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Everything posted by JCon

  1. But the forum was pretty confident. Do you think the forum's overconfidence affected the team at all? Seems to be a big concern for some.
  2. It's going to be close game. I would be shocked if Fajardo isn't playing. I'm sure this is all gamesmanship and he'll be out there. He'll make plays with his legs and his arm.
  3. As a big 49er fan, I'm surprised anyone would say that Kap was lazy or a cancer. He never skipped meetings. Harbaugh always liked him. He lost his starting gig Gabbert after a few bad games and had shoulder surgery. Kap had a down year following, for sure, but lots of QBs do. He's never played again because of the anthem issue. And, boy do some people hate when black people raise a fuss.
  4. Best punter and a better field goal kicker.
  5. Let's not forget the "other" ditched QB in this game. Bennett has something to play for too. He's going to short-yardage-QB-sneak us so hard!
  6. It's been a bit choppy so far casting from my Andriod. I would blame overworked servers and doubt it will be an ongoing issue.
  7. She is married to neither Myers, nor Chevy.
  8. JCon


    The problem with Tebow was that you had to make him your starter. You couldn't have him as just a gadget player. He was paid too much and too high profile. He was a victim of his "fame".
  9. JCon


    Collaros has definitely played better than Nichols in the last two games. Nichols hasn't even completed a pass since August.
  10. Welcome to Disney+, where nothing can possib-lie go wrong. Uh, possibly go wrong. That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong. EDIT: I hope they fix this egregious error quickly.
  11. JCon


    We should trade his rights back to the Argos for our 3rd round pick.
  12. JCon


    Yeah, I feel like the CFL is missing a level of engagement by not providing these sorts of details. Contracts too! Fans eat this stuff up. Injuries are a bit different because that involves medical information but they could certainly disclose more.
  13. JCon


    Right, and when they hit FA, they can sign anywhere. The deal is basically is the Bombers want to re-sign him before the FA window, it costs them. The Argos are just trying to make it really expensive for the Bombers during their negotiating window before FA. Same as it's going to cost if want to negotiate with Masoli, Arbuckle, etc before the FA window opens. You'll need to "pay" their club for that right. Of course, it could be written into the agreement that if Collaros signs at anytime before such-and-such a date, the Argos are owed something but probably not.
  14. Have fun! I wish I could go again. Enjoy the popcorn!
  15. I should add... We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express and walked to Mosaic for the WSF. Could have caught the bus but made a wrong turn. No biggie, it's a pretty quick walk. The hotel was filled with football fans. They let us check in early (on the Sunday before the game started). The breakfast was pretty good (for being included with the stay). Not much going on around downtown but we ate at the Fat Badger after the game. We left early on Monday. For the LDC, we stayed at the East end of town at the Days Inn. Further out but lots of food and other things to choose from. Breakfast was good and included. We stayed two nights and enjoyed the pool, water slide and hot tub. Those are not available at the Holiday Inn Express. The place was filled with football fans.
  16. Except he didn't. He didn't address it to anyone not wearing a poppy, he addressed it to "you people new to Canada". How would one know if someone is new to Canada? Is he polling people or just profiling people?
  17. You're right about businesses and Remembrance Day but it's not really relevant to the discussion of Cherry. Two separate topics. I think Remembrance Day should be a school day focused entirely on the remembering those that fought for our freedoms, sacrificed their lives, and how we protect those freedoms going forward. There is lots we can teach the next generation and lots more we can learn from those that fought and those that serve today. But this topic is about the racist crap Cherry said and not about Remembrance Day (because Cherry's rant was really about Remembrance Day or Poppies either).
  18. I am amazed at how big the back catalogue is. Some, great, great old live action movies and Disney films.
  19. Absolutely! We a few fans jeered us but all in good fun. I have had a wonderful experience in the stands both times at Mosaic.
  20. They have lots of places to hitch your horse and reasonable prices on feed. I didn't see no rustlers.
  21. Well, the city is full of Rider fans, so you get what you get. We were four forty-something year old males, so we were not bothered by anyone. It was cold out, so not many people mulling about after the game, in the evening. Before the game there were lots of Rider and Bomber fans around.
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