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Captain Blue

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Posts posted by Captain Blue

  1. I think the fact that we have such a solid defense is going to really force the team's hand. If it was maybe a case where the whole team stunk, the team wouldn't have much pressure coming home to perform well. But fans are able to recognize that with even average quarterbacking, this team could be very good. If Buck Pierce stinks out IG Field over the next two weeks, I have no doubt the boobirds will be out in full force.


    I'll be there Friday and if I have to watch a full 60 minutes of Pierce I won't be too happy...

  2. The only reason to play Buck at this point is to protect Goltz and/or Hall.


    He offers nothing over and above what they can bring to the table right now. Experience? What difference does experience make when you don't apply any of it to what you do on the field? I watched several replays last night of Buck Pierce getting sacked where you can see him lock onto his initial read and not look at a single thing afterwards, including the defender coming to hit him. Veteran leadership? All he's doing at this point is frustrating our team, at least that's the vibe I get. Our defense must be getting tired of playing the entire second half. Our receivers must be getting tired of seeing balls sail way over their head or off to the side. At one point yesterday, his poor throw forced Isaac Anderson to make a sliding catch over the middle and if he had somehow miraculously been on the mark, Anderson probably turns it upfield for a big gain. Even the throws he completes at this point are awful. Go back and look at the tape. 26 yard completion to Matthews? Awful throw. The huge completion to Etienne on the pump and go? Terrible throw. They're completions, but the balls are not well thrown by any stretch.


    He is simply a god awful QB at this point. Even when he goes an entire game without turning the ball over, he's horrible. He's finding new ways to be horrible every week and I'm just tired of it.


    At some point the players are going to start getting pretty upset with him.  The receivers and defense are probably quietly angry already.

  3. Reilly's played in 2 consecutive rain games.... He was still 13 of 21. Thing is, he'll get better but Buck won't. Mack & Burke put  the Bombers into the position we're in now.


    I worded it poorly, I meant that Reilly is just a little better than Buck right now since he can at least run and complete some decent throws.  Buck's the worst starter in the league and it this point there are backups I'd rather roll that die on than him.  Putting him as the 8th QB in the league is being generous to him.

  4. After watching the Edmonton game...  Reilly isn't look much better with his 80 yards passing.   That being said it would be prime time for us to make the trade with them right now Pierce for Nichols !   I know he's out for the year but the guy has shown at least some stuff in his time. 

    Reilly has less to work with than Pierce does, in my opinion.  The two are duking it out for worst starters in the league, but I'll give the edge to Reilly because at least he can run.  Also their weather tonight was awful.

  5. I don't know.  It's a team game.  He did pump fake Etienne wide open.


    People say that if we had even an adequate QB we could win with this team.  I agree with that and I think we had an adequate QB for the first half, and if Pierce had performed in the second half like he had in the first we would have won the game.  So what happened in the second half?  I'm not convinced it's as simple as "Pierce sucks."


    Why isn't it that simple?  If he's a bad quarterback can't it just be that he had one decent drive in the first half then was terrible? 


    I do know that we completely stopped running the ball in the third quarter after having some success with it in first half.


    Stopping Simpson was all the TiCats had to do.  I would imagine the Bombers realized that in order to free up the run a little more they'd have to pass.  

  6. Watching the late game now...


    Travis Lulay is a really good QB but he also relies heavily on his athleticism to make plays and bail him out of trouble.

    Mike Reilly is a very inexperienced QB who's not anything special right now.  He's a bottom tier starter right now but his athleticism is helping him out on this learning curve.  He's not breaking down a defense like Peyton Manning or doing anything out of the ordinary, he's just making throws he should and scrambling when in trouble.


    I think it's reasonable to consider that Goltz could at least replicate what Reilly is providing Edmonton right now and that is good enough for us at the moment.

  7. Pierce didn't design the offence. Either design a system to meet the skill set of your players or the NFL mentality is find players to fit the system. Heads up Mack, Burke and Crowton..... Your offensive system isn't utilizing your athletic abilities. Get your resumes ready boys. You will be hitting the bricks


    Just like Barresi's system didn't fit Buck Pierce.

    Or LaPolice's either.

    And now Crowton's.


    All these offensive guys and none tried to craft an offense for Pierce.


    Or Pierce just isn't very good.

  8. Buck is a big problem, but not the only problem. I have never seen a group of receivers look so ragged as they approach the line. The whole offence is way out of sync. Poorly prepared?


    I don't think we should be judging "how they approach the line."  They probably all approach the line they way they always did, we're just more likely to look at it now and play armchair psychologist.

  9. Burke and Mack made a huge mistake hitching their jobs to Buck Pierce and they'll probably (rightfully so I might add) pay with their jobs.


    Definitely deserve to be fired if they're going to stick with Pierce...


    And yet I will miss them both, honestly.  The roster is so talented and the defense is tremendous.  The former is Mack's top priority and the latter is Burke's area of strength.  Which is to say, both are seemingly good at what they specialize at, yet fail to make the decisions required of men in charge at the moment.

  10. The frustrating thing is that Buck did make some plays in the first half.  He wasn't shooting the lights out but he did move the ball for a TD and the Palardy miss.  He was 10/14 for about 130 at halftime but then he completely fell apart in the third quarter.


    Gotta rewatch the game and see what changed in the third quarter, whether Hamilton started blitzing more or what.


    Another weird thing: who could have anticipated that Etienne would be outplaying Matthews at this point in the season?


    His first half was pretty darn bad still.  If we are setting that as the acceptable level that is trouble.  At one point he was 2/7 (I think).  Buck's story is always the same.  One decent drive a game, pumps up the stats a little to look closer and then he's terrible for the rest of it.  He used to be inconsistent.  Now he has fewer highs and a lot more lows.  


    And Matthews has to be fuming that he's stuck in this offense right now - though he also missed some very catchable balls.

  11. Bomber management really needs to sit down and figure out what they're doing at QB.  Mack and Burke have to win this year or they're gone.  This defense is great and it'll be a shame if its wasted this year, but also in coming years.  Look at the ages of the players on D.  They're almost all young.  If Burke and Creehan can do this with a bunch of young guys, imagine how good they can be when the players mature a little more.  But unless we win games that potential may be decreased.

  12. I think AC is the problem. Showing absolutely zero leadership & acting like a prima donna. Unbelievable as it seems, he is becoming a cancer on that team.

    Don't see this at all. He's been the one consistent factor through all the Als teams the past decade. He's not happy with where the team is headed this year, and really no one would be if they were in his position. As much as I hate him he's been a class act in the CFL for a long time.

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