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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    I have been extremely fortunate that my family and friends have not been directly affected by the virus, from a health point of view. Many have experienced financial implications but, so far, health has not been impacted. There have now been two incidents this week that have potentially exposed my grandmother, in a long-term seniors residence, and at my children at school. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Wear your masks, please.
  2. JCon


    I cancelled my Xmas dinner already. "But, shouldn't we wait to see how things are?" "No, I don't want to risk having your parents over at all. Ever. What if they get sick?" This situation may last several years in my house. Can never be too safe!!
  3. JCon


    True, which is why we've adapted as we've learned more about the virus. We've been promoting safely reopening and trying to reduce the risk. Not really with schools, of course, we're just throwing them into the classroom and hoping. And, apparently, our gov't is willing to shutdown some things but not bars. But, we still don't know enough about the long-term health effects. That, to me, could really hurt the economy.
  4. For some good news, Jim Carr is back, I hadn't heard.
  5. JCon


    Sweden didn't take a long term approach,they took a gamble. And, it's been a failure with more unnecessary deaths. Herd immunity works with a vaccine. Not without.
  6. I was at the stadium today, picking up something from the store and it hit me hard when I was up close to the stadium, wishing I was inside, watching a game. September, October, November are tough months this year.
  7. JCon


    And, what you never address is the long-term health implications of contracting the Rona. We don't know what they are yet but there is research that shows scarring on the lungs and heart. I mean, I smoked for several years and didn't die, so obviously smoking is safe.
  8. JCon


    I can read, thanks. I would prefer to keep the deaths as low as possible. Just because Sweden killed off a lot of people early on and fewer are dying now that should not be a model to follow. Still twice as many deaths. In fact, the top ten countries with the most deaths per capita are all ones that did a horrible job addressing the Rona. Praising them now for killing people early seems odd.
  9. JCon


    If only we could be like Sweden and experience more than double the number of deaths per capita. Who in your family would you sacrifice? Someone elderly? A dis-owned uncle?
  10. It was completely private when I was there. I was with State Farm. I was 27 when I moved there and had a clean record. My insurance went down over 30%.
  11. There's already a model for this - Jonestown. It's perfect. It's beautiful. They can take the Trumptrain, get on a Trumpboat, and go to Trumptown.
  12. I remember when some alt-righters on here were saying Trump wasn't a racist.
  13. My issue with Ambrosie, Cohen, etc, etc, etc, is that none of them have made real efforts to grow the next generation of fans. Individual teams have their own promotions and whatnot, and the CFL has had some partnerships with the Family Channel but nothing sustained and focused. It's fine to try to attract International viewers but there is a whole generation of Canadians that does not care about the CFL. Never mind the new immigrants who are here and are interested in new activities. Grow the game at home. Invest and focus on making the CFL relevant and fun for youth.
  14. He should spend the rest of his life behind bars.
  15. Sounds like it's being postponed to later in the season now.
  16. It's okay, folks, the Yankees are still in it. There's your new team! Go Yankees!
  17. Good question. I'm in favour of it. However, when I lived in Ontario and with my flawless driving record, i paid a lot less than what I do here. But, if you're young, you get dinged. My preference is our system where young drivers can afford insurance and develop their skills behind the wheel. I knew people in Ontario that barely drove until they 23 to 25 and were god awful at it. No experience.
  18. They're moving it to Tuesday, I believe.
  19. Trump is not smart enough to debate. He doesn't understand policy, how it's formed, or how to execute it. Debates are a waste of time with him.
  20. And that's why we need to focus on our own national security. Fascism is on the rise and white supremacism is clearly here. We need to strengthen our national response to these terrorists and root them out before it spreads. They exist in our police forces and our military. If we don't take it seriously now, we're likely to end up in a similar state as the US. They have control of the Post Media, the Rebel and other alt-right media orgs.
  21. Yes, they are obviously pointless but if they're going to continue at least get a moderator is not a mouthpiece of the alt-right and will actually moderate the debate.
  22. And tomorrow, Trump state plainly that he meant what he said and the talking heads will move onto something else, like Biden being too quiet or something else ridiculous.
  23. Canadian alt-right newspaper's view:
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