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Everything posted by Booch

  1. The baffling part is burning a DA on a fullback...Mauro has shown flashes....just not sure about full reps....and his coverage skills or ability to read whats going on....maybe he will surprise....but still an odd move
  2. nobody really had a need tho did they?...especially early in season when the SMS is kind of unsettled, and locked up....sort of...that or he asking too much initially...but as season wanes on that ask will minimize
  3. with the full projected staring offence playing finally...there should be no reason we don't march up and down the field...and I bet we see the real scheme emerge and some different things that we been sitting on
  4. I never want a loss...dont get me wrong....but sometimes a bitter pill is required....and we have guys here, that know the system so dont need a bye week to be integrated, as nothing goes on during the bye other than the coaches making the call to make a change...so getting the jump and have film to review during the bye allows you to make even better decisions or comparisons I also 100% agree with your second paragraph....that has been a major contributor since game 3....I almost think thats its also a case of the co-ords not showing their cards right now...and at 4-2 and really 1st in the west most likely a given as the Lions aren't all that and as good as people like to think....I'm more or less okay with that if thats the case Is today the day now that we have our full projected Offence playing the game we see the true offence Identity and what we are gonna be 9 times out of 10...I'm thinking so because our front 7 as it is for this game is gonna need it Lemon would be a perfect add....and I all for it...Dude is training harder right now than he prob did in off-season...seen some online clips...Plus he is a vet and would need zero acclimation of any type prob as most teams have money tied up elsewhere...and nobody has a real need...yet....but we do now as HABA is on the 6...and we have....lemme check the PR.........................................................Nobody I bet we see a Lemon drop during the bye
  5. for real?...DA at full back?....6 dlineman?...One of Jeffs go down....Bennett goes in all game.....Or use Walker off edge and Jake gets even more reps?...Sad part we have no DE even available to take Haba's spot, but we do have Fox who should have been rostered....We likely win big...just cause the Elks suck so bad and our Offence should march up and down the field on them looking at that elks depth chart...and that will be in spite of who we rostered
  6. being gassed....is the main contributor to the piss poor tackling display we saw last week.....fact question...do you seriously think this is a good, and adequate roster use today?...
  7. also glomming onto the fact that a coach has won grey cups in the past so he can do no wrong is also a factor....all coaches at times get stuck in a rut and lose an edge...and if they dont get it cack...or refuse to adapt a biut...they either start to lose...make same mistakes...and end up getting a pink slip....not saying we are at the point here...far from it....and totally not needed....but also Osh has a stubbornness and penchant to not at times see the forest thru the trees until its blatantly obvious. Just the fact he wont use that Nationalized rule is proof positive of that as just one example...why ...because he doesnt like it, and is too Pro-Canadian to take advantage of it...of all the teams in the league we are set-up roster wise to get the most out of it
  8. center would do wonders...and is the main issue on the oline...that and Buck flip flopping game plan/scheme and not allowing the unit to get in sync with what works...then adding a few things in game
  9. keepm sucking on the kool aide...u just dont get it...so move on to a new topic
  10. and there is also the rub...Interior of the oline was not getting it done...u have 2 pile moving monster in Eli and Dobson...yet u just keep banging your head against the wall failibng as your QB takes shot...after shot....where is the in-game adustment?...why dress guys if you dont use them...You could use dline guys on the line for short yardage...they dont have to be Olineman....other teams do it...we dont you are blind then....and u cant pinpouint it to specific plays...tho in this case u can in many I just have to say this...who in the CFL burns a DA on a FB....and who here wouldnt laugh their arses off and mock said team for doing so...think about that...especially when u take a look at our current front 7 this game on defense...let that absorb in your thick skulls a minute
  11. there is no reason that Thomas..Sterling...should have been dumped without time to develop on the PR for the ist 3rd of the season, and if they dont suit the need....then you replace and add new blood...especially when we had a guy Jeffcoat who was iffy to start the season....and no depth behind Walker...at all....when he was hardly a proven entity Thank good tho we had 2 import tackles...and 3 globals...2 of which Machino and The punter who will never see a role here other than a courtesy start at end of season when the standings are set and win/loss wont matter... How anyone who doesn't see the poor use of the PR they obviously arent looking at things as a whole....we are starting 6 lineman on defence...2 of whom suck...badly against prob one of the better running QB's in the league...you dont think that may not get into play and be factor after they are chasing him around all game with no real rotational guys available to use?...I sure do...and we saw it in Ottawa...that was a key reason that we got torched in 4th quarter...factor in the none use of Cole after Clements went down for slow as **** Briggs as he was chasing guys around aimlessly....if your backup LB on teams in the staffs opinion isnt adequate enough to step in...then why roster him?....and as Osh says...they all 1st teamers....so why not pull Briggs and try someone else when he was failing so bad?....and dont say it's cause he pulls duty on teams...cause so does Briggs
  12. Clements was on active roster pretty much from time we picked him up....and was a starter in Edm...so that is a moot example...Agudosi has had 2 yrs of injury time for the most part...and when he did get to play due to the Lawler thing...was targeted 12 times in 4 games...then sat...than added to roster and saw 2 snaps...another mismanagement of an asset one example doesnt make things all right and rosey
  13. 2 dummies here apparently Practice roster players have a minimum you can pay them....but u can also pay them more...and many get more....and to dress a DA fullback...when u didn't even dres or designate a FB on the previous depth chart...when you lost a productive rotational piece (Haba)..and fail to roster another guy who could help...alot (Fox)....Lost your athletic WIL (Clements) And refuse to start your most athletic LB on your roster (Cole) in lieu of a global...no knock on Mauro but he's not the best option...then yeah...that there alone is somewhat a cause for concern on what the HC is doing with his roster....you can't deny it
  14. I think he will step in...or at least make some suggestions....I have faith in him thing is tho....He can bring in NFL all-stars but if Osh chooses not to keep them...play them...PR them...then all that work is for nothing
  15. to be honest dont really care what people think about my opinion/comment or feel need to apologize...I would rather take an embarrasing loss and wake up call now, then fizzle out with a loss in Nov that was a direct result of letting this fester...all I'm sayin I have memorabilia from every team in the league in some form btw....extinct and current clubs...so thanks for the link but I have my own ways and means to get things
  16. this....or should be this....and you cant not link the losses tis yr directly to that....that and some gawd awful game plans lately call it dumb all you want....but it is the only thing that will give whoever it is that needs the kick in the onions to make the obvious changes or tweaks...looking thru the blue glasses and saying all is good and its not that bad because it's the Bombers is just as bad and oblivious to the issues....I support the team more than anyone, and have direct link to a lot of aspects to players here and the team, as well as elsewhere...and its not an "oh the sky is falling thing" due to a few losses...it's the fact we are in regression and have been for a lil bit here, and a lot of it is Coach created...but nobody wants to admit it that would be a waste of breath by whoever asked as we all know how Osh would answer...and a lot of times answers almost in a sarcastic manner...not even answering the question....
  17. no...that IS the worst front 7 in that form right now...It's almost Embarrassing to be honest. Save for Biggie and the Jeff's.....Mauro, and Kramdi as book ends to Biggie is a joke and if that the best we can trot out there, or the staff truly thinks they are better (which they are not but its a case of they have been here 3 yrs now more or less) then we have serious issues, and really screwed up level of depth here, and quality player, or ones worth developing on our PR...total mismanagement there. Nothing wrong with the Jeff's...But they will be worn right out as they will have to play Lions share of reps...and thats where injuries happen...Bennett...soon to be 27...is useless and show absolutely nothing and was the stupidest first pick..Thats Mack level incompetence....and if Osh said to Kyle thats who he wanted not sure how to justify that...ever consider that at 26 yrs old, against 18 to 22 yr olds he may have seemed better than what he was?? Walker the jury is out, but if the last 2 games is what he is...then I'm okay with that...But Thomas is done....almost to the point he should be on the PR or IR to allow some talent to develop on the roster behind Lawson....If you look at the dline draft picks this yr...there are several that are doing quite well taken well after Bennett, and the 2 other schmucks we took I can't see a team in the league where Mauro..Thomas..Kramdi would start...even due to injuries, nor do I see one where Bennett would be a consistent game day roster player....that right there is really concerning....considering we have absolutely nothing behind those guys to use on the PR and in a few instances have a couple guys (Cole/Fox/Karamoka) who we could...but choose not to and its flat out because they haven't been here very long....or we just cant evaluate talent anymore...not sure what it is but it is slowly turning this team into a mess
  18. yeah it not about we cant...we dont/wont and prioritize poorly what we should have multiple of...and minimal of...and some none of
  19. You would think ..like other teams that with injury, your backup LB who been on teams would fill in....not here...Hey guy who been here for yrs as strictly a ST guy ....you giver...u earned it, while the more talented guy who hasnt been in due to ratio but puts his body out there every game on teams....gets bypassed
  20. sometime tho u need a reality check and a slap upside the head to become better....we're due for one cause its been festering
  21. When they run 3 rushers...and twist or loop a guy in the middle our center looks lost...thats where a lot of the breach is....and then ZC has nowhere to go but out side and hope that the end is tied up
  22. shuffle th deck chairs maybe...even if it just one chair....novel concept
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