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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Biden is a Dem version of Romney 2012. Not loved or even particularly liked by his own party . Inspires no one. Just better than the other candidates so they have no choice and that's an indictment of the party not the man.
  2. Warren couldn't even win her own state. Smoking crater.
  3. Biden is the worst kind of politican. Say anything, do anything, go with the flow to keep career moving and make business contacts along the way and retire on a mountain of money. He spouts the loony leftist stuff but it's clear his heart ain't in it. He could stand up to the party establishment and demand a return to the party's, sensible, working class roots.. But , again, say anything, do anything...snout in the trough and swamp muck.
  4. Wrong. Trump's habits havnt changed .Pretty much been that way his whole professional life. Same can't be said for Biden and that's being polite.
  5. The number of highly polished speakers but mediocre, ineffective politicians is legion.
  6. Not deflecting anything. Trump is a horrible at verbalizing. Biden is horrible from his mentally detiorating. Kind of a difference there
  7. So in other words... politics ?
  8. Trump's mangling of the language is just he's mostly a horrible off the cuff public speaker. Doesnt value preparedness and polish. Biden's is border line senile if not dementia. The grind of nomination process is nothing compared to that of a presidential campaign and debates. He's already like Grandpa Simpson and will only get worse. It's going to be pitiful and humiliating. The party is a complete disaster and will rue the day it scared away quality moderates with loopy identity politics and flirting with far leftism. Too late to turn the car around. Senile old careerist or old pseudo bolshevick revolutionary. What a choice.
  9. "Biden can barely complete a sentence. Voted for the Iraq war and continues to lie about it. Had to flee new hampshire on the day of the primary because he did so poorly.Claims Putin is running the US government. The Dem establishment is absolutely nuts"
  10. Old school. Coliseum style. But refs would probably screw that up too.
  11. Don't drink, don't smoke, what do ya do??
  12. In the event of a tie each team provides one champion who fight to the death at centre field.
  13. Priderville: Like squawking about teams cheating the cap.....where the sense of irony goes to die.
  14. Democrats using illegal/legal immigration to change voter demographics is a "giant conspiracy" ?
  15. A month ago it was still "relax its just the flu". Two weeks ago anti Trump media's biggest worry about the Corona virus was the the Health Department,s task force had too many white people and worried about people were being mean to Chinese. Good to see they're starting to take this seriously and laying blame for un preparedness where it should be.
  16. So suggesting decisive action to address the spread of virus isn't racist anymore ? Things change fast.
  17. Id put SSK 4th or 5th. Putting them ahead of CAL is dumb..
  18. Powerful politican fills vacancies with buddy hires and cronies. Pretty much chapter 1 of A Handmaids Tale. Eerie. For the sake of the Republic don't give up on this story, Rachel.
  19. Eventually you'll realize your ridicule and accusations have the opposite effect of what you assume and actually reinforce what I already think you are.
  20. Not defending the theory. Havnt heard it or read it. Limbaugh isnt the point. Anti trump conspiracy theories are dime a dozen in media culture. Some of them cheer leaded by supposedly respectable media. But when a theory comes along that says hes a victim suddenly it's time for scrutiny and ridicule ?
  21. There was a second shooter in the grassy knoll too.
  22. Practically the entire US MSM pushed the conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian asset . For three years. They've completely memory holed their involvement in it apart from of a few hardcore truthers but it's Limbaugh , a talk radio host, who's credibility should take a hit ? Seriously ?
  23. Does SSK even have the third best QB in the division ?
  24. Yes, I'll have the Soros special with the Bezos on the side , please.
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