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Captain Blue

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Posts posted by Captain Blue

  1. The online has no answers for the blitz or the recievers arentn picking it up and adjusting their routes for a quick hit.

    Generally blitz responsibility falls on the QB and coach.  There are 5 linemen and they can only block so many people.  If there's 8 at the line then its up to the QB to recognize that the numbers aren't in favour of the offense and adapt accordingly.


    The exception to this is when you have Morley basically high-five the DT on his way to the QB.  

  2. nope not harsh at all, all good.. I simply believe buck can and will do whats expected of him once he and the receivers all get on the same page and the blocking steps up.. simpson, normally a very good blocker, chunked a bunch today..

    we all seem to forget this is still a new look offense as well.. it has to.be ironed out fully to get the wrinkles..


    Fair enough, I disagree but can definitely understand where you're coming from.

  3. have some patience.. he can and will do it.. he hit jade last game for a beauty quick hitter, kolhert for some hitches and quicks tonight.. he will improve.. besides, goltz.. is he ready? i dont think so..


    Hopefully this doesn't come off too harsh Spuds (that's certainly not my intent) but it seems like you are working off of a lot of anecdotal evidence here and not looking at the sum of the two performances.  For instance I know Pierce CAN hit quick throws, but whether he can do it consistently is the bigger question.  If he played the full game like he played that 105 yard drive we'd be golden, but Buck is definitely prone to streaks.  Sometimes the hot or cold ones last a little shorter or longer than usual, but it's an up and down ride and I can't see that changing.

  4. I am clearly anti-Buck and would have started the season with a different QB but you can't hook him coming off this victory.  Give him another chance (or chances) and eventually he'll provide a better time or opportunity to make a QB switch if needed.


    Check out the timeline of the game here.


    The Bombers had maybe 3-4 good drives, and specifically Buck-related drives would probably be about 2.  It's just not good enough to win consistently, which is why I can confidently say that there will be an opportunity at some point later in the year to pull him.


    I should add that there is no way Burke is going to make a QB switch any time soon.  He'll ride the Buck roller coaster this year for as long as he can.

  5. You can win a Grey Cup with this defense.  The issue is always going to be our offense.  We would've wiped the floor with Montreal had we put up points or even moved the ball more consistently.  If the offense doesn't improve then we'll always be playing below our true potential.  Hopefully they figure it out.

  6. I think I've made this point before, but I wouldn't blast Crowton too much yet. I want to see his offence with a different qb. I don't know if anybody else sat up high last week and saw the same thing, but I swear there were receivers running open. We've had a lot of different offensive minds here the last few years and the variable that hasn't changed is Buck.

  7. Read that article at the beach this morning and laughed my ass off. I think this is a new low for the Freep, now claiming the sky is falling on an 0-4 team...we shouldn't even play the games since Wiecek has already seen the future.

    It's like they've gotten tired of criticizing the bombers for this week and just want to go ahead of start ripping them for a season they have yet to play.

    Next article: "Winnipeg may not win a game in 2014".

  8. Just starting the fourth quarter of the rewatch and have a few more thoughts to add...


    I want to see more Etienne.  Very fluid runner, solid speed, good hands.  I'm not saying he will or will not continue to play well, just that I saw enough that I want to see more of him.


    Our defense could be really, really special - but they are going to get stuck with bad field position all year.


    Alex Suber is criminally underrated.


    Our offense looks more conservative on TV than it did when I was watching at the stadium.  Not sure how or why that is (camera angle vs upper deck view?) but there is a lot of potential for it to pick up yards in bigger chunks but the execution at various positions (not just QB) at different times is what killed a lot of it.  One play it would be Buck, the next the line, and so on.


    The Fly offense the Als run is interesting and could be really successful in this league...but I wouldn't run it with Calvillo.  Whenever you want to use plays that include the threat of the QB pulling the ball back and taking off you're going to need a QB more athletic than Calvillo.  Though whenever the post-Calvillo era begins this offense could be really unique and creative.


    I didn't notice it live but Buck was limping after several hits already.

  9. Watching both games tonight... Buck didn't even have a fraction of the time that the other qbs get when they drop back.  Our o-line was doing a very poor job in the last quarter.


    Not sure the line should get all or even most of the blame.  Buck, Crowton and the line should share it.  Crowton has to call some plays to take advantage of the blitzes.  Buck has to recognize that if there are 8 guys on the line matched up against our 5 OL, you need to figure out which extra guys are going to break free (ie. think of your protection call) and work around it or use a hot route.    

  10. I just watched Tim Burke's post-game scrum on the Bomber website.  He didn't sound too happy with Buck's performance.  He said Buck was too wound up and was getting the ball off far too early, before the play was developing.  I have a feeling that the Bomber coaches are going to make Buck's life a bit miserable the next few days after they study the game film as there were just too many blown opportunities and open guys that Buck wasn't hitting.


    Burke also said the lack of run production was due to Montreal "stacking the box".  I've heard this term a lot over the years, and clearly it's a strategy that is used a lot to beat us by league defences.  I am assuming that this means that they are forcing Buck to beat them with his arm, and as he proved last night, he'll throw the ball away or make bad choices if he receives a lot of pressure.  The next game will go a long way to showing if the Bombers game plan changes to deal with this, and also if Buck can settle down and work with a gameplan designed to take away this strategy.  If Watson and Etienne were left alone all night and the ball wasn't getting to them then changes have to be made ASAP.


    In general receivers were able to get open, maybe less so in the second half as the Als tightened their defense up.  I know I'm beating the drum hard on this one if the QB had made the right reads Crowton's offense would have looked a lot better.  Between Barressi, LaPo and Crowton I really think we need to consider that (most of) the problem isn't on the schemes right now.

  11. The TD pass to Denmark was a pretty tough throw, gotta be in the right place cause the db was all over Denmark there. The throw to Edwards at the end on 3rd down was a pretty money throw as well, too bad the refs botched that one. I do agree with your main point though. 


    You know I forgot the Denmark pass.  Tight window, good spiral.  I'll give Buck credit for that one, I don't think either of the other two QBs make that throw yet. 

  12. The thing is, and I expect to see this tonight on the tape, how many big throws did Pierce make? Nice one to Denmark early but the TD pass, Etienne pass, and a few others were fairly simple throws. Goltz could have made them. Maybe Buck turns it around but that is unlikely and it will cost us. We have so much talent but you can't win without better qb play.

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