.
    C'mon Iso, not everything is Buchko's fault. Buchko hadn't even started his job with the Bombers when the schedule came out. The request to start on the road would have been made long before he was hired. There is plenty of blame to dump on him without adding stuff that had nothing to do with him.


    The above statement is the closest thing to "naïve-ity" I have seen in a while ... some blind faith/loyalty from somewhere


    I'm not sure why the league should make any changes or accommodations just to increase the chances that the 5th place team in the West can make the playoffs.


    Especially since keeping some level of interest in eastern teams has importance to the overall health and stability of the CFL.


    I'd agree with this.

    The system they put in place allowing a crossover team in the first place, addressed the biggest issue we had in the CFL…where the teams with poor records in one division, made the playoffs over team with better records.

    It works better now in a league with 2 divisions, and the only way to improve that is to have one division…and I'm not sure that's going to happen any time soon.



    When there is a crossover, just let the team with the best record host the 1st playoff game  (while the division leaders takes their bye) ... fixes a lot of stuff with one tiny change doesn't it?

  6. Careful now, that stuff is trademarked.


    In all seriousness, Goossen played very well I thought considering the circumstances. The only time Hamilton got pressure was when they were sending more than we could block, unlike us who were still at times able to get pressure when rushing three of four. Zach Anderson was a big reason why.


    I saw Goosen in there but I don't know when he went in or why ... missed TSN comment on that if there was one ... tell me more please

  7. I must say that from inside the (red zone) 5 yard line I would much rather see us throw the ball into the end zone than see us try to run it in ... our success rate has not been high enough doing that


    I also feel that at the stage the Blue are at right now ... on 1st & 10 we need some short passing plays (flat passes, look-ins & quick outs) to set up the run ... it just seems like on first down we are to predictable with our running plays and the opposition  knows it


    MB is doing OK but I think he needs to mix it up more  and quit trying to overpower their D-line with our O-line


    Grisby was effective tonight because we were going outside the tackle-box with short passes and some outside runs ... that opened up the middle a little and then we had some tiny success there .... that's what you call multi-dimensional


    When our offense shut down in the second half, it was as if we got too conservative (and predictable) ... short buck then throwing on 2nd & 8 .... over and over and ...


    MOS has handed MB quite a team ... lets go further forward eh!



    nice problem you have, website so popular during games, it's hard to get in sometimes…


    well done, you're doing a great job here.


    There is something goofy going on during games which I believe is tied to the chat room, and it isn't tied to the number of people hitting the website.  We should have no problems keeping up with any kind of traffic this site would get.   I've noticed it during both away games now so it isn't a coincidence. (not home during home games so I'm not monitoring it).


    I logged a ticket with our hosting company during the last game, they didn't get to it until after the game was over, but they did say that the logs indicated that the server was running out of memory and constantly rebooting.   They tried changing a few optimizations and have a few other ideas to try if it doesn't get fixed.


    People already in the chat room aren't affected as the chat room is hosted off site.


    We didn't see this last year as we were on a different hosting company and setup at the time.


    So, if you have problems with the site tonight during the game, please have patience, I'll be monitoring it and trying to get it fixed.


    If you want in the chat room, best to get in a little early before the game.  If we are experiencing difficulties again, be patient and keep trying, the server will reboot and you will be able to get in before it runs out of memory and goes down again :)



    So the site went down again during the game.  It looks like the load of people hitting the home page is just too great and causing server restarts.


    We are going to be looking at doing an upgrade to see if we can fix this.  Should be minimal down time, if any.


    Good news that the site is getting this busy!



    Better add some resources to the Chat Room ... too hard to get in & stay in .... would be nice to access the complete game chat  history as well

  9. I thought we had lost tonight's games because of special teams mistakes:


    !. holding /blocking penalties on returns .... especially away from the play


    2. Return for a touchdown against us ... #41b (I think) looked lackadaisical


    3. Ian Wild snapping the ball over our punters head


    What gives?


    I thought special teams was the extraordinary part oif O'Shea's game ... how many years as a special teams coach .... this seems like such an enigma !!!


    I am absolutely thrilled, amazed and happy with tonight's photo-finish win ... and Drew Willy's special leadership .. but can we do something to save me from this type of  heart attack?

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