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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I retract my statement. Clearly the RedBlacks would have been interested in him.
  2. Yes, it probably is. I do have concerns that they will overstep and regulate the heck out of it. Bigger issue is Fox, Sinclair, et al.
  3. They're like parents who refuse to discipline their children, always threatening but never implementing punishments. It's exasperating. Meanwhile, everyone else suffers for their inaction.
  4. I would be more concerned with the Democratic controlled Senate. Those are public hearings that did not exactly cast Facebook goons in best light. Now, after the terrorist attack promoted by the President the GOP on their platforms, they're going to have a whole lot of explaining to do. Democrats will move to ensure they are heavily regulated.
  5. Given Twitter, Facebook, et al, are going to be facing quite a few inquiries, they'll need to show that they're working to weed out violence and terrorism of the alt-right. Trump is one of the worst violators of this. I bet they shut him down.
  6. POTUS. Jack doesn't want that fight. If you block the official channel of the President, you're going to have a lot more scrutiny. When he's a private citizen, again, they'll probably block his personal account.
  7. What's the bigger risk - letting Trump hide out for the rest of his term or removing him beforehand and letting Pence pardon him? The guy has the nuclear codes and access to foreign leaders but he seems totally disinterested in anything to do with his job anyhow. He's just so incompetent. Imagine supporting this loser?!
  8. I'm excited about Gray. Not because he's shown a lot on the field, as he hasn't had much of an opportunity, but rather as a test of the process. He could have walked into the starting line-up of another team and, probably, got more money. But, he obviously believes in management and the coaches. Helps that he's at home, no doubt.
  9. Yes, but with that being said, the clip is short and we didn't see what happened after. Perhaps they were flagging more police?
  10. Just in case anyone was pretending that the police were somehow on the side of the people and not the terrorists:
  11. Amazing how all his enablers, now that it's clear Biden will be President in two weeks, now have the courage to repudiate his actions. Not any of the actions that led up to this, that they supports, of course. Cowards.
  12. We have lots. And, no, I didn't see that. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
  13. They won't be vaccinating the gen pop until the fall and there are no vaccines approved for children yet. I just don't see them opening up stadiums and arenas until 2022.
  14. Pelosi it just passing the buck. Articles of Impeachment should have been drawn up weeks ago based on Trump inciting terrorism.
  15. I was thinking this too. Assuming that the lack of vaccines is the reason, and not just mismanagement of the vaccine rollout, that means it will be like this across the country. No one will be able to go to games. The CFL clearly can't operate without fans in the stands, so doesn't this all seem moot?
  16. Democrats already voted to impeach and remove him once. It was only the GOP that shrugged their shoulders. New articles of impeachment have already been drawn up but the GOP will block it.
  17. I don't follow your logic? She was shot attempting to enter a federal building, with the intent of overthrowing the government with violence and weapons. How else would one expect this to end?
  18. JCon


    Yes, every vaccine helps, especially with those that are vulnerable or those that are caring for the vulnerable.
  19. That's crazy. She stormed a Federal building trying to overthrow the ****ing government. Must be some kind of white privilege to believe that she not shot for cause. She was a military vet, who probably was part of invading forces into other countries.
  20. JCon


    Test Positivity for the Province has dipped below 10%, at 9.9%. Winnipeg is still higher at 10.5%. That's good news but hardly anywhere near where it should be two months after the "circuit breaker" Code Red. And, we found out today that the Province will not vaccinate everyone that wants a vaccine by the end of the year. Brian told us that they could vaccinate everyone by the end of March, if they had the supply. So, it's either that we're not going to have enough doses or Brian was lying. Seeing as his lips were moving, I bet the Premier was lying.
  21. Taylor came in last year and fit like a glove into that D. It's crazy that we were able to add him during the year. I'm glad he's back. And Miller? Best special teams player ever? Certainly in the conversation, I believe. This is such a lowkey re-signing to the average fan but it's means so much.
  22. This is exactly what's happening. The deplorable, alt-right, white supremacists have been building this for years.
  23. I shared it in the other thread. I also added a funny spin on it. But, yes, these white, privileged terrorists are shocked that someone would try to hold them accountable.
  24. She's a ****ing terrorist who stormed the Capital Building. I guess cause she's white, she didn't deserve to get shot during an armed insurrection.
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