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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. Interestingly enough Tim Burke was clocked at having the "fastest passing the buck" ...
  2. he did. Brandons a mentalist dontcha kno. He can look at someone and instantly know how intelligent they are or how much of a foot IQ. They have. Screw the fact he had some excellent seasons in the cfl, that he was helping out with offense while hurt and that he always seemed limited by physical attributes as opposed to brain cramps.. People need to really think before posting at times.. The "cuz i said so" defense is pretty played out already.. I hope Capt Blue is not basing his opinion on the last few seasons. Warren Moon in his prime could not have done any better with the chicken crap schemes the team worked with. I'm really looking forward to the team instituting a real CFL offence from camp on this year to see if what I suspect is true ... Crowton's playbook really hurt this team more than most realize. Like putting 20 lb weights around each ankle. Sure MB's playbook may not rival the Eskies in their heyday but nothing can be as putrid as that thing we suffered through as fans the last 2 seasons. Buck wasn't responsible for that and can't be blamed IMO totally for the complete failure of the offence. When we had a semblance of one in 2011 we did alright I recall ...
  3. Ray's clear flaw is not finding a way to become a Bomber. Who needs him and his fancy statistics anyways. The stats I could care less about, the three Grey Cups are another matter
  4. For the first regular season game the Bombers should bring Rob Ford in and dress him in Will Ford's number 20 jersey and uniform (larger size of course complete with Ford nameplate). When the team is announced Rob Ford comes out, takes off his helmet, reveals himself to the crowd, takes a bow, pandemonium ensues
  5. I hope the meme of getting all "name" players to coach here dies. I don't want Pierce back at all. Outstanding person, but really we need to focus on football and not employing former Bombers. I hope you enjoy being in the minority by a large margin ... cause you're it
  6. Be great if we could use him as a coach in some capacity, I know his heart really is with the Bombers ...
  7. Ya, forgot about that ... maybe he can play in prison like Burt Reynolds and Adam Sandler LOL
  8. That's what ottawa needs, more QB's LOL but I get what you're saying ...
  9. Answers my long standing off season question about Goltz. Is he done, or does he get picked up by another cfl team? Answers my long standing off season question about Goltz. Is he done, or does he get picked up by another cfl team? A guy who can run but not pass ... too many of those guys out there. I would assume all CFL teams will take a pass (forgive the pun) ...
  10. Plan 9 from outer space is what we had in the last 4 - 5 years so I'm just happy we've moved up a few notches to plan C or even B in some cases LOL ...
  11. I'd love Adrian Peterson to play here but it ain't happening ...
  12. Too bad about his brain cause his body was a good football player ...
  13. http://widenerpride.com/news/2014/2/28/FB_0228145405.aspx I wonder if "pride" is a word they'll still be using when his time is done there?
  14. https://twitter.com/pentonkirk/status/439520373760344064 Kirk Penton‏@PentonKirk Mike Kelly has been named head football coach at Widener University in Pennsylvania. #Bombers #CFL Good for him, it's also close to his favourite jail ...
  15. Yeah I'm with you. I don't get why this is funny. It's deep man ...
  16. Hmmm ... Edmonton has his rights and are they still in the hunt for Laurent?
  17. http://www.cfl.ca/article/bombers-re-sign-division-all-star-rb-ford OK with this ...
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