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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Read of another science opinion saying the European ban is the right thing because that's where majority of outbreaks re happening. Northern Italy. Italy outsourced it's textile industry to China brought in Chinese staff. Globalism is awesome.
  2. Stoking panic. Exploiting fear. Get the people thinking you can help them when it's all a power grab. War, famine, depressions. History is full of it. Page 1 of the far left. I'll admit you know your stuff.
  3. Because you're cheerleading chaos and misery and panic. You think it's a good thing. Sick leftist justification for political change.
  4. Strong stock market has nothing to do with Trump. Even if it did so what. Nothing to celebrate This market turmoil has everything to do with Trump. Personally his fault. Time to get angry. Same people.
  5. Plenty of disappointments. Said so many times. Stop exploiting a pandemic to score imaginary points for the game in your mind. It's unhealthy.
  6. "He's not doing enough, he's doing too much. Hes overreacting. He's not serious. Hey, hear what Buzzfeed thinks" Won't be a fun and satisfying game for long.
  7. But money is the "gotcha" point you used.. As far as governmental red tape and beurocratic mismangement surely youre not suggesting this was invented in 2016 ? Surely youre not ignoring state and city governments, many of which arent republican, have a role to play? Surely youre not ignoring how globalism, which both parties worship, has robbed countries of the ability to be more self sufficient in extraordinary times like this. Exploiting a crisis like this to score points is despicable but not surprising.
  8. Last minute Chuck Norris endorsement will put Trump over the top.
  9. Biden is riding high but to keep the momentum one has to campaign hard and Biden can't do that. He hasn't really earned much it's all been given to him. Eventually the momentum will die and Democrats will need all the help they can get to keep it all afloat.
  10. No,Bernie supporters not voting is the question plus the Democrats possibly losing Sanders considerable ground level organizing which are key in close races. They are some angry people among them. Can't count out localized violence either.
  11. What's worse vote splitting or no votes at all ? Angry Bernie types sick of business as usual Democrats and getting screwed over again, which explains Bernies rise in the first place , will stay home.
  12. Sounds like he is staying in another round. Hoping Biden implodes is a desperate strategy.. Why would I wish for a 3rd party ?
  13. Bernie announcement at 1. Will he run as third party or quit ?
  14. Except Trump haters don't see it as negative at all or even calling it "hate" They think it's perfectly righteous and justified but refuse to concede the same notion to how their opponents think and vote.
  15. Wait and see who the running mate is first. The most consequential choice ever given Biden.
  16. Deck was being stacked against Bernie but.... He had more than enough money, well organized nation wide staff, pre established base to expand, 4 years to plan... This is a monumental rejection of the far left.
  17. Even among liberals, progressives, and leftists she never finished higher than third in any primary and lost her own state. And you don't think there was a like ability factor ?
  18. Would take a spectacular, irreversible mistake or a debilitating health thing for Biden to change the trajectory
  19. Heard from more than one media source. Rider fans make social media a gong show if theres negativity perceived. Making job harder and less satisfying.
  20. Just freed up billions to address the virus. More than what was asked. Which any president would have done. To insinuate there is somehow less money to combat Wuhan is flat out dishonest.
  21. Which is why I said vibe which isnt always an accurate reflection. Seen pictures of her when she was young. She was very attractive if that helps you.
  22. As said before she lost because she ran a horrible campaign. Economic ideas could have gotten her traction but the decision to go youthful, full woke identity politics alienated key parts of the voter base she needed. Exit polls showed that. Subjectively, she just wasnt likeable enough. Attacking Sanders and Bloomberg was supposed to help her instead it just entrenched peoples opinions of her.
  23. Just left enough without the scolding cat lady spinster librarian vibe of Liz Warren.
  24. Aug, 2012. An election year. Danville, VA. Vice President Joe Biden tells a black audience a Republican nominee would "put y'all back in chains".
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