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Everything posted by blue85gold

  1. Prukop said the the Freep that the throw was to Ellingson. Looks to me like Bailey drew coverage to the ball. Not saying it was a good throw but sure sounds like Bailey shouldn't have been there. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/2022/11/22/i-didnt-do-enough-collaros-says-of-grey-cup-loss Short-yardage quarterback Dakota Prukop admitted Tuesday he’s lost sleep over the interception he threw in the fourth quarter in Sunday’s Grey Cup. The Bombers had a 23-17 lead when Prukop came in for a play and attempted a deep pass that was picked off by Shaq Richardson. “I would’ve liked to have Greg (Ellingson) more open. If he’s (wide open), then you take that shot. But the situation we were in and with the momentum, I just really wish I could’ve moved on and found the next receiver,” said Prukop in front of his locker. “So, yeah, that one hurt, man. Buck made a great call. I told him before the game ‘If you put me in, I’m going to take care of the ball.’ I’ve done it all year and on that play, I didn’t. It sucks.”
  2. From the postmortem as the team cleaned out their locker sounds like Ellingson was the target on the deep INT by Prukop. What the hell was Bailey doing running his guy into the area?
  3. Back to the overall topic of loving this team. When ZC threw that INT with a couple minutes to go, that is game over for most teams. How great was it that we got the stop on D, unheralded Cdn special teamer blocks the kick, and then the offense did just enough to get a chance to win the game. Didn't end well, but that was awesome.
  4. Lawler and Schoen would be such an embarrassment of riches. They are very different receivers and both great at what they do.
  5. Exactly. All the talk from keyboard physicists is too much. There's no way for us to know where that kick was going from the split second between kick and block.
  6. Last year Castillo makes that kick. This year who knows. He missed a bunch of kicks this year including XPs
  7. Feeling weirdly zen about this loss. Bombers played terrible on offence and were one play away from winning it. So many instances where one little thing going different could have changed the outcome: - Hallet blocked FG, it he got slightly more of it maybe it shoots back 15 yards or we scoop and score - If Willie doesn't tip that Kelly pass at the line, maybe Nichols takes it back for a score - On their last punt return, what if the DB (Lawrence/Parker?) makes the initial tackle or at least stays in his lane. - What if Schoen makes that first deep catch? These are all unknowable. Great season. Can't wait until next year. Absolutely. We've seen this team finish games after plays like that for the last few years. That would have been a long way to go for the single. Weren't we on the 40?
  8. With Evans being a guy that has publicly talked about struggles with mental health, the Riders would be the worst place to go. The "fans" treat players terribly if the wins aren't coming.
  9. Glad the Als are out after how they did Khari. TO looks like a bit of mess. Players and coaches shoving and yelling on the sideline.
  10. 1. Defence - brought the lumber 2. Special teams - cover teams shut em down 3. Offence - starter only needed 2 drives to score enough to win HH Ford in his first start looked like he belonged
  11. Biggie played WIL in BC right? Elimimian was the middle? Gotta have the starting Oline in if ZC is playing. Once he sits they may switch it up. Throw Gray at LT and give Stanley a rest.
  12. Weird that Ford is starting at CB and there are no back up DBs. Is Lawrence nicked or does he not factor into their playoff plans?
  13. Wasn't that play to tie? They were down 7. I agree the Bombers didn't beat them down but they handled them effectively all 3 games.
  14. For sure. My toddler woke up and watched the last quarter with me. She kept asking who that grumpy guy was whenever they showed ZC on the sideline. Had to explain that he really wanted to play but the coaches wouldn't let him. Haha
  15. Haha I was going to say "using the term playing" loosely
  16. I wouldn't mind it but to me it doesn't make sense when there is Duke Williams playing down the road.
  17. Hope it doesn't mean Rutledge is out long-term. Best case scenario it means that Jeffcoat will be back soon and they like the new guy from the Riders.
  18. https://twitter.com/Wpg_BlueBombers/status/1577323403022843906?s=20&t=zW8rzhdzW51chqmleqPCGw Welcome back Darby!
  19. I haven't paid too much attention to the Ti-Cats but hasn't their D been not bad? Aren't their troubles mostly on offence and Evans giving the ball away?
  20. I get what Bailey does on the team. You need someone to do the dirty work at receiver. He scraps for extra yards and is a high energy guy. I just also think that the reason he is always making contested catches is that he isn't great at getting open and separating from the DB. In the end it doesn't matter too much if he makes the catch. He's never put up monster stats even when he was playing in a different spot last year. That's fine, not everyone can take over a game but it is what it is.
  21. Did anyone catch the pregame interview they spliced in during the game where Dave discussed going with Maier over Bo? Said "I" can win with either guy at QB. Can you imaging OSH ever saying that "I" when talking about the team winning a game? He barely includes himself in "we" when talking about a win and gives all the credit to the players and coaches around him.
  22. Like I said. McRae doesn't bring anything different to the offense from Demski. 100+ yards from scrimmage and a TD! Whoops.
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