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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    If it weren't for the kids, I would not be hosting it. But, other than my grandma, these are all people within our regular sphere of people. And, my grandma sees my mom frequently, My mother and kids are the highest risk of contracting Covid, due to school and my mom's workplace.
  2. JCon


    With the exception of last year, I host a Xmas Eve dinner with my wife and kids, my mom, grandma and my in-laws. I prepare everything from scratch, including the bread to make my stuffing. It's a ton of work but it brings me happiness (usually). We have decided again to host it. My mother and grandmother are triple vaxxed but not my in-laws yet. We debated up until last week about whether or not to host it. Even yesterday we were discussing the situation. I am very uneasy about it.
  3. JCon


    I hope Omicron is not only less deadly but also has fewer long term health issues.
  4. JCon


    I really hope they expand this. The LC is great option because of the established network; however, you need to be 18+ to go in, you need to line-up and show ID, and it's Xmas time so, it's freakin' busy AF. If you have children with you, they can't go in. Easy enough for me but what about single parents?
  5. JCon


    Hey, Frosty, I took your comment as a bit of humour but I'm not sure I should have. I hope you're well.
  6. JCon


    We're hooped and our Minister for Health gets her info from a sleazy grifter. And, our Premier is just gone? No idea where she is.
  7. Jones burns fast and bright but also burns out early. It will end with a mess and he will be back in the US, when everything falls apart. Although, the L(k)s are in shambles now anyhow.
  8. JCon


    At least* January 10th. What happens to you? Did you get laid off during the previous lockdown?
  9. You should actually read the quotes and the stories before saying that it was sour grapes.
  10. Let's not forget what a masterful job Jones did as a GM in Saskatchewan. He needed to play a WR at DB because there was no depth. This guy is genius.
  11. That was Collaros when we traded for him. I'm not saying Harris is Collaros, that's laughable, but he is someone I would bring in if Collaros went down in-season.
  12. Lots of L(k)s fans out there quickly deleting their Twitter history.
  13. Trash hire by a trash org. He'll screw them over at some point and they'll deserve it.
  14. Well, you've done a good job rolling it out. Can you roll it back in now, please?
  15. Yeah, now make a team out of players already signed to contracts for 2022.
  16. Pleading the 5th is one power that individual citizens have against the government. I have no problems with it. They left enough of a trail that there is plenty of evidence of their crimes.
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