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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Great news! One my favourite Bombers. All heart and bleeds Blue!
  2. Yeah, he requested a trade. I'm surprised he's still here, actually. The Jets will extend him and let him be picked by Seattle.
  3. Has their been any talk about Roslovic? Camp opens in Sunday, so where's his deal or trade?
  4. Merry Christmas everyone! Have a safe and happy holiday. See you at IGF sometime this year and at the parade in November!
  5. I bet it's quiet because the Bombers are trying to restructure a bunch of contracts. That's first, then they'll lock down the FAs.
  6. I think only the Colour Purple is a musical. I saw it last year when the showed it at RMTC. I prefer the original.
  7. Hmmm, Trump pardoning murders? Of course. Helps that they were Blackwater. Erik Prince, who started that terrorist organization, is Betsy DeVos' brother. A family of terrorists.
  8. Never happen. GOP will never do it. Pence is running away anyhow.
  9. The appalling behaviour of the GOP completely overshadows how bad the old'timey Democrats have been. Their message is terrible, they're actions are pathetic and their victory laps everytime they get a small victory are embarrassing.
  10. Perfect editing. Comedy gold.
  11. Yes, after the season,we held a parade. You would have loved it.
  12. If you can't win in Wisconsin's kangaroo court, what hope do you have elsewhere?
  13. This guy is the like the king of the grifters. I remember when his church was shamed into opening up for flood victims. I'm sure it killed him that he couldn't grift them. Kind of reminds me of our local churches but they're small scale grifters compared to good'ol Joel.
  14. Them GOP priorities. The parting gift (or is it grift?) from Trumpy is the complete destruction of anyone not in power in the Middle East and North Africa. The damage this admin has done is immeasurable. "But he didn't start a war"
  15. The problem with fleeing the country is that he doesn't have anywhere to go. No one would really want him and he's probably committed crimes there too. Let's assume that he can get one of dictator buddies to take him. What sort of life would he have? I guess he could do call ins and remote interviews to stir up his base but that's it. And, it's a certainty that they next Republican President will pardon him for alllllllll his federal crimes but that's not happening anytime soon. It may be done posthumously.
  16. The tape is meaningless at this point. Everyone knows it exists and his cult doesn't care. Russia, a middling power, no where near the power of China, just completely owned the UD for 4 effing years. Owned them, completely. The banana republic is nothing.
  17. Yeah, for some reason, it never occurred to me. But, I did spend time evaluating the situation and possible outcomes and this never occurred to me. I'm completely baffled that I didn't see it.
  18. Agreed. And, you don't have to believe anyone on here,just watch the last three games of the year. Overwhelming evidence. Some people just love to hate the Bombers.
  19. Absolutely fantastic episode. I didn't see it coming.
  20. Nothing stops after January 21st. The GOP has fully embraced fascism and have learned how easy it is to implement. Banana republic.
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