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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. Looks like the streak stays alive! The Jets just don't hire bald guys as head coach
  2. 11 years is long enough to show what you got at any job. The results haven’t nearly matched the hype surrounding this guy’s supposed brilliance at building a winning team, including coaching decisions. Time to move on and give this city the chance to be more than just grateful for an NHL team …
  3. In pro sports it’s what have you done for me lately. 2018 is a long time ago …
  4. https://3downnation.com/2022/02/18/i-dont-really-need-to-defend-codys-play-riders-gm-jeremy-oday-shoots-back-at-chris-jones-for-fajardo-slander/amp/ Saskatchewan Roughriders’ general manager Jeremy O’Day has come to the defence of his starting quarterback against slander from his former boss. Early in January, newly hired Edmonton Elks’ head coach and general manager Chris Jones defended the hiring of his former offensive coordinator with the Riders, Stephen McAdoo, by placing the blame for his departure from Saskatchewan on quarterback Cody Fajardo. “I’ll be honest with you, I just look at that and between me and the fence post, I didn’t think Fajardo was a top five guy at quarterback. I know he’s a good runner, I know he’s a winner, but I just don’t see him as a passer,” Jones told Terry Jones of the Edmonton Sun. … 🤣😂😂🤣
  5. I guess he'll have some time for moonlighting again
  6. The best part about this thread is that even though it's 6 years ago, it was originally posted 2 years after the Riders last won a Cup
  7. Hindsight is 2020 or should I say 2021?
  8. The Vikings were “firing’” Zimmer until they beat the Panthers in OT 😆
  9. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/cfl/frustrated-riders-fans-target-kicker-s-home-1.484924
  10. Elk hunt day Elks it's time to pray Limit three
  11. A kicker please Someone taller than my knees directionally left helps
  12. The state of our kicking game ... hmmmm ... let me see ...
  13. This one, mainly because it was Milt's first season, and the start of the ugly uniforms (and coincidently no Grey Cups) for nearly 3 decades YUCK ...
  14. The Riders Suck I was right right right They really suck
  15. Farjardo is on his way to being a has been but I think he really is a ..
  16. The Riders Suck Suck suck suck they suck They really suck
  17. I loved watching it actually … seeing them backtrack on everything and fumble over trying to explain why the Riders looked so terrible 🤣
  18. Did just enough offensively and shut them down, reminds me of the 1990 team sort of kind of ...
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