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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. Posted this at the other site ... ... moving forward from here what do you guys think? Mack did some things very well and others he stunk at. What will the legacy be in the next few years of his tenure here?
  2. People want Glenn and Berry back ... how pathetic are we now?
  3. "Right now" as compared to what occurs in the future, is the key part of that sentence ...
  4. ALS don't accept mediocrity very well, they actually just came off a win as well.
  5. I've had three or 4 warnings in the last few weeks about various things that in the past would never cause anyone to bat an eye ... it's very strange. I don' t even start that many threads over there (as hard as that may be to believe LOL)
  6. That mod over there sent me a warning about taking down a gif in the gameday gif thread LOL
  7. What has Barney got to say about all of this ... Hallelujah, come on get happy ... get ready for Mack judgement day!
  8. The team has some good prospects that seem to be or may pan out like Muamba, Etienne (hard to believe I can now say that without getting blasted LOL), I still think Goltz has potential, he needs some time and a CFL OC would help. The problem is that Mack refuses to bring in vets that are released while other teams have no problem doing so. I think that would help in some cases. You can't win with rookies, no matter how good they are and that seems to be the Mack way. The same can be said for FA. He doesn't see any value in it. It would seem Mack's growing loss column in his overall record as GM would suggest his way is not getting it done. Of course coaching seems overwhelmed for the most part as well so that just exacerbates things ... it's just a sad time to be a Bomber fan right now, come to think of it it's been that way for the past few years
  9. Sorry to say this is for Buck ...
  10. I believe you're right, once we get through this Buck stage ...
  11. Do they have the offence/coordinator to showcase what he can do is an even more important question?
  12. The guy has the physical tools and good speed to avoid the rush, he just needs some time. He already appears to be better than anything Pierce has offered this year IMO, so why not start playing him now?
  13. Come on Bombers help me out eh? This is NOT how I want to be tonight ... Nor like this ... especially NOT LIKE THIS ... I want to be like this around 10 pm tonight this is fine too ... Come on Bombers, smash the Argos, rock their boat!
  14. Hope our special teams doesn't look like this tonight or this ... LOL
  15. Demond Washington ... you are ridiculous!
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