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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. "Why losing my confidence totally as a QB and playing on a terrible Montreal squad is still better than being on the Riders" - Darian Durant, Forwards by Weston Dressler and John Chick.
  2. Let me tell you why it's Wong - Fans of the LV Golden Knights https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/vgk-vs-van/2017/09/17/2017010002#game=2017010002,game_state=final
  3. Hard to believe that he's still only 27 in his prime, seems like a long time ago he played for the Bombers, no way he's coming here but sure would be a nice add.
  4. All the Calvillo's our QB so we'll always be good kharma is coming back to bite the Als in the butt the last few years ...
  5. Let's hope the Redblacks don't trade for and play Drew Willy for this game, then we're in trouble
  6. Hence my question, would they rush Harris back for a non divisional game when it looks like they have a playoff spot locked up already?
  7. I always think of this skit whenever I think of Bass ... maybe (if) when we re-sign him that can be his nickname
  8. Follow up by Saskatchewan Roughrider Board Of Directors ... "We Put WHO On The Neg List?"
  9. "How To Get Perma Banned From Riderfans.com in Two Easy Steps" - IC Khari Other Best Sellers by this author ... "I Like Me Some GIF'S" - IC Khari
  10. Why Me? - Anonymous Winnipeg Blue Bomber Fan for the years 1991 - ?
  11. How to be the worst at your job you can be - Joe Mack
  12. Could this not have been posted at the end of the original thread?
  13. I hope we're still talking about this play in the winter ...
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