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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Dont like the play call there. Looked like Collaros was looking for something deep. Just throw a quick high percentage short pass there and keep the clock running.
  2. Go f*** yourself suitor, that was not PI. Bullshit.
  3. We've got Mike Jones backing up Darby at SAM. Interesting.
  4. Oh but it gets better. Here is Patrick Levels take on the sad sack Bombers: “I feel like we have the better team, for sure,” Levels told the media in Montreal. “ Pretty f***ing cocky for a 6-5 team.
  5. Yeah no kidding. Yet again the Riders are given a win on a silver platter. Down their top 2 receivers and #1 RB?? Good luck Cornholio. Too close.
  6. Or just hire that NHL playoff bracket monkey TSN had years ago. He's probably looking for a job.
  7. No, no. Its ok. Jamie Nye's dumbassary deserves to be shown to the masses via multiple posts in multiples threads.
  8. Hey! Being a Never-Nude is no laughing matter!
  9. Good 'ol Nye picking the Alouettes over the Bombers this week in his Weekly Verbaldiarrheaor, errr i mean Weekly Predictor on cfl.ca. And ofcourse he's picking the Riders to win with 100% confidence against the Eskimos!
  10. I imagine theyre all going to play and rotate in and out. What an embarrassment of riches....
  11. Lions just signed an American kicker. Not happy with Macho Camacho. Probably should have kept the rights to Castillo.......
  12. Surprised they got rid of Dheilly. Appeared they were high on him. Mind you, can you really trust and cheer for someone born in Regina??
  13. An hour to get to Canada Life Centre after the big win(hopefully)!
  14. Mike Ludwig - Hot Take, you suck, blame yourself!
  15. That would be quote the roll reversal if we meet them again.
  16. With Lapo i really think his stubbornness can be confused with arrogance.
  17. Yeah none of the current DB's deserve to be taken out when Rose is available. Hoping they just dress an extra DB and rotate them all in and out to stay fresh.
  18. Ottawa outcoached in Hamilton (& 11 other thoughts on losing to the Ticats) | 3DownNation Hey look, people other than Bomber fans are finally seeing what weve all seen for years.....
  19. But theyre coming!!! The injuries!!! Our lucky streak of ZERO adversity and perfect game attendance is going down boys!!!
  20. My bad. They forgot to Blame it on the rain, Rio, the wind, air quality, weak El Nina, water purity, global warming, the Germans, Bernie Madoff, gas prices, Al Gore, avocados, Right Said Fred, my mom, Cody Fajardo's left nut, inanimate carbon rod, bellbottoms, red Nyquil, the severed arm of Def Leppards drummer, and gravity. did i miss anything???
  21. Forgot him. But just you wait Mike! Our string of good luck is about to end! The injuries are a comin'!
  22. Another gem: "Their injuries will come" Ok, here goes: Demski, Harris(twice), Hardrick, Richardson, Wilson, Darby, Grant, Lawler suspended, Taylor. Did i miss anyone?!?!? Probably. Oh but injuries are coming, just you wait......
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