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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. So glad to open up the Freep's website this morning and see a single Rider-slanted Canadian Press article about the game yesterday. *sigh*
  2. Hoping Buck bounces back from what I thought wasn't a great year for him last season.
  3. Yeah he looked like he was slowing down instead of gaining speed
  4. He is making quick reads and mostly good decisions. Barriere looks like me when I try to build in Fortnite.
  5. Good prospects on D. No clue on O because the reanimated ghosts of Jason Boltus have been throwing into blue feet or green chests all game.
  6. Imagine being a receiver trying to make the team and we don't take a single deep shot.
  7. Cruikshank not understanding the assignment there.
  8. Mastrogiuseppe serving up some meatballs
  9. I thought they made pulling the QBs leg from behind illegal...or did I completely hallucinate that?
  10. How do you have three guys inside 5 yards and nobody tackles him?
  11. Barriere has shown absolutely nothing.
  12. We can't do better than the 17 yard line punting from mid field?
  13. Getting Ryan Smith vibes from Case. Is that a fair comparison or am I pulling a reverse Glenn Suitor "guys with dreads all look the same to me"?
  14. Honestly have seen more jam from some of the prospects on D then we did all of last preseason. Not much from the offense, but we have less spots open there anyways.
  15. Why are all Rider players such insufferable dinks?
  16. Not a single good rep from Barriere so far. Gross.
  17. Good to see Smith catch that and plunge ahead.
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