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Posts posted by saskbluefan

  1. Saskatchewan could easily fit him under the cap.  If he's a 24 year old non-import home town receiver coming off an 800 yard season they'll find a spot.  Any one of us could name 5 guys they could cut to get the money for someone like that.   

  2. So, do the Bombers overpay to keep Etienne as you know come Feb 15th, Napkin Boy will go after him. The way Mack operates he may just refuse to match or better any offer Jade gets. More importantly, is he worth overpaying to keep? Kid has had a good start, not a great start so we'll see.  



    If everything remains on its current pace Jade will go 50 or so catches for 800 or so yards and the team will win 5 or so games.  So you have to at least consider the possiblity that someone other then Joe Mack will be making that call.  Makes it hard to predict how that scenario will play out. 

  3. Looks like the kind of guy that could only live in a country with generous social programs like ours - come to Canada, where thanks to free health care and welfare programs, even the stupidest dreams can come true.


    I had actually heard of this guy from the Edmonton Fringe so I got the mayonnaise rectum reference, but still wanted to make a cheap joke at your expense SBF.  Thanks for playing along.


    Yeah but you got iso all riled up so I had to provide context for those who didn't know the whole story. 

  4. The Good News is the Bombers can be counted on to not insert mayonaise into their rectums and defecate on the field.  The mostly keep the soiling of themselves in the figurative realm. 


    Which is not something you can say about all the entertainment options offered in Winnipeg this past Friday night. 

  5. The entire game changed when Buck threw that pick. 

    We were in the game...it was a game, and then in 2 plays, the game was over. Buck became Hank.

    There is no doubt...Goltz should start.



    I'm not disagreeing.  I'm not defending that pick.  I'm not defending Buck.  But, "The entire game changed when he threw that pick."  What does that tell you about the rest of the team? 

  6. It still bugs me that for his first two seasons the media called him a bust pick by Mack and now that he's performing he's suddenly Lapo's pick.



    It's funny two people can consume the same information and get such totally different views.  Because I see it as the exact opposite. 


    When he was a bust the IMWT crowd repeatedly called him Lapo's pick.  Now that he's producing he's MAck's pick.  I'm sure the mods here wouldn't appreciate me linking to threads on another site but do a 5 minute search of the name "Jade Etienne" over there and you'll see him called Lapo's pick fairly regularly. 


    Just like it was Lapo's call to cut Kent when discussing last year's defensive struggles but Mack's call to cut Kent when discussing the fact he's now at of football. 


    Having said that, Jade is doing very well this year.  If he keeps it up and doesn't jump to the Riders first chance he gets then I will have been wrong and Joe Mack will have been right, sort of.   

  7. QB's last night were 23-29 for 309 yards.  


    Maybe we run too much?  


    Just kidding, but seriously lack of running plays wasn't our problem last night.  Lack of successful running plays was.  Lots of 2nd and 9's courtesy of the run game.  The running game wasn't all that **** hot.  

  8. and Burke said they called running plays on pretty much every first down in the 2nd half.... you can't establish the run without a passing game to back a defense off. Just turning around and giving the ball to simpson won't do **** all for the offense. Until you can pass your way out of 2nd and long, because you WILL be in 2nd and long regularly in the CFL, you can't establish and kind of offense and therefore get your running game more involved. 



    YES!  The whole "just run the ball" idea os so unbelievablly simplistic.  And you hear it all the time from people who should know better.  You need to be making first downs to establish the run.  Facing 2nd and 9 all game because the other team knows all the Bombers do is run is not the way to get the offense going. 

  9. It was the belief of LaPo, Burke and several other coaches through the past two regimes that Buck had the better arm. Given the circumstances, there is some merit in trying to turn Buck into a pocket passer. It is apparentally failing for several reasons involving the  O-line, talent of receivers, and the vagaries that come with a new system and Buck's adaption to it.


    I think that more patience is required, but understandably there is no more patience left in Peg City causing a great deal of over reaction. Buck hit Mathews in the face with a pass and knocked him over, the next pass was in the mitts of a receiver that drop[ped it, and another that was hit in the bread basket and was dropped. We tend to focus on the passes sailing over the head of receivers, which all QB's chuck because Buck is a fan target now.


    I would give him a couple more games before accepting this as failure, but I don't believe this will be allowed in panic city with jobs on the line. Troubled times have come to my home town...........and  YES.....big Burke mistake by not playin Buck In exhibition with a new system. These are Buck's exhibition games.



    I would say it was the belief of Lapo and Burke that they couldn't win with Elliot or Brink.  Arm strength being just one of the attributes a QB has or does not have. 



  10. We should get better.  If we have somebody available who is better then an old guy then we should play him.  If we have somebody available who is better then a young guy then we should play him.


    Is Anderson better then Edwards?  Markett better then Johnson?  That's for management to decide.  But I would also replace a young guy with a vet too if said vet was better.  

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