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Everything posted by BigBlueFanatic

  1. Holm not one of the db’s getting ripped on in this thread. Quietly steady and has brought the lumber a few times
  2. Any word on Demerio Houston? He’a one of the only D injuries that hasn’t basically been declared season ending
  3. Vallesi one of my least liked head refs. The loss before the first bye week was pretty understandable after the hell schedule. This one super disappointing… let down games after a blow out victory are my nightmare. Heading into the bye week against a 3-9 team after trashing the Riders was a trap game afterall.
  4. Parker with the defended pass before that… much tighter coverage on that 2 and out Well damn it
  5. To the well too many times with the Prukop keeper
  6. SMH Chez joking a 12-1 Bombers time to start panicking 🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. Defense soft soft soft Zero pressure on Evans. Zero
  8. Said to a buddy yesterday that Evans is likely out partway through the second quarter….
  9. Not just you. GMac also took a head shot on a sideline grab early in the game. Why the CFL only calls them on qb’s is bush league stuff.
  10. At last, the beatdown we’ve been craving since the BC game… looking forward to what the defense shows us in the second half
  11. TurdDown “writer” Josh Smith precious ticats are a dumpster fire so of course he says f!!ck it and starts slurping on the absolute crappiest franchise in the league 🙄
  12. Things were stacking up against the Bombers early and, to the casual eyetest looked about to snowball out of control. Legghio dodging the block and still flipping the field was the turning point of the game, imho.
  13. Remember Zach also revealed that Demski played the last Grey Cup with cracked ribs. I initially thought he was throwing shade at the commish when taking the most outstanding Canadian award… but it’s clear the exhaustion and pain on his face was from gutting it out, all the way to the ultimate victory.
  14. Turd down “staff” article summary He’s controversial! He’s 6’2” 290 lbs! He drew a mixture of praise and criticism! He “would have loved” to apologize to Jeremiah (but didn’t) Over 8 games he still managed 9 defensive tackles! baaaaaaaarrrrrfff
  15. And according to the rulebook it wasn’t even a penalteeeeeee whaaaaat
  16. and the football goods declared, “and lo! Thou shalt suffer near thrice a decade of many curses and sorrows… afterwhich thou shalt enjoy back-to-back blessings and possibly more…”
  17. But according to one individual it’s Zach’s fault for turning into a blindside cheapshot 🙄 and the refs didn’t miss it, they just judged it no big deal and he’s ok with it? But according to this same individual, in a previous game refs whistling dead an incomplete forward pass is ridiculous and outrageously unacceptable because it miiiight have been a fumble but only when you review it in ultra slow-mo riiiiiiiiight. Cue the nonsense logiks and incorrigible missing-the-point response…..
  18. The defensive talent that went elsewhere in the offseason was huge. This year’s defence looked ready to absorb those losses with serviceable and/or promising replacements but the injuries have been crazy. Losing Kyrie hurt bad because he was already in all-star form to start. The revolving door at cornerback after losing Alford and Mike Jones also stings. Loved the way Houston was coming along but Rose is a shadow of himself (lingering foot injury?) For all that, the point they gave up in the second half was off a kick. Can’t even hang that on the defence, no?
  19. Our patchwork secondary also made Faj look way better than he is… until the end.
  20. Totally fair. Definitely looking forward to seeing what improvements we see as Couture and BA make their way back on the field… after that I would think fingers crossed we get Ellingson back and tuned up before playoffs. Hopefully Grant isn’t away for too long either.
  21. Agree to disagree? On our 2nd SAM (Rutledge Jr a huge find) 3rd WIL, 4th safety, 4th boundary corner because Glass couldn’t cut it and now Houston and Rene out so Rose moves back and struggling hard… add a pretty raw Parker on the field corner. Back up centre, missing Ellingson, Agudosi, Couture out for this game… even special teams has to be considered depleted because a lot of those same back ups of back ups would be doing foot soldier duty. If Bombers could field the roster with those guys playing, it’s much closer to 2021 domination imho.
  22. A fine isn’t good enough for Marino. Supplemental discipline for this guy should be a game suspension for the nature of the hit. He stopped, thought about it and then delivered that bs.
  23. I’ll take an ugly LDC win 100% of the time it’s always a game where crazy -ish happens. Getting run over early with the 0-11 deficit had the makings of the pre-Collaros LDC we’re used to seeing. The good guys got it together and got it done. Go Blue!!
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