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Posts posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. then bring it to the board at a meeting not 5 days in advance and expect them to keep it a secret. That's the issue here. I haven't been one of the anti-Buchko people ever, but this is just a terrible way to run a team. 


    Exactly. That's why I think Botch laid the egg here. 


    He has a meeting scheduled in a week, yet he decides -- right before he intends to leave town -- to show his hand to some member of the board that he OBVIOUSLY didn't know well enough.


    Its such an utterly amateurish move that I have ZERO confidence he can run this team.

  2. Higgins misses the sidelines. He took the Head of Ref job with the CFL to stay close to the game. If the position becomes available, he'll go after it.  Especially as GM.


    Hope you're right. He's my first choice. 


    Even though he's not as "sexy" a choice as some of the others, we really need some stability and experience in the big chair. 


    Your "misses the sidelines" is a bit of a red flag to me -- I hope he's smart enough to hire an O-minded coach and then focus on finding players, not meddling on the field. 

  3. why not? He's already heavily involved in it in Toronto and has always seemed to be good at that aspect. It's where he wants to wind up and considering that there's not a hell of a lot of good candidates currently in the CFL I'd take that gamble. 


    His rumoured personality issues would make me hesitant to give him a GM job. 


    And we gambled with Kelly, and then with Mack.


    Lets take a break from gambling for a bit until we have an ounce of respectablity. 

  4. Huffer's too smart to let Dickenson go.  If he sees Dickenson being offered a HC job in Winnipeg, I could see him stepping back from the HC duties in Calgary ala Wally last year just to keep Dickenson from going elsewhere.  He'd be nuts to let Dickenson come to Winnipeg.


    Yeah, could see that happening. Guaranteed Huff and DD have had a similar conversation already. 

  5. Another guy I'm interested in is actually John Murphy.


    Mainly because I like who his choice for a head coach would be. He still strikes me as more of a scout than anything. But I like the idea of Dickenson+Dickenson on our sideline and that's what JM would want.



    I wouldn't be opposed to Murphy if he's got the qualifications, but I would much rather see them go with a guy with some recent CFL experience. If Higgins isn't interested then guys like John Murphy or Chris Jones would be guys I would seriously consider. 


    I would like Murphy. He'd get the warm bodies into camp and I suspect he wouldn't meddle on the field. He'd be my #2 after Higgins, maybe even 1B.


    Chris Jones as GM? Are you off your rocker? That guy appears to have some control issues to boot 

  6. Well, firstly ... I've known he's been a consideration if they ever replaced Mack for about a year now.


    What should scare you, if anything, is that the same people who came up with Mack are coming up with Mike Murphy.


    He's got a strong football IQ though and obviously, he's learned from one of the best. Oddly enough, he used to work for the Bombers as an assistant in the player personnel department during the 1989 season.


    Mack 2.0


    No thanks. 

  7. The professional thing to do would be to keep the discussion internal so that all parties involved could get the information in a similar timeframe.  Leaking it like this puts undue pressure on Board members and, depending on how maleable that person is, can bias their decision.  It's also a bit of a farce that Mack (regardless of how you feel about him) has to hear about his impending demise through a gossip column. 


    People like to complain about professionalism (whether it's a coach, a player or other parts of the organization) .. this is yet another example where the Board falls short .. do you think True North would air their dirty laundry in the media?  Likely not.


    I don't disagree with you, though this is how the board has operated since I started paying attention. 

  8. I said last year that if he didn't hire a good head coach for this year then it'd cost him... and Burke isn't good enough as a head coach. Can give a guy a mulligan on Lapo but 2 duds at HC is just not going to cut it. That being said, I absolutely hate the timing and this just screams trying to appease the unruly mob. What in gods name is firing the GM going to accomplish now? The season isn't a write off, there's a ton of games left against Hamilton, Edmonton and Montreal, turning things around isn't that far fetched. 


    The guy was as good as gone already. They need to find someone competent. Why not start now?


    He's the GM, not the coach. Shouldn't have any effect on Burke and Crowton turning this season around, as clearly unlikely as that is. 

  9. Has nothing to do with controlling a message .. it's about projecting a clear vision and ensuring goals (both short and long term) are well defined for both the organization and other stakeholders (fans). 


    Respectfully, don't be so naive. Lawless wasn't leaked this info cause they like the cut of his jelly jib.


    They're sending a message that people are actually working to solve this sheet-show. 

  10. I won't dump on a guy about to lose his job because I'm sure he made a good faith effort.  It will be interesting to see what they do in the interim here. 


    On the one hand it gives a replacement 2/3 of a lost season to evaluate and begin to move his pieces in.  That helped Tillman and Sask win the Cup in '07.  On the other hand if it's just Walters treading water till Candidate X gets hired in November things could get even more ugly than the ugly they already are.  On the 3rd hand having a GM in charge who all but knows he's gone at the end of the year can be dangerous too.  And that's where this was heading. 


    He might've made "good faith" effort but I saw very little actual effort.


    No moves for a QB, no action in free agency, little in the way of trades. Just some decent scouting but even that has slowed down. 


    Now lets get someone proven behind the wheel. 

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