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Everything posted by greenrider55

  1. It’s unfortunate but true. ZC may have had his career ended playing behind Sask’s OLine.
  2. I watched that before the WF as I was curious, strangely enough, it was the running game, and passes over the middle, mostly to Eric Rogers for big gains. Not sure the TiCats have a guy like Rogers. That’s tough news about Ted Laurent. Freak injury before the Grey Cup, feel bad for him.
  3. No surprise on any of the awards so far. And there shouldn’t really be any.
  4. Or Antonio Brown, who created a fake vaccine card.
  5. Agreed. The idiocy of confronting fans was enough. MBT smacking the TSN camera, players jumping into the stands… great look Argos!
  6. Hamilton is going to wear their dark uniforms, being at home I guess? You’d think they’d want to change it up after they were dominated wearing them in their last Grey Cup. Banks could be 0-4 in Grey Cups after this weekend. Same goes for Cheap shot Lawrence.
  7. It was a blown call. It’s incredibly concerning that the refs and the command center both look at that and say “Yep. Good to go.” That hurts the reputation of the league.
  8. Hah. No no, he’s got quite a bit of family close by, and his wife is from the area. I think it’s as close to home as he gets in Canada, so it’s been speculated.
  9. What direction does ZC go? Is there any water to the rumour that he may sign in Toronto?
  10. Just personally as I live in Alberta, I have a deeper rooted hatred for Bo Levi & the Stamps than I do for the Bombers. Being raised near Calgary has led me to hate any fan of any team from Calgary.
  11. Frankie Williams, I believe will not play. But I wonder at what point will Speedy B start pouting and give up? When Deatrick Nichols puts him in his back pocket for the 5th time?
  12. Like you gentlemen, cheering for an arch rival just isn’t an option! Though I don’t think you will be beaten. Truth is I’m more so just cheering for a good game.
  13. John Murphy, Argos GM, is clearly caught on video calling someone a homophobic slur. That is not going to go over well. He could be in massive trouble.
  14. It’s unfortunate that Williams does the dumb shite he does as he is extremely talented.
  15. Anybody heading off to Hamilton? I usually go every year but the timing won’t work this year. Should be a good game.
  16. I watched Bighill‘s presser and he said Duke has been doing crap like that since he entered the league. Really too bad, he is extremely talented.
  17. Oh nah. I love the CFL. I’m usually here posting no matter what.
  18. Speaking of which… that Alden Darby trade for y’all somehow flew under the radar. He’s a baller. First game of the season I went with my dad and said “The cool thing about Jason Maas is you can always tell where he is”
  19. Massive. Watching Bryant & Desjarlais block on the left side compared to Lauderdale & Ferland is just night and day. Bryant is the best tackle in the league, has been for many years… Desjarlais may be the best guard. In his second season.
  20. This doesn’t even make sense, but it was a good attempt.
  21. The O was fantastic in 2019, but struggled at key situations and lacked imagination. All things I thought Maas would improve those areas, but it regressed rather.
  22. Yea, it was frustrating. Maas has to go. We were on the 11 yard line, he runs a QB draw, and then a screen. I think Maas’ ego is just too big for how poor of a play caller He is.
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