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Everything posted by BigBlueFanatic

  1. Get the call right? This crew is blatantly jacked to call or not call whatever helps Hamilton. There I said it.
  2. No replay of the miss? I thought it was good at first
  3. Enough scouting Richie, dial it in and stop giving unearned respect
  4. Foxcroft was supposed to have retired? Or am I looking at his dirty lying clone? LAWLER… take that losers!!
  5. Reffing is the Bombers’ bonus opponent today… yayyyy
  6. Continuing to spot the opposition midfield starts is just not acceptable… like, at all.
  7. Some kinda Sergio/Legghio voodoo mind swap wtfh
  8. Bombers obliging the TSN narrative… sickening. Rod about to wet his pants with glee.
  9. Loved when Lawler kept his arms up in the TD signal while staring laser beams through the line judge’s head.
  10. Omg if we have the cap space you don’t not try for Mauldin.
  11. Andrew Harris has that bad-kid-made-good history to him. That chip on the shoulder and grit brought back home to Winnipeg was great for the team at the time. It’s too bad it also carried him right back out of town on bad terms. Brady Oliveira isn’t just Harris’ successor anymore. Talking full value as the best RB in the league and will be one of all-time ambassadors for the sport and Manitoba. The club will absolutely pay him what he’s worth.
  12. Bombers throw to Demski and then Bailey to restock the coals on the Brady Train.
  13. Shoen had a pretty rough start, honestly to me the officiating has let dbs hit him a ton when he’s defenseless, with no calls, and it could be getting into his head.
  14. What a joke zero replays of the Sask non-convert. None. At all.
  15. Live and die by the deep ball it seems. Right now dying is on the menu
  16. Holm with the under the radar teabag on Pipkin, when loses his mind.
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