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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. three times a day dose of depressing news spewing out of the Whitehouse. Wonder if Trump will bring in his own security squad. and Thanks for the updates u.p. and Jacquie.
  2. Goalie, yep Americans overthrew the leader of Iran in 1954, installed a murderous dictator, (which led to the present ayatollahs) overthrew several regimes in Iraq, overthrew the Gadaffi regime in Libya which is now in chaos, sent people to Syria to be tortured, (Canadian Maher Arar), then decided Assad had to go, five hundred thousand dead later, Assad is staying, shipping bombs to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to annihilate Yemen, the worlds poorest country. This is just a year or two before Bush invaded Iraq
  3. I was joking, sorry, I can be a bit obtuse.
  4. you're speaking of atomic here right? I strongly disagree.
  5. I would like to see our o lineman learn the Himebauch maneuver. It has saved a lot of quarterback's lives.
  6. more importantly, why bother ? That would destroy the illusion, mentioned by Rich, that they've painstakingly created.
  7. . not sure I'd agree, but it's an interesting comparison.
  8. I think Glenn is better than about 95 % of the quarterbacks that have played in the CFL over the last fifteen years. and I can back that up. But in all seriousness folks, 480000 yards passing is nothing to sneeze at. People would think differently about Glenn if not for the collision that wrecked our Grey Cup win. Let's hope he doesn't blow into town and beat the bombers a couple times this season, with some bombs to Carter. Re Carter, there's no shortage of people with strong personalities that have succeeded in football. Duane Thomas anybody?
  9. To be fair, they also exposed thousands of people in Utah, Nevada, and so on to nuclear testing radiation. The "downwinders" And probably some of us here in Manitoba. Although (strangely enough) the maps showing the winds and currents, and trajectories of the radiation carried through the atmosphere from the atomic tests, stop at the Canadian US border. But yeah, you're right. I was referring to the clueless American populace, who seem to have gotten used to and accepting of a state of permanent warfare.
  10. I have to agree with you.
  11. Bomb the daylights of of the middle east from 1990 up to and including today, then wonder why there are refugees and people seeking revenge. America the clueless dolt country.
  12. so why is this? are they doing what the coachs want them to do, or not? If not, is it cause they can't, or cause they just don't want to? Defence was much better two years ago. The team was less talented, but more fun to watch. Maybe the team misses Andrew Ladd, not for scoring and such, but for leadership.
  13. Thats right too, if he was healthy he would be a decent way up the wish list for me. Crompton? No thanks. Nice hair though.
  14. think several of the playoff games were also one goal games.
  15. without going into whether he's a good coach, how the hell does Maurice do press interviews almost daily, and still sound sensible, responsive to questions, and polite? it's quite impressive. His PR skills are exceptional.
  16. there are probably around twenty people using it. don't think many of them are voting. Please keep it, it's a lot of fun.
  17. Did what he said he was going to do. "Trump signs order withdrawing U.S. from Trans-Pacific trade deal" Thanks Donald! When he wasn't busy picking drone targets, this was Obama's main project for the last year and half of his second term. arm twisting, and the like to ram this through. This is a kick in Obama's nuts with a frozen boot by Trump. and a win for all of us. should be funny seeing his opponents twist into knots figuring out how this is somehow the wrong thing to do. (Hillary was all in for the TPP.)
  18. Laws aside, de facto violence against women and children is a world wide problem. especially horrendous is India/Pakistan. There's no shortage of people in Canada that think it's ok for an adult to beat a child as a teaching method. Bet it's easily twenty percent of the population.
  19. Other than a Jets win my hope for this game is that the fans do not chant "katey Perry"
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