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The Unknown Poster

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Posts posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I cant say putting Goltz in was a mistake if Hall was injured.  Who else was going to go in, Boltus?  At least Goltz has played.  In that situation, Goltz was the right call.  The knee, however, not so much.  Then again, if we win, people are calling Burke a mad genius.

  2. I dont like the "I spoke to some players, no names, off the record and they agree with me".  Not saying I doubt you, just saying its a slippery slope.  All other accounts are the players love playing for him.  He didnt seem to have any problem motivating when he was DC.  Every week that we know he takes a stronger hand in the D, they perform markedly better.


    I dont know...I think he came into a bad situation that didnt allow for any sort of rookie head coach stumble.  I think Burke's shortcoming are certainly magnified.  My point would be, had he come into a better situation, he likely would have grown as a head coach more significantly.


    I dont blame Burke for everything. Im obviously a fan.  But the "buck" has to stop with leadership and we've turfed the CEO and GM...not to mention the OC.  Burke is the only leader left to hold accountable.


    But not now.  Off-season.

  3. It's telling for several reasons. Firstly Goltz isn't a QB. If he was they wouldn't have taken a knee.

    Secondly, Burke is a very conservative coach who was desperate to hang on and try to not lose. To lose like that must be very demoralizing.

    I would love to have heard the coaches discussion. Like, did Marcel argue that his offence could get them down the field?

    If we had a competent DC I think they'd consider firing Burke now. But it seems he's the defacto cd too so what can you do. Promoting Marcel also puts you in the same position as last year where a guy inherits a mess and does just enough to make you make a bad decision and keep him.

    I almost hope on the day after the final game wade miller announces the entire football ops staff have been let go. Except I like Kyle Walters.

    Word is miller and Walters like Burke. How much, is the question.

  4. The new TV deal will make ownership look better. But ultimately you need an owner who loves the game because no one is getting rich off it.

    That's why in not as down on Asper as others. He's a guy with a lot of money who was willing to spend it on the cfl.

    And like has already been said, big issue for some of these teams is venue. You can justify spending money in NHL markets but building stadiums for the cfl just doesn't equate to a return. You really do need government contribution.

  5. No. But much like disagree with a lawless article doesn't mean he's a fat bald ugly stuttering hack with no writing ability, calling Burke a **** idiot coward is emotional. Does anyone truly believe Burke the man is a coward? Or that he knows nothing about football.

    I guess I much prefer the intelligent football discussion that this board was created to promote not the name calling.

    Having said that, if he bombers had won in overtime I do believe people would still be upset with the knee. But Burke isn't paid to "go for it". He's paid to win and he felt the knee have them the best chance. I don't agree

  6. Marcel will be head coach.

    I was dealing with a pipe issue while watching the game but my observations were:

    - Max Hall can play. He became less efficient as the game wore on but he's a good accurate QB who didn't seem to have trouble throwing the long ball.

    - Johnson should be the permanent Safety

    - this kind of loss can destroy the psyche of a team and make an already restless fan base thirsty for blood. That being said this game is being judges very emotionally and decisions need to be made with sober thought.

    Burke can't be fired during the season. If for no other reason than he seems to be the only thing keeping the d playing at least half a good game.


    There are other people who supper buck but the way people get insulted on here for their opinions in not surprised they remain quiet.

    Ultimately we're not going to keep Burke as DC.


    supper buck? Auto-correct gone awry or where you hungry when you posted. Is it supposed to be support? 


    Damn iPhone.  "Support Burke"... lol

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