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Posts posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. They all have to answer for the poor start. To run & hide is the wrong approach. Mack is a recluse. 


    Nah, during the season you shouldn't see or hear Botchko in the media, and he certainly shouldn't be on the field like certain other presidents.


    The exceptions are matters pertaining to revenue, parking, legal matters, advertising, etc.


    During season, the team's performance is all on Burke and Mack. They should be held to the fire, and will be the first to go if the team stinks all year.


    Bothcko's hour of reckoning will come in the off-season -- how his hires have panned out, the attendance, the numbers -- I only hope the board has the balls to punt him back to radioland if this ship keeps sinking.

  2. MAck is garbage, plain and simple. 


    But he's not the cancer -- its the whole organization. Getting rid of Bauer turned out to be a band-aid, we need to overhaul the whole  board and organization. 


    Its true. I always supported him, but whats scary is that even our import talent is starting to suffer. I'll give him some credit, he has brought in good players within the front seven but our secondary, O-Line and import receivers need to be upgraded in a bad bad way.

  3. It begins at the very top. 


    The board hired a poor GM, because they won't pay more and seem like a glorified city council. 


    That pee-poor GM has been basically brain dead as a CFL GM since day one, and couldn't make a trade, evaluate a QB, hire coaches, or navigate free agency if his life depended on it.


    The HC is way over his head and has "lifetime coordinator" written on his golf visor.


    The OC is so inept it's a wonder he can find his way to the stadium. 


    Oh, and the talent on the team is there to a degree, but they're young and have few capable vets to look up to. 


    So where do you start. I say Mack obviously, but now I think you have to go even higher.



    After Labour Day, whereupon the Riders will hammer us, attendance will be slumping so the Bombers will "make a change," likely canning Mack and Crowton.


    That will be Botchko's mulligan, his one meat shield of his career. But I think, after 23 years, we have to go further. 

  4. you've probably been supporting this tool your entire tax-paying life.  He took English Lit and theatre in university - what are the odds that it was 100% financed with student loans that he's never paid back? 


    I see that he lists "Bible-eating" as one of his talents.  What is with these guys?  If you really want to be "edgy" you'd eat a Koran. Now THAT takes courage.




    Now THAT is funny.


    Gold star KBF. 

  5. You guys are way too glowing on Mack.


    Sure he can find DB's and receivers -- obviously a good pipeline there -- but it's clear he knows nothing about building a championship caliber team. 


    His approach to Free Agency (or lack thereof) hasn't worked.


    The offence is pathetic. Nausea inducing. And hanging his hat on Buck has been exactly what was expected, maybe worse.


    And his coaching hires? Obviously not successful. 


    Sorry guys, we will be much better off when we get someone else in who can finally address the obvious problems this team has. 

  6. you go ahead and cling to your wrong opinions, but they're still wrong. It's good that you can at least respect what we're saying, that just indicates that deep down you are afraid we're right and that your happy thoughts might not wind up coming true. 


    I wish Pierce was still a guy you can count on but he's not and that's why it was such a huge mistake to tie the entire season to him. The guys game has fallen off a cliff the last couple years, he's a backup at this point. Likely will need to try and get Glenn out of Calgary if the backups here aren't good enough to take the reigns because Glenn would actually fit this offense and give us average qbing to allow ths defense to win a few games. 


    Despite coming across as a major ass-hat, you are also a 100% correct; all your posts on this topic are. 


    Unfortunately, I don't think the Bombers will make a move for Glenn -- this season is Mack's defining moment. He's hitched his wagon to Bucky and suddenly turfing him in week 4 for a retread from '07 just isn't the Joe Mack way.


    Sad thing is though, like Swaggerville, this D will be figured out by mid-season, and then we will NEED the O to step up. And with Pierce it can't. 

  7. HAM's defense sucking is certainly fair game but lets take it week to week to see if it progresses. No way Austin is going to let it rot like Cortez did last year. He's already made more moves this week than Cortez did almost all of last year.


    Calling Zontar! This is Hank Bain -- I've almost secured the SCTV offices! Although, according to the Planetary Almanac, the planet Zontar is about to get hit by a giant asteroid....

  8. It's not just Wiecek, but the vast majority of Bombers media are negative. Their first reaction is always a negative one. I can't think of another city where you'd get away with this....


    Why should he be glowingly positive? We haven't been a good football team offensively in a very long time. And Game One was no better. 


    If you want all sunshine and rainbows, read the Leader Post in SK. Their GM can fondle little girls and the reporters don't even have the balls to ask the team to comment on it. 

  9. Been living here since 1990. I lknow the city & the fanbase. Apathy started two years ago. Attendance plummetted suddenly & has never come back. Why do you think Bauer "resigned"??? More like pushed out the door.I actually think that there is apathy but I also get the sense the Stamps really don't appreciate their fans. LIke I said, once the season is over they take a long winter's nap.  .

    I would put a bit of the blame on the flood, at least for this year. 


    But Calgary definitely needs a new park. That would certainly help.

  10. Quarterback will be the issue with this team... It's not getting fixed. The problem remains. The only choice was replacing secondary players at that position. This is a hill Burke & Mack are gonna die on. 


    This, in a salted nutshell. 


    That MTL team is no big deal and rookie head coach Gary Busey trotted out a very sloppy crew, especially by MTL standards. 


    But when you got AC, even a 40-year-old AC, you're always in the mix. 


    6 win season in Bomberville. 

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