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Everything posted by captaincanuck12

  1. Ugh.... I was worried about this ... We're playing too soft. Quick slants wide open flats...and ****...big hill injured.
  2. Major gift to the blue. Thanks Cody. Great half. Up 7. Now score a TD on the next possession.
  3. Great half all things considered. Hold Sask to 3 on that last stand.
  4. It's almost go time fellas. Let's crush those melon heads! #forthew
  5. I agree with the sentiment here. They played excellent today and did control the play for a majority of the game. Morissey needs his eyes checked... that giveaway was horrendous. Good thing they stemmed the tide in the 2nd. The last 2 goals they gave up were pretty nerve wracking...and it reduced Helly's save percentage numbers. I'm cautiously optimistic going forward!
  6. I'm 99% sure Gaitor is gone. I think the IR is purely a business move. Regardless I'm fired up for this game tomorrow.
  7. I love it. Some gals just don't understand.(my wife included)
  8. That's an extreme reach for CFL standards. We'll see if the refs pander to the melon head dominated crowd. The number of holds the Riders are called for will determine the outcome of the game.
  9. Double standard that exists in this world. She should be turfed. But she won't be.
  10. I was at that game too. I remember losing it with elation after Beasley picked off Printers to seal the win. Most memorable wins: 1988 grey cup. Michael Gray goal line int. 1990 grey cup. Complete dismantling of the Eskimos 2002 west semi. The bomber d shut down the Lions and a dumbass bomber fan ran onto the field to attack one of the BC lion players. Most memorable losses: 2002 west final The Esks were putting on a clinic , and the Bombers stormed back. Arland Bruce could not make a catchable 3rd and 10 ball and the Esks escaped with a W. The following week I was in Edmonton for the Grey Cup still distraught that the Bombers weren't there. Had enormous fun pissing off the Esks fans and rubbing it in when MTL beat them. 2007 grey cup. Sour taste in my mouth ever since. How Kerry Joseph was MOP after that performance eludes me to this day.
  11. Actually Grapes was given the opportunity to back track his comments and apologize. However he decided he didn't want to do that, and stood by his comments. The guy is old school and very much stuck in his ways. He doesn't care about political correctness, or phrasing his opinions in a political correct manor. If he rephrased his comments, then likely he still has his job. On a personal note, watching HNIC since the 1980's, I believe the guy is just a blathering idiot. I've almost always changed the channel, done an errand, or something else every-time he comes on the air. I won't lose any sleep over his dismissal.
  12. that's some dedication bruh. May St. Patrick guard you wherever you go!
  13. I honestly cannot believe we stomped the stamps. The defence actually made adjustments and stuffed Bo Levi Mitchell. Unreal! Now do the same to those melon heads.
  14. You realize this is the bomber team that twice blew huge leads in the 4th. Nothing is final until the clock reads 0:00
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