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Everything posted by Booch

  1. didnt I say under 300k.....we dont need to over pay here And cap going up....300 seems to be the high water benchmark already...so 300k in 2024 doesnt bother me one bit....If the 220k for Weinike is real, and Dunbar got his 200k, who knows what Lewis gets...Kenny's 260 is more than fine...and we dont overpay.....ever so if it worked for Walters, and 300k works for yr 2 for what Walters is doing...Im fine with that if he does what Kenny does ZC probably cant have the season come fast enough
  2. yeah...Lofton is a career floater....not a stud by any stretch....but better than anything they had....but wont turn their line around...was depth here cause Richmond went down...turning 30 next month....and still hasnt established anything up here
  3. nope....u are a fool and uneducated eh?...good credibility fail...Lanier was an undrafted free agent if you meant him...Pete Robertson...not a DT...and as well...undrafted....u are funny tho.... Talked to people in the know...Couture will go to B.C if the Bombers couldn't/wouldnt sign him...another fail...Ciraco?...have at er....he wont put you over the top
  4. so as it sits...before camp starts we can trot out Bryant / Grey/Eli/Neuf/Yoshi on the oline..backed up by Dobson and Kolo Have Brady backed up by Augustine.. ZC chucking a ball to Woli/Demski//Schoen/Lawler and likely Agudosi, with BOLO and Grant rostered Defensively will line up at current Willie/Walker/.Jake/Lawson /Jeffcoat and Hansen as a rotation end Wilson/Biggie/Darby with a back end of Rose/Nichols/BA/Houston/Lawrence...with Parker back Now how can you say that isn't a good starting point going into camp and not even counting any of the prospects/draftees brought in, or any other free agent signed...got to give Walters credit where credit is due...has done a masterful job
  5. where we in need now really...looks like only DT with the import spot...We do still have Walker coming back...and good chance we use a rookie import run plugger...maybe the next Stove...
  6. and he had a big ol bag of it with contracts like Couture...Ellingson..Prukopp..BA...Taylor...geting full 6 game reliefs from the sms...I believe couture got 2 full 6 game stints...and we had left over money we were gonna give harris we didnt use, and some Desjarlais war chest money on top of it...we in good shape
  7. dare I say we got Lawler under 300k this yr....I think we did...value for loyalty....watch when the numbers come out
  8. thing is...I think we going for legit 1A type wr in FA to augment what we have....so White serves no purpose in my opinion...and we need to have a guy..Agudosi or Heiligh starting as a entry value contract to make things work I would be shocked if one of Lawler or Lewis isnt here
  9. I wouldn't put too much into that...pretty easy to move the fam a province or 2 over...and have u ever lived in Cali where his family was?...I have....its freakishly and disgustingly expensive...300k a yr down there doesnt go that far....was a sound business decision to do so....and can be a nice tax savings as well.....
  10. yeah just saw the Dunbar thing...that was the guy I hoped we would lock up if we lost out on Lawler, and or Lewis if we interested....I can actually see Lewis coming here for fair and market value but not 300k+ value to be on a legit "team" and have opp to do things in the community which he seems to want to be part of...knowing he has a legit chance at nice playoff bonus cash
  11. Tha Als tho were able to sign their young receiver Julien-Grant...so not like they doing nothing...be funny if they countered the Rider offer for Harris and left em twisting in the wind...dare to dream??
  12. he is king of the yards between the 30's and no TD's tho...been that way forever...and wont change in sadsackville...not with the cast of plugs...slugs...and duds
  13. Weineke making more than top guys like Burnham...Beggleton....among other big playmakers, and as it sits right now...save for Lawler and Lewis is highest paid receiver in league??...this just writes itself on the stupidity and desperation...gotta love it
  14. Oday is a fool...and probably feeling like he has to over pay now for his own pending guys...and do so also in the FA tamper window....cause that the only way to attract...or retain anyone.....he's gonna rape Peter to pay Paul and the roster make-up and total lack of depth is gonna be worse than last year...which I figured couldn't happen...and still....hasn't addressed the biggest issue there...piss poor o-line....he tossing around all these sheckles, and making crazy offers to try and save his hide...and cant see where they need to pay the money....it's almost comical I hope Harris holds them under the barrel...he knows they need him....and knows this likely his last payday...so make em pay....
  15. and really...It's confirmed only Wienke?...Harris isnt signed there....nor is Lewis....and I find it funny how Nye keeps tweeting how they have ravaged the Als roster....when until just the last hour they hadnt signed anyone....even their beat writers are a collection of assbags...
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