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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is the most idiotic thing I have read. People who are homophobic ARE ignorant. If you have a problem with gays, thats your problem. But really, to defend a homophobe? Come on...Although I guess by your circular logic, since Mo Price is basically calling Sam a sinner, then he himself is actually the sinner. Is this the Pee Wee Herman logic? There was a time people would have widely judged Price because of the colour of his skin. And Im sure he's been subjected to that many times in his life. He should think about that. Keep an open mind man, be glad you live in a country that has free speech. Also stop being so ignorant and accept people for who they are. Even if they are a homophobe. You are being very close minded. Im being closed minded to homophobes??? WHAAAAAT? *shakes head* You want me to be more open to the anti-gay opinion of homophobes? lol I am under ZERO obligation to accept Mo Price as a homophobe. Thats not close-mindedness. Should we accept racists too? Freedom of Expression is not universal, no matter what those spreading hate will tell you. If you knew me, you'd know me to be one of those mose open-minded people around. But I will not accept hate and this sort of "subtle" anti-gay BS just because a guy hides behind the bible that he picked and chose "rules" from
  2. Yeah props to that all right. I don't get Sun TV as I would have to pay extra to get it, but I do watch their stories online if I want some balance to what the CBC is saying. It's funny what gets left out by the mainstream media that Sun and Fox actually report. I watched the old news feeds from Sept 11 again online on some website that had collected and stored them all - the CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox feeds, so I watched how every network reported 9/11 from the first minute that the news of the first plane hitting the WTC happened. CBS, NBC and ABC all stated right away "We don't want to jump to any conclusions as to the cause of this crash" while the Fox News guy said immediately as the footage of the first tower burning was being shown "There is no doubt that this is a terrorist attack, probably perpetrated by Islamic terrorists". lol I definitely think their on-air staff is encouraged to editorialize. But you know what you're getting and I like it. Drove me crazy when SUN News was announced and you had all the lefties actually fighting to keep it out. They strongly believed in freedom of the press, but only if it was a lefty liberal stance.
  3. You're not wrong. But Im not sure Hilary's age will hang around her neck like it did John mcCain. McCain came across, sometimes, as old and out of touch. Hilary seems pretty in tune with the world and having serves as Secretary of State so recently, she's got "modern" cache. I think the Clinton's also invoke memories of a more fond time. Bill was the first "cool" President since...JFK? There was a very JFK vibe around him. Hilary isnt Jackie O...in fact she's better because she's not just a stand by (behind) your man type. She's made her own place in the world. Bill's speech at the DNC in 2012 was riviting. If he gives speeches like that on behalf of his wife, the Clinton Power Couple could be unstoppable. I always liked Edwards (I think is his name, escapes me now). Young, good looking, had the cool southern drawl. Then he cheated on his dying wife. Doh.
  4. And to be honest, I dont really blame him. It must be frustrating for him to be the most talented player in the game and yet the NHL allows him to be victimized repeatedly. They preach that they want exciting hockey where the talented players can show off their talent, and then in the playoffs, he gets mugged. Im not making him out to be a victim. Other superstars rise to the occasion and Sid has before too. But then add into that he likely skates around, gets a cross check to the head (after suffering a very serious concussion previously) and sees no one on his team stepping up for him. He sees guys not going into the dirty areas, not hauling ass, and he's expected to be dominant at both ends of the ice. And when the team faulters, its always him under the microscope. Now, Im not saying "Poor Sid". He's rich beyond belief and chose this life but I understand his frustration.
  5. This is the most idiotic thing I have read. People who are homophobic ARE ignorant. If you have a problem with gays, thats your problem. But really, to defend a homophobe? Come on... Although I guess by your circular logic, since Mo Price is basically calling Sam a sinner, then he himself is actually the sinner. Is this the Pee Wee Herman logic? There was a time people would have widely judged Price because of the colour of his skin. And Im sure he's been subjected to that many times in his life. He should think about that.
  6. No. Mo Price isnt a bad guy for not sharing my beliefs. Mo is a bad guy for being against gay rights and for publicly expressing an opinion that spreads hate towards gays. And Im not even saying he;s a bad guy. But he is an ignorant guy. Hopefully the reaction towards him and whatever his team and team mates do results in him reconsidering his position, opening his eyes and changing his view.
  7. Crosby was healthy which means his issues were mental. He looked beaten down. He looked like a guy who just couldnt be the guy to take a team that wasnt good enough and put it on his shoulders. He's no Mario, thats for sure (but who is). He looked mentally finished. And also, people say he's a whiner, but is there a guy who is the victim of more non-calls then Crosby? When they isocam him, he's taking head shots, vicious cross checks, holding etc etc etc. No calls. And the Pens dont have the players to make people pay for taking liberties with him. They need better depth on the wing, they need grit and nastiness. They need better D. Orpik's days have come and gone. Niskanen is good but he will want a big raise and will get it somewhere. Letang is an interesting case. Big contract, but big scorer. Do you trade him, save the money and have a more blue-collar D? I think they keep Fleury because he played mostly very well (wasnt his fault), he's a close friend of Crosby's. I would suspect they resist "blowing it up" with a big move but Malkin being traded isnt the worst idea if only because of the return. if you keep them both, you need to make some changes to allow for better depth in the bottom nine, another top six winger and better D on the bottom end.
  8. History will judge George W a lot better then it does now. 9/11 happened and his response was reasonable. The Iraq war will always be the sticking point but when people really look at the situation outside of 9/11, its a wonder Iraq went as long as they did without military action against. What happened in Iraq was more a failing of the united nations than anything. The U.S. just picked the one thing they thought the American people would get behind the most (WMD's) and it turned out to be mostly wrong (though Iraq used chemical weapons previously so its a fallacy that they had NO WMD if you include chemical weapons in that). I agree about the right. Look at Canada. When the right fractured, it just handed election after election to the Liberals. And it took Harper to "unite" the right and pull in the crazies to a more moderate view. They really need to do that in the US. The Cons that are pulled further right just erode their larger morderate base and as you said, where are they going to go? Dems. And someone like Hilary, with the popularity of the Clintons, will attract moderate Cons to their side. Jeb comes across as a guy who could attract people too but can he be a uniting force for the right? Can he control the wing nuts? Maybe...if only because his family is very, very powerful. But it remains to be seen.
  9. Defending his tweet as "his opinion" or "defending his faith" or "not that bad" is subtle acceptance of intolerance. You simply cant do that. If his faith didnt accept people of ethnic minorities would be okay? I really question the internal beliefs of people who make excuses for people or behaviour like this. If you "understand" why Price cant "accept" a gay player or a gay person kissing his boyfriend, then I can only shake my head. It isnt religious freedom to be intolerant of others. As for why the league doesnt crack down on others for bad behavious, hey take it up with the league. Its not reasonable to excuse Price because there are other bad guys in the league. Unfortunately, thugs and criminals are somewhat accepted in pro sports. But spreading this sort of anti-gay nonsense is not and should not be accepted. Sam coming out is a brave thing. He's a guy people might look back on as a pioneer for gay rights, a guy who put himself out there. When we look at what people have said in public about him, imagine the crap he's been subjected to privately. He's standing up for his rights and taking lumps so that others might not have to. We should celebrate that and stand up for him. This isnt a battle between religious freedom and individual freedom. But it's interesting how the religious people that speak out against gays get their backs up about their religion coming under "attack" when people speak out against them. Can't have it both ways. Heard a great video on the radio last night. it was a mock discussion between a father and son where the father was sitting his son down to talk about the uproar over Sam. Father says some people are very upset with this NFL player. Son says why, did he beat his wife? Father says no that was so-so who plays for X team. Conversation goes on like that as the son mentions every felon in the NFL and when the father says no its because he's gay, son says so? Sums it up nicely.
  10. Yes I understand that. But he represents the team and the league so they have a responsibility to act on behalf of everyone who doesn't share a backwards opinion.
  11. They should have swapped with Ottawa then. Wonder what the offers were.
  12. Yeah he doesn't seem to know our lines. Or he knows something we don't. I'd think it's Enstrom-Trouba Stuart-Bogo And isn't Clitty a left D? Regardless of depth chart our top line is Kane-Scheif-Wheeler Let's fantasy trade with the pens. Speculation is Crosby wants some wingers. Fans think Mallkin could be available. What makes Kane for Malkin a reality?
  13. Hats off to Wild. I started to believe. Great fans in Minnesota. My precious Pens eliminated. Do they blow it up now? Still in first place in my pool but not sure I can hang on.
  14. Compared to years past I think we feel good about today, no?
  15. Are you really suggesting that I can't be a wrestling fan because some wrestlers have been bad people? There are felons throughout pro sports. Does that mean none of us can be fans of sports? I'm all for a debate on wrestling but there's a thread for that. By all means make this post there and I'll be happy to discuss it. The problem here is, change references to "gay" to references to "women" or "blacks" etc. Would that be okay because it's "just his opinion". I understand that some people haven't embraced equality for gays yet so too often tacit intolerance is tolerated. It shouldn't be. If price said "nothing person but blacks and whites shouldn't marry" would we all shrug? I guarantee he's be in even more trouble. We as a people need to snuff out this sort of intolerance whether it's blatant or subtle.
  16. Not really. Calling a bigot a bigot is just sort of accurate.
  17. Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. It's wrong because it's archaic. And the vast majority of the people who condemn gays and hide behind religion are raging hypocrites. His religious freedom allows him to believe what he wants, go to church be intolerant. It even allows him to publicly express his opinion. But it doesn't supersede Sam's right to his freedom. And it doesn't over ride the fact of homosexuality which also supersedes an ancient book written by man with all their biases. And it doesn't preclude the cfl from expressing their opinion and backing up their rules by fining him.
  18. Baptist position: The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest of the Baptist denominations and the single largest Protestant group in the U.S., considers same-gender sexual behavior to be sinful, stating clearly that its members "affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy – one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a 'valid alternative lifestyle.' The Bible condemns it as sin. It is not, however, an unforgivable sin. The same redemption available to all sinners is available to homosexuals. They, too, may become new creations in Christ."[6] The American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) officially regards homosexual conduct "as incompatible with Biblical teaching";[7] however, there are a number of Baptist churches in the ABCUSA and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that have more inclusive views.[8] The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, a group of some 50 churches and organizations, is committed to the "full inclusion" of gay and lesbian persons in their churches.[9] The historically African-American denominations of the National Baptist Convention have issued no public statements on homosexuality; however, the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. does not allow its clergy to officiate at ceremonies for same-sex unions.[10][11]
  19. Why dont you enlighten everyone then? I think people are being pretty clear here. No one is attacking Christianity (many of us are chuch goers). But people like Price use Christianity to fan the flames of intolerance. And please done give us the "we love all humans. We just dont love gay acts". Because thats a cop out and bullshit.
  20. My best friend is gay and he dislikes when people use "thats gay" as an insult. But to his credit he uses it once in awhile to make a joke. So at least he has a sense of humour about it. Those Duck Dynasty dicks should have been cancelled too. The problem with allowing "a little bit" of hatred and intolerance is, it never stops. Zero tolerance is the only way to go in these cases. Which is why Price should be cut. I understand the business aspect of it so I wont eat the Stamps' lunch if they dont cut him. But if they are allowed to, under the CBA, to suspend him for X number of games, I'd love to see that.
  21. To a degree. If you listen to the Liberals though, Harper is a crazy maniacle right wing fanatatic. Soldiers in our streets. With GUNS! Illegal abortions! Death Pentalty! Everyone in jail! Children starving in the streets! And if you look at the NDP, its a rob from the rich mentality. Im biased ofcourse, but I think we're far better off with a conservative government. Though usually the longer parties are in power, the more arrogant they become. Cant fathom Canada with boy blunder as PM though. So...early predictions for the US election?
  22. Not everything is open to interpretation. Some rights and wrongs are black and white.in 2014, we know people dont choose to be gay. And thats still the basis for a lot of the religious buffonery. A moderator of another forum I argued with about this actually professed his believe that being gay is a choice. I assume thats how he reconciles that being gay is against God but God made people gay...well, in his mind God made everyone straight and the evil gay people choose that orientation. We know thats not the case. So its black and white. Sounds like Colin....or at least someone from Southern MB anyhow... No, it was a Jets forum. Place just went down hill fast. I much prefer this place.
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