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Everything posted by Nickthesizz

  1. Idk how you can think Davis was better than Lefevour still but either way all 3 looked good
  2. Where do you guys think Sheppard fits in all of this? He's missed most, if not all of training camp, is he destined for the PR or is he cut to give a new guy a spot?
  3. You know, the team started as a little ****-spark from the old ****-flint. And then it turned into a ****-bonfire and then driven by the winds of Burke's monumental ignorance, he turned into a raging ****-firestorm. And then Boltus took control of the offence, and then he unleashed a shitnami tidal wave that engulfed the Bombers and extinguished their ****-flames for the rest of the game. The team then drowned in the undershit of that wave. ****-waves.
  4. As far as I remember Taman had the database written on Subway napkins so I don't think he had much of a database.
  5. gotcha, I forgot all the QBs were at rookie camp.
  6. I agree but i don't think you need to risk injury in order for a guy like that to get in rhythm or game speed. He'll be ready come week 2.
  7. Thorpe's been injured almost all of TC, if he's been getting 1st team reps that would have just been in the past couple days. He seems like a slotback to me so maybe give denmark or dressler some time off and give Thorpe a shot with Nichols. I don't think we need to see much from Dressler I would't mind almost just giving him the night off or just giving him a series or two.
  8. I really like what I've seen from Yach i'm hoping we see another strong game from him tomorrow.
  9. I tend to agree with you most of the time. As far as I know none of the posters here have any experience as a Linebacking scout or CFL defensive coach. I'm sure the team watches video and can assess where plays go wrong. After a couple bad games COLLECTIVELY by the Bombers I know everyone started chasing Hurl out with pitch forks, take a step back and just think for a second that maybe Hurl was doing his job and the guys around him were in the wrong spots. Not saying I know anything about the position or the situation but i am willing to bet MOS knows a little more than we do.
  10. That's true, I would hope they are trying to improve everywhere though that tweet has nothing to do with anything you've been talking about.
  11. I mean there's a difference between having an opinion and just making stuff up. Sharp disagreements? I don't think I've heard that anywhere? The GM and Head Coach have very different jobs and when they cross there have to be some disagreements.
  12. I just skimmed through a couple posts and now I'm completely lost. Are we still talking about a 4th string receiver getting cut?
  13. Wow Lapo just said Thorpe looks like Arland Bruce, That's exactly what I said lol. I wanna find that post. Also he slipped in Jones said he was going to play Vanilla but definitely didn't do that.
  14. I mean that's fair, I don't see it that way but who knows. Thursday should be interesting!
  15. Quite a few "ifs" there, first Lefevour is only 3 years older than Davis so it's not like we have "the qb of the future" here. I get it that Davis is not a known commodity yet and we don't know what he can do yet but watching practice and based on what happened in the first pre-season games it's pretty close. I think it's almost a given barring a spectacular game by Davis thurs that Lefevour will be backup to Nichols as he has quite a bit more experience at this point. Davis only comes in if Dan fails imo.
  16. Drew Edwards this morning on the big show said he's a solid backup and he's been covering him since he was in Hamilton. we've seen one game from him last year against TOR? I think we'll be ok.
  17. Agreed but Lefevour is not a stop gap as a backup, imo he's a solid backup option. He'll be a solid replacement if it is necessary to come in. Dom Davis could also be great coming in off the bench. I don't really get what the concern is at this point.
  18. how do you know who Mcmanus and Walters have on their radar?
  19. When you watch Lankford run you just think "smooth", while i'll hold back my reservations about his hands I really like his speed and returning kicks doesn't hurt his value either. That being said, Fogg is back.
  20. It's almost as if he wants to prove he memorized the text book.
  21. "Mike O'shea has character flaws because the team cut a rookie qb, even though he had a really cool highlight tape!".
  22. most of the throws i saw, Apodaca was one hopping them off the turf, would roll out and absolutely wire one at the receivers feet. Davis and Lefevour clearly better, non issue, handled internally.
  23. yes but most posts aren't blatant misguided accusations based off of one interview, a release of a 4 string qb, release of a Canadian QB with no other pro opportunities and a missed field goal last season.
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