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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Good question...I sure tho if wanted it bad enough we would have worked it out tho
  2. It's more a matter of the oline knows what's going to happen...and the defence is always in attack ..and chase....in a nutshell...pass protection too is less of an energy expenditure
  3. yeah thats the rub...we have absolutely nothing of use/value on the PR worthy of putting on the roster to shore up any thing, or even add better depth....zilch...nothing...Schmeckle cant get on cause he is worse of an option that either Thomas or Bennett...pointless having him eat up a spot, as I bet if he was cut loose...we could pull hi off street if need be...Jake Kelly is the only practical National on our PR really who could be on roster....I would also like to see Karamoko in lieu of Mauro as well until Hansen supplants him....ideally wish we could grab a Canadian punter....there are many out there and have our Globals as Karamoko and Hansen...both would help big time on teams, and both could take quality reps on defence too
  4. looks like we are actually finally looking at some PR depth...Nice to see a legit returner, tho not sure why the need for another receiver...and why bring back a DB now for the 3rd time??....another end is interesting...
  5. we are a professionally coached team and act as such....The Riders are not, and do that crap...yr after yr...we will get them withing the rules of the game with a solid beat down
  6. we did it 2x with kongbo...first time he came back...second time was more of a we couldnt afford him....and they had Bennett already penciled in for that spot...I would have cut Bennett on the spot and signed him
  7. Removing Jackson...which is pointless for a dline piece...one who can actually make plays is a start and yes makes the roster better....And yeah sure Grant is coming back...but in meantime why try to push a square peg in a round hole....Grant got brought on during season because we were not good on returns/happy....thats how he got here.....standing pat...gets you ...well what we have seen We are sorely missing a legit end to compliment the Jeff's after Haba went down...we brought in a guy....and he hasnt seen the field....if he isn't good enough to be on the roster, then why is he here?....he's had more than enough time now since he been here to have learned what was needed...and from what I saw in practices I went to, seems like a legit player The insistence of running out Kramdi...Mauro for reps, Jake off the edge...way too much Bennett who seems clueless out there...not letting Eli take center reps....even "just to see" again....exercise in stupidity...
  8. Team can just release him...which we have done with others if they get interest
  9. Some just can't see it then....to each their own And a buttload here have said it's fine (Dline) cause we won a couple cups...last of which was 2 yrs ago and since then we have been springing leaks and cracks showing all over...that's the bigger issue...not bringing in a true returner....not replacing and edge rusher when Haba went down...not actively looking for a dominant 3 tech DT...not having any import linebacker developing....having multiple guys on the PR who will never be impactful...or even able to step in due to injury...just standing pat with guys who aren't starter quality just because basically...what u did in 2019...2021...etc don't mean jack in 2023 if u can't get it done....we standing still just because we had success ...key word before...also not maximizing the roster efficiency with the new rule...it's a combo of a these things...easily fixable mind you that is the root of the issues...if u don't see it as a whole..then not sure what you looking at...yes I am a fan...and as a paying fan...I want better...dont you?
  10. You need to be actually on a PR on game days to get that money....and traveling around doing workouts hoping to land on one isnt getting u paid either...
  11. You not trying to make changes...then you ain't trying...like I've said in other posts they should have been auditioning true returners...but back to what u are alluding to...Osh seems to think everyone is a number one and can do it.. especially if they been here a while...which we have seen is obviously not the case Fact of the matter...save for the majority of our starters...our depth/role guys are not top teir anymore
  12. Brady was actively trying to deter any lineman from doing anything..and to be honest not sure most if anyone actually saw it..Kolo and Dobson possibly as they both came over immediately But Brady had sense to try and deter any secondary penalties to take advantage of the ball position and scoring chance Smart Both been brutal...and McRae I don't think offers more ...we need more on defense than a 4 play a game offensive piece...at least Parker secured the ball with no fear off turning it over...I'll take Marvin Coleman catch and get any yards over what McRae gave us
  13. Another head shaker...nothing about schmeckle says or shows legit pro potential..but there he sits on the PR
  14. Actually Parker is prob one of fastest guys on team... But but but...some here say that stupid roster decision to dress 6...2 of whom for lack of better word are inadequate is not an issue cause we won 2 cups...last of which is now 2 yrs ago
  15. Yup...perfect marriage And I guess Dicklesson's comments how refs let us get away with everything on the l.o.s was okay tho?? What a loser
  16. Would hope they are...assume they are too...even if we got him...I have doubts Osh would even put him in when u have stars like Kramdi...Bennett...Thomas...eating up roster space
  17. I not disagreeing...but all we have...as our depth on pr blows...it's a matter of picking the smartest dumb kid...or tallest little person...it's again...come back to issues with poor roster management...which too many seem to think I'd just a few people opinion and complaints...even tho it's glaring in its obvious state Hey...we do have a DA fullback tho...Swarmay can return too...give him that role in lieu of a 6 snap a game guy who anyone on roster literally could do his role save for a kicker
  18. When we keep flip flopping game plan and scheme and going away from tried and true success...just to be different? Or fancy? I dunno...but it doesnt help anyone for cohesion and being in sync
  19. Nor is McRae tho...but he is a legit threat to cough it up...so we stuck between rock and hard place...at least Parker would have more overall impact We have to reserve ourselves to the fact that Osh is unwilling to shuffle the deck and inject some new spark...anywhere and are going to have to suffer through going with his favs...or guys who he feels he owes it to...plain and simple...the fact he didn't ask Walters to get him a legit returner in the meantime while Grant heals is a joke...2 games of garbage should have had a guy or 2 in here for looks...how u think Grant got on the roster...
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